
Why You Suck and Will Always Fail

Working for yourself is the way to make a killing. Duplication is the key. Make more money while you sleep then you do at work.These slogans are stated over and over as the keys to financial freedom. So they say.These are good ideas, but are they the key? I say NO.If it were really that easy we all would be richer then are wildest dreams, but in reality where I live. Only one percent of the population ever really make it. The rest of us are just swimming up stream lying to ourselves about how great our life is. When we really know how terrible it really is driving to work Monday morning we again lie to ourselves that our next great idea will really work and get us to the promise land that we all dream about.But most of the time it's a miserable failure just like the last thing we tried was. Now why is that. Is it because what we were selling was a piece of junk or the service sucked? No it's not that the product sucked. It's that you sucked at it and it is your fault. Why? Because there was someone that had to be making money at it. That caused you to say I can do that. If that idiot can do it I can. I am smarter brighter and better looking them him or her. But if you are reading this article you apparently are not, smarter, brighter, or better looking. Well you could be better looking but, are you any richer?No you just look like a bigger fool to the person who you told promised that this time would be different then the last and you were going to make it just you watch. I am going to prove you wrong. Am I right? Yes I am, but there is an answer that will make everything work.That answer is belief. Yes its that simple. If one believes then they take action, and action produces results. Results reinforce your believes. Which cause you to repeat the process all over again. So the formula is Belief, Action, Results.Some say it cant be that simple. But it is, life's hardest things in life are that simple. Think about the last time you did something hard in life and really accomplished it. You first had to believe then you took action, and through the action you saw results which kept you repeating the action over and over again. Do this in business or your life and you will reach what ever you want in life. It's that simple.

