
Network Marketing - Old Vs New School - Which One is Better?

We could get a pretty good debate going with this topic. No matter which method you use both methods work one just works faster than the other. The network marketing method that works better and is smarter is the new school method of building your business using the Internet.Here are the old school ways of building an MLM business...When a brand new rep get's started they first tell them to create a list of their warm market and then call everybody on that list then try to convince your family and friends to join your network marketing business. Of course, your going to want to have weekly home parties or hotel opportunity meetings.After you go after your warm market list they instruct you to go out buy some leads cold call those leads or go bug people at the mall and convince those people that they should take a look at a home based business opportunity that could change their lives.Although, building your business the old school way does work it's just a lot of ground pounding and talking to a bunch of unqualified prospects. It's not smart or leveraged.Now here are the new school ways of building your network marketing business via the Internet...Get your own lead capture page. Drive tons of qualified traffic to your lead capture page. Let the prospect qualify themselves while your away at work or sleeping. No rejection ever! That is the best part. Build a list of raving fans to develop a relationship with to recruit from whenever you feel like bringing on new team members.Create your own products to sell to your list or affiliate products and make money on the front end off of prospects that will never join your business giving you money to go out and get more traffic. That's something you can't do building your business the traditional way.Using the Internet to grow a network marketing business is smarter, rejection free, and more leveraged. We are in the Information Age the Industrial Age is over stop building your business the old ways or your going to get left behind.If you want to learn more about internet network marketing and how to get free leads to make money online make sure you read and follow the instructions in the resource box below.

