Will I Have to Spend Lots of Money to Build My Network Marketing Business?
How much does it cost you ask? I will say that many people are very surprised at the cost and most companies will never talk you through the costs before you begin. Sometimes these things that get people upset and quit network marketing and then will be the first people to say how bad network marketing is.Now, these costs may not include every cost you may have to take on, but it will give you more guidance and things to ask before you get started.The cost to sign up in a company can range from nothing to as much as $3000. Now, this depends on the company. Now, I will say, sometimes they wrap in some initial company products and some do not. So ask for them to breakdown the costs to starting the business and what are you getting. Some will add tools for you to use, such as a contact management system, business seeking leads, products and inventory they want you to hold, and the cost the company puts on a license of a set up fee. I will say that the leads that they provide are business seeking leads and are acquired based on that, so they want to get rich quick. You may get a couple people to join you in a couple thousand of the leads, but I will tell you that the value is really not what you will think. Also, there contact management system may be an OK tool, but it is used to position the team and not you. You want people to want to follow you as a leader. Also, they may throw in a company website which positions the company and not you. You have to remember, as you get started, you want to be the leader, not a follower.Now, once your initial investment is in, you are not done. The contact management system and leads, they may expect you to buy from them at inflated prices and they are from the leader of the team. That is the one really profiting on you building your business, and you will not make a dime on it in most cases. The websites that they gave you will require a monthly fee. Again, you will not make money on the tools. Then the team will want you to attend trainings and in some companies, they charge reps a fee to attend the meeting. The company and your team will want you to buy products, it makes them money monthly. They want you to encourage your team to do so as well. Now, the training the team and company will provide will be on products and a cheerleading session. Most companies and teams do not teach business building techniques. You will want to invest in some business and marketing training. This is where they will teach you to get the leads of people who want your products and develop your own websites to get customers and position you as the expert. Now, sure, there can be minor costs here, but less than the company will charge you for the leads and the advertising. They will show you how you can get leads for less then 20 cents a lead.You will want to get a phone line for your business and if you can create an office, this will allow you to save on your income taxes. Remember, talk to your tax consultant, but you can save on dedicated utilities, office expenses, supplies and demo products, advertising, business tools, education and a few others on your taxes. You want to make sure you know what you can save on taxes. All of these have a cost for your business, so just because you have a low enrollment fee, you will start to see additional costs as you get deeper into your business.Set in your budget, how much you can spend and find ways to make it a healthy business and education is an expense everyone should not cut corners on it.
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