
Juice Plus - Legit Or Not? - Juice Plus Review

Today's fad is without a doubt being healthy and looking good. Now as new trends come about there will always be emerging companies that try and produce products to fit the trend. One of those companies that have done quite well during today's health craze is called Juice Plus.The company produces two products that very popular. They are called "Orchard Blend" and "Garden Blend." These products are made from fruit and vegetable juices and extracts. They also produce products such as vitamin gummies, wafers, meal replacement powders, etc.If you're familiar with the heath pyramid then you know that it's recommended that get anywhere from 2-4 servings of fruits and 2-4 servings of vegetables. I know for myself I have a hard time reaching these recommendations. Part of it is my busy schedule and the other part is that I just have problem snacking less healthy things. I'd say most of the people reading this have that problem. This is why Juice Plus' products are so popular. Taking one or two supplements each day will provide your body with the nutrients that it needs.Juice Plus, as a lot of people know, is a multi level marketing company. What does multi level marketing mean? Multi level marketing is just a business structure that a lot of companies use to sell their products and services. Instead of selling products in a store, they use distributors to go out and sell their products for them.The people that do the best within Juice Plus are those that are able to create a large down line. Your down line is basically everyone that you've recruited into the company. Like I mentioned before, you receive a commission from all the sales of those people you recruit. With a large down line you'll be have a very large team volume; your commission rate is based on your overall volume.A lot people have this idea that it they'll be able to recruit hundreds of people into the company in just a short period. Although there are a few people that are able to do this, the majority of people take years until they're down line is the size it needs to be to produce a large income.

