Why Did I Join Network Marketing?
Why do people actually join a network marketing business? Is it because that they love the companies products? No, they didn't join because they thought the company had awesome products. People join because they were sold on the idea of making more money, time, and freedom.Network marketing is built on financial hopes and dreams not products. The only thing you should talk to your prospects about is what got you sold, which is being able to earn more money, time, and freedom. Your companies real product is it's sales training and marketing system.Get involved in a company that has a simple marketing and training program because the easier the system the easier it will be for your downline to duplicate your results. What is the point of getting involved in a network marketing opportunity if the system is not easily duplicable.Why do most people fail? Because what they are being taught is not easily duplicable. Most people are taught to get out a sheet of paper and write down the names of everybody you know. Then they want you to call those people and try to get them into the business. I don't know about you but I don't want to be in business with my family, friends, or coworkers. Most of them are negative thinkers or what we like to call them...dream stealers.Building a network marketing organization the old school way may work, but it's not something your prospects want to do and it takes a lot longer to build than using the internet. Internet network marketing is a smarter way to build your business plus a ton more leverage.Where else can you reach a billion people at the push of a button? Not on the phone, doing opportunity meetings, or knocking on doors.If you want to learn more about network marketing and how to get free leads to make money online make sure you read and follow the instructions in the resource box below.
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