
Make Money Or Make Up Excuses? What's Your Choice?

If you want to reach a higher level of success, there are two things that will catapult you to achieving your true potential - getting rid of your excuses, and understanding the power of perseverance.If you're not getting the results you want, what is your story? Are you blaming the economy for the lack of sales in your business? Is your company not investing enough in marketing tools? Are you not happy with your company's compensations plans? Or do you lack the appropriate resources to get the job done? Whatever your story is, if you want to get to the next level, stop making excuses. My mentor always reminds me that I have a choice - I can either make money or make excuses. But you cannot do both at the same time. Which one do you want to make? At the end of the day, you either did it or you didn't. If you're a sales professional, you either made the sale, or you didn't. You either have a winning attitude, or you don't. You're either prepared for the sale, or not prepared.If you want to go to the next level, you need to get rid of excuses and take complete responsibility for your results. As soon as you take complete responsibility for your situation, you start entering the game with the top performers. Excuses don't make you stronger or more strategic. It only makes you feel better temporarily for the results you didn't get. It will come back to haunt you eventually. No one is a loser until you start blaming others. No one became successful by making problems into excuses. High performers, on the other hand, take full responsibility for their results, and they commit to doing whatever it takes to get things done. They make the extra call, stay an extra hour, or just work harder. Hard work won't guarantee success, but without it, you don't stand a chance.Are you working hard to prepare an action plan for your day? Are you preparing to develop relationships with your prospects and top customers? Excuses are so prevalent in our society. If you're not getting results, you only have to look in the mirror to get answers. Results are directly related to the things you're either doing or not doing. Are you prepared for each call? Are you returning your phone calls? Do you believe in your products or services? To get results, make a decision to play at the next level and get rid of your excuses. If someone doesn't get the results he wants, a true performer would say, "It's my fault because I did not cultivate enough relationships," instead of saying "it's the economy."In addition to taking accountability, high performers and champions know the value of perseverance. Without perseverance, you only get average results. If you feel like you're hitting the wall, remember that this is a test for you. If you quit now, you are creating a pattern for the future of quitting when the going gets tough. How do you know if you persevered enough? When you achieve what you set to do. Perseverance is a seed to greatness - can you persevere through the tough times? Make a decision now to keep going. If you knew success was around the corner, would you keep pushing?

