
Network Marketing Online - So You Want Quit Your Job and Attain Financial Freedom?

Network marketing online is the new fascination of people the world over who have contracted the entrepreneur bug. Unfortunately there is so much information out there analysis paralysis takes root in your mind and you're no longer able to make the right decision.This article will help you make that decision.Does It Work?Yes it works, there are some network marketing scams out there but they fall within the minority.You'll also get the whole 'pyramid scheme' lecture from people, who are usually close to you. Yes network marketing is a pyramid scheme but so is everything else. Who gets paid most in the corporate pyramid scheme? The ones working in the cubicles or the CEO, who sits pretty at the top?The worst thing is, the corporate pyramid is very rigid and there is only room at the top for one.How Do You It Work?After you join your company, do not focus too much on the compensation plan, orac value or whatever perks you joined for.Network marketing online works but your focus has to shift away from your company and move on to the most important thing 'marketing'.After the old school network marketing prospecting methods everyone hated, came the internet and it still creates problems for some.Your success depends on 2 things in online network marketing. Having leads to talk to everyday and upfront cashflow so you can pay your expenses and stay in business long enough to see the residuals build up to the right level to quit your job.The TruthBut that still doesn't explain why most people struggle in business, network marketers know they need leads and more cash to stay afloat, so what is the problem?To get leads and cash you will need 2 other things before all else. The big 2 are of course a SALES FUNNEL and TRAFFIC and lots of traffic, the more the better.This the real reason most people fail. They just don't know how to get a lot of traffic and don't know how to set up a sales funnel that will pay them without lifting a finger.

