Are Top People Going Out of Xango?
Why would a lot of top people walk out of Xango? Xango has been successful in the MLM world. They continue to stay on top and to have an encouraging impact on the business. They have a proven achievement configuration. A lot of members have done okay with Xango.So, why would many leaders even contemplate the idea to resign from it?Top achievers walk out of many network marketing businesses because of several beliefs. Perhaps they do not want to leave Xango yet... they may not achieve enough riches in Xango. They may not be creating fast enough growth in Xango. They may well not be a high achiever in Xango. It is simple for outsiders to assume a leader is at a bigger pin than they in fact are.They may have been lured to quit by another competitor. It oftentimes looks better on the outside. They may have made a decision to abandon the entire industry. They may just want to finally retire.They may just want to create another additional cash flow at the same moment in time. They may just like to have a complete Internet business.Nevertheless, every corporation has people that move out of it. Xango is no more atypical than lots of other tremendous MLM companies. It may not be Xango they are walking out of!What is the truthful logic many top leaders leave?One significant reason is the Internet.The Internet has distorted everything. The lure of competition is greater now than in the entire history of the industry. New MLM opportunities are opening every day. Everyone is promoting a better way to grow in their networking company.New MLM designs are being designed monthly purposely to work on the Internet growth. The older MLM plans are not designed to move as fast as many of the more advanced structures. There is even a linear MLM corporation now.It goes way beyond having a replicated online site. It goes way beyond distributor Internet sites. It goes way beyond ordering on the Internet site. It also goes far ahead of having an Internet presence.Corporations like Xango will always continue to have even more competition for their people. They will have bigger rivalry for their products. They will have increased rivalry for their compensation model. It will continue to come from the growth in the Internet world.A genuine Internet multilevel marketing corporation has models designed just for the future Internet explosions. The real online network corporation has compensation plans created just for the Internet. The true Internet MLM corporation has a member force developed just for the a new Internet world. The real Internet world network organization has a product created just for the Internet.Even the systems in a genuine progressive multilevel marketing corporation are designed just for the online community.Distributors are looking for real online multilevel marketing corporations. People want an Internet corporation. Is Xango a authentic Internet MLM business?Since a lot of top people are quitting Xango and many other MLM corporations, before you join with Xango or any business, you may need to check out many of the newer true online marketing corporations.Find out the real reason why many top leaders are resigning it. In the end - perhaps it is the online world that we now are in.
How to Feel Worthy at Being a Stay at Home Mom
Many women to become stay at home moms for a variety of reasons. After the birth of their baby many women feel that they need to give quality time to their new-born, but often financial constraints force them to return to the work force, so they have to put their precious bundles of joy into the care of someone else. Deciding on being a stay at home mom, is decision not taken lightly, many don't feel worthy at being a stay at home mom.We need to get priority right on that score. Feeling unworthy because you are not earning a salary is should not become a criteria to make a decision to return to the work force. Both mothers and children benefit from having mom at home.Often returning to work after the children have come along can become quite an expensive operation, costs of childcare can be very expensive, added to that the new mom, doing a full days work, still has to come home, clean house, prepare food for the family, do washing, ironing, get everything ready for the next day and a host of other chores that make a working woman's life totally stressful.If finances are the major criteria for a woman to decide to return to work, there are alternative options she can explore before making that crucial decision. There are many work at home opportunities for women and stay at home moms, not only will she be able to deal with the day to day running of her household, look after and spend quality time with her children, but she can earn a reasonable income, helping her to feel worthy at being a stay at home mom.Some mom's prepare beforehand by looking at work at home opportunities and begin doing them on a part time basis, once the baby has arrived they can continue with their part time work from home opportunity, and even build it up into a full time occupation if they wish.Which stay at home is best sited to you is a decision you need to make by looking at different work from home options, there are so many it can confuse you, to help you make a decision, you can begin your search by looking at different companies that can offer you an opportunity to earn an excellent income with flexible working hour that can fit round your family life, and help you to feel worthy at being a stay at home mom.
Can You Truly Supplement Your Income Online? An Expert Opinion
Many in the economy that we are faced with are looking for ways to make extra money just to keep afloat and less about "getting rich overnight." The fact remains however that they are looking, and looking online for that means to that end. For those that are looking here...good for you, for those that have not yet taken a look until now...pay close attention.There are a myriad of "get rich quick schemes" on the Internet and I am the first to admit that I have opted into them from time to time. Many today are taking a different approach to looking for an opportunity online, because most need the extra income instead of hoping for the winning lottery ticket of the "get rich quick" hype. So the question remains...can you truly supplement your income on the Internet? Yes, you can truly supplement your income on the Internet. Of course nobody in their right mind will guarantee this, but you could make money online through several different avenues that I will tell you about with the rest of this article.Multilevel marketing is back! Yes, those hated by some words are back! Multilevel marketing can be a great ticket to creating a supplemental income online. Because of the invention of the Internet many product holding businesses can be done online, and with greater reward than before. One can create a website(s) in the matter of minutes with products galore today, and if you do your due diligence thoroughly, you may even find these MLM's already have these sites available already. Network marketing is no longer truly network marketing, it is now called Internet marketing and is the way of "bumping bellies".Affiliate marketing is yet another great way to supplement your income online. There are tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of ways to earn affiliate commissions. Many will cost nothing all the way up to thousands to join. Of course the more serious programs with the serious payout will be the more costly of these programs, but well worth it. Affiliate commissions on average pay out quicker than many of the MLM type opportunities, but unfortunately many dive into the low cost programs and find that they will need literally hundreds of individuals to create a decent income. Learning a few free ways to market effectively online can help to close that gap in months if massive action can be involved by the individual.There are many other ways to supplement your income online and the possibility of creating a life changing income is even better now than it ever has been. I hear from many different people who have been exhausted by the downturn in the economy. No I am not talking just about the logger or the construction worker...I am talking about many white collar industry workers as well. It was a surprise for me to talk with insurance agents and real estate agents/investors hurting and needing to find something to make ends meet. I took my chance not too long ago myself and it turned out wonderfully. So can you truly supplement your income online? Yes. If I can do it...anyone can do it. Of course learning a new skill comes with a learning curve, but through the right training and sponsor/mentor anyone could have the chance to fill the need that seems to be in this economy.Do not be afraid to invest in yourself when it comes to joining in a program online or offline, because you are investing in you. This is your chance to give yourself a STIMULUS package, because in the end...it is your pocket that needs to be filled and you are a great investment right? There are no guarantees in any opportunity, only the will and the right attitude in the individual that makes anything guaranteed.
A Critical Review of Market America - A Sound Opportunity Or Not?
Market America the Company.Founded in 1992, by James H. Ridinger who was also previously involved with Amway. Market America is a product brokerage and Internet marketing company that specializes in One-to-One Marketing. The company operates in the United States, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong and Taiwan.Market America The Opportunity?Market America calls its MLM plan an "UnFranchise® Business." An individual can enter and operate their own unit of the business almost like a traditional franchise. The difference being no need for a brick-and-mortar location, leasing or rent expenses, franchise fees, monthly royalties, territorial restrictions, or operational concerns such as inventory or shipping and receiving.Market America claims to have 180,000 distributors and that these individuals have earned over $1.8 billion in commissions and estimated retail profits. Let's see... I think that only works out to $10,000 per person. So obviously, to make this business plan work for you, you are going to have to go above and beyond what is provided by Market America.What does Market America bring to the table? They provide the high-quality product, of course. They also ship and deliver the product. They provide a marketing plan, a "custom" web portal, marketing materials, and their Management Plan. They claim to handle 90 percent of the administrative and operational aspects of the business. They also tout a comprehensive training and support structure.What does this training consist of?Quarterly national conventions and bi-annual training meetings in Miami and Greensboro (Market America's headquarters), marketing materials that the distributor must purchase for several hundred dollars, audio guides, a Custom Web Portal (which means a page for your business, not your own website) newsletter, and a training website (which, when I looked at it today, included plenty of educational information on the products, but nothing on actual marketing techniques). You also have the potential support and attention of your sponsor.Can this plan work for you?Market America does have great products. All of their products address popular health concerns, at a time when people are educating themselves and taking their health care into their own hands. But you still have to find potential customers and let them know about your products, build your business, and recruit your lines. Will Market America be able to take care of that for you?Market America excels at educating you about their product line, but leaves the rest of the marketing plan up to you. They still promote the warm market of family and friends, plus the giving of samples, and the token web page.So where to go from here?In order to create a business, you will need to take your sales and marketing efforts into your own hands, and join the 21st century. Your number one priority will be to look for ways to increase your marketing knowledge and skills. The products are good, the market is good, and the education is good. But still, if you're not talking to the right group of highly motivated people who desire what you have, you're wasting your time, energy and money. Otherwise you'll just get frustrated.In Conclusion:In order to increase results, you must learn to utilize all the options and tools the internet offers. Start with a robust website with search engine optimization to direct people to your website and capitalize on their visits. Also, social media in its various forms by which you can reach targeted people and let them know the solution you have available for their problems. This is just the beginning tools needed to take this business opportunity one step further then the basics offered by the company.As with any business, if you rely on someone else efforts to build your business, you probably will be disappointed in the results. As with any business, large or small, it's up to you to make it succeed.
Separating the Worst From the Best MLM Network Marketing Programs
With the public more invested than ever in home based businesses, Multi-Level Marketing programs are growing in popularity. Yet, among some, they still carry the stigma of perceived illegitimacy. So, how do you separate the wheat from the chaff? The fact is, not all MLM programs are unethical or impossible. Most simply take savvy and drive to get advertised results. So, what are those success factors, and what are the characteristics of the best MLM network marketing programs?The best MLM network marketing programs are transparent. While many MLM programs take a direct approach to marketing the benefits of becoming a sales associate, it is important to cut through the ad message. Develop an understanding for the business to determine the true sources of upside (not to mention disadvantages). In a good MLM marketing network, there should be substantial incentives to both sell the company's products and to bring new team members on board. You should be able to easily develop a sense for how to enter and exit the business.The best MLM network marketing programs involve a real product. The focus of an MLM marketing program should be, first and foremost, to sell a real product. This is because the spirit of MLM is to create incentives for people who help the company expand its sales force. The only purpose for expanding a sales force is to increase the number of people available to sell a given product. That said, if a real product is not the primary focus of an MLM business, it is highly likely that the business is a pyramid scheme.The best MLM network marketing programs have good reviews. So beware of trolls when researching employee satisfaction, make sure great claims are logical and substantiated, and dedicate ample time to seeing what others say.
What is Mandura? Is This the Finest Home Based Business Opportunity For You?
Mandura remained true to its "One Line. One Team. One Vision" motto. Dissimilar to other MLM strategies, the company introduced a whole new networking system that is designed to give each member a chance to earn income regardless of how you are enrolled in the business.Mandura Product LineThe Mandura product line utilizes the health benefits of fruits as a health beverage. Four of the world's most powerful fruits are used to make the drink: mangosteen, durian, acai berry and blueberry. The beverage is made to be preservative-free and highly nutritional. Each of these fruits has long lists of benefits including: pain relief, bone loss prevention, lowering cholesterol, energy boosters, dietary fiber for intestinal health, improvement of the immune system, improved skin, and many more.Weight loss, anti-aging qualities and proper doses of essential vitamins and nutrients are also recognized benefits of the Mandura elixir. Drinking Mandura helps you reach the US-Food and Drug Administration's recommended daily serving of fruits.Compensation PlanYou are not required to achieve a certain ranking in the company to earn commissions. Each member earns commission on every sale of the product line. Only members, but each and every one of them, have the opportunity to earn commissions.Mandura calls each member as an Independent Business Owner (IBO). You have to become an IBO if you want to earn commissions. Regardless of who enrolled you to the group, you fall directly under the line without any distinguishing rank whatsoever.Earning OpportunitiesOnce you are an IBO, you can buy Mandura products at a wholesale value and sell them to others at any price you choose. Your commission on every sale is the differential of what you purchased the product for and what you were able to sell it for.Mandura, in addition to what you make on individual sales, gives the following bonus plans:1. Group Volume Bonus2. Team Volume Bonus3. Bulk Order BonusThere are requirements you must achieve to take advantage of the Group and Team Volume bonuses. IBO members can also earn additional monthly revenue by enrolling other IBO members using your Mandura IBO number. This way, you get to earn income according to how many IBOs are enrolled and their productivity. This is an unlimited income-generating compensation plan.Starting Your Success Story With ManduraAlthough there is certain income just selling the product, it's not the main thing you are looking for. Buying wholesale and selling at you own price can get you a tidy profit. However if you truly want to become successful with your membership in Mandura, then you need to recruit at least 5 people that will join your team.Remember, however, that this is a MLM business structure we are talking about. Recruiting just about anyone without properly gauging their determination over the business will not lead you to success. Your team should be as committed, or more, as you have been with the venture. Once more, you will obtain the rewards through their own success.It is essential that you have a system in place to generate quality leads, train your downline, follow up on prospects and sign up new members to your team.
Should You Go For 0800 or FREE Phone Numbers?
I remember when I first got into my first MLM home business, we were told to go and get an 0800 number. Having got this, I felt pretty cool, a proper official business owner. 0800 numbers can be used effectively for a 'direct response' advertisement, but aside from that it may have the adverse affect.If like me you have a home business opportunity, then more or likely your sponsor will have at some point recommended you go get yourself an 0800 number for our advertising. Now, I can see some benefit to having an 0800 number. For instance if you are in one part of the country, then having an 0800 number can mask your whereabouts, also for the fact that some people may be put off by ringing a number in Birmingham, when they are London based for example.A FREE phone number can undermine the seriousness of your business opportunity and encourages a lot of unqualified timewasters to phone you, this I know from experience. 'It's a free number, so why not got ahead and see what it is all about'Actually, when you come down to analysing it, having an 0800 number has no real benefit. Have you seen a lawyer use an 0800 number? Or a Dentist? They don't seem to be losing business because of not having one. Instead they use a normal landline telephone number and also have in place a number of methods to screen people, such as having a receptionist, or a phone screening option. If someone wants a dentist or lawyer, they will find the time to phone them no matter what.In some cases having that elusive 0800 number can work against you, precisely because the client or caller cannot tell which part of the country you are, and if they are looking for a particular local based person, they may not be tempted to use the 0800 numbers, and search for local numbers instead.So, that said ditch the 0800 number and use a landline number instead, people will believe your are more credible, more approachable, and it doesn't matter where you are, if you have sold them YOU and they want to partner up with YOU, they will give you a ring any way.
Online Home Based Business Tips - Who Can I Trust?
One of the things people love about running an online home based business is that they don't have to answer to any boss neither do they have to worry about any one. Sadly, that is not completely correct while you don't have to worry about the boss hovering over your neck. There are situation where you will have to rely on others to get some certain task done. When you find yourself in that kind of situation who can you trust? Keep reading this online home based business tips for more information.Perhaps you might be wondering when you would ever have to depend on someone to get some certain things done when you are in business for yourself. Well, what about your site? Was it not hosted by a hosting company? What about the affiliate programs you are promoting? Did you create the products yourself? How sure are you, the affiliate company won't vanish with your commission.What if you do own a site and take payments for your own product? Can you trust the payment processor you are using? How sure are you they won't yank your account from you without any reason. What if you didn't create your site yourself? Can you rely on that person to be there when you need to make some modification? I am sure you now know where am heading. No man is an island. When you are running an online home based business you are always depending on somebody for one thing or the other.Now the question is who can you trust? If you know somebody personally perhaps it's a great place to start. Ok, what if you don't know anybody? Does it mean you can't do a business online?If you decide to go with a total stranger there are some things you need to put into consideration. A company/site that has been in business for almost a decade is less likely to screw you up.Thou that do not mean business that was setup three months ago can't deliver on promise. Longevity in business is always a big plus though not a 100% guarantee.Secondly there are referrals. What do users have to say about the service? Looking for reviews of a product or service before purchasing it is very important. If everyone is saying positive things about the business, then there is a pretty good chance that it won't disappoint you.Unfortunately there is not a guaranteed way for you to prevent yourself from getting a raw deal. In some cases, a reputable company can drop the ball but they are still much safer than Joe Blow who just sprang up a few days ago.I hope you find this online home based business tips helpful.Best Wishes,John Benjamin
Using Social Media Properly to Build Your MLM Business
Social media was not invented for marketing your business! This might be hard to believe when you watch how it is too often used these days! But there are respectful and proper ways to accomplish marketing on social media.First let's discuss the wrong way, which is what the majority of MLM people are doing these days. The wrong way is to blast your opportunity at everyone you can find, without knowing if they have any interest at all, and hope somebody bites. It is especially wrong to do this over and over after you've been told they are not interested! (why, oh WHY do people do this?)The right way is to build relationships. The reason people avoid this method, is because it is "too slow." However I personally believe that if you take the time to get to know people, you will have less rejection and more long-term loyalty. Here are some steps to consider:Find the ideal prospects
Introduce yourself briefly
Engage in conversation which is focused on THEM, NOT YOU
Assess their personality type
Appealing to their personality, find out if there is any interest
Allow them to make their own decision I will focus here on Facebook and Twitter since those are the platforms I use, but I am sure you can figure out how to apply the steps to any social media site.How do you find the ideal prospect? In Facebook, I look in groups focused on MLM. On Twitter, I set up keyword alerts in a service program (like Socialoomph) and go through the emails I receive looking for people I'd like to meet.To introduce yourself on Facebook, send a "friend request" with a short personal message explaining why you want to connect. I always mention that I am seeking people interested in MLM to avoid people who are biased against it. I still end up with people who are not in MLM, but many find my training helpful anyway (especially the personality typing.) On Twitter, follow them and you can send a direct message to introduce yourself if you want.On Facebook, I look for common interests besides MLM in their profile and ask them about these. Sometimes it's a state we've both lived in. Sometimes it's a love of animals. On Twitter, some people have a little information on their profile page but often there's not much to go on. In that case you need to follow their tweets for a while to see what they talk about. The most important point here, is to focus on the other person. Briefly answer questions they ask about you but try to get to know them.The personality types will help you know what motivates people so you can communicate in "their language" (contact me for more on this.)You can use the personality types to offer your opportunity in a way that is most likely to appeal to them. Some want to help others; some want to have fun; some want to learn constantly; some just want to make money.Finally, do NOT be attached to the outcome! You are communicating with adults and they have lots of things going on in their lives. Respect their decision. Perhaps this is just not the right time and they may come back to you later, if you have been respectful. They will NOT come back if you have been pushy, or tried to close them! Remember to always treat everyone with the respect you want for yourself!I hope this gives you some ideas about using social media as it was intended, to build relationships. I can offer more tips and training (all free) if you are interested.
Introduce yourself briefly
Engage in conversation which is focused on THEM, NOT YOU
Assess their personality type
Appealing to their personality, find out if there is any interest
Allow them to make their own decision I will focus here on Facebook and Twitter since those are the platforms I use, but I am sure you can figure out how to apply the steps to any social media site.How do you find the ideal prospect? In Facebook, I look in groups focused on MLM. On Twitter, I set up keyword alerts in a service program (like Socialoomph) and go through the emails I receive looking for people I'd like to meet.To introduce yourself on Facebook, send a "friend request" with a short personal message explaining why you want to connect. I always mention that I am seeking people interested in MLM to avoid people who are biased against it. I still end up with people who are not in MLM, but many find my training helpful anyway (especially the personality typing.) On Twitter, follow them and you can send a direct message to introduce yourself if you want.On Facebook, I look for common interests besides MLM in their profile and ask them about these. Sometimes it's a state we've both lived in. Sometimes it's a love of animals. On Twitter, some people have a little information on their profile page but often there's not much to go on. In that case you need to follow their tweets for a while to see what they talk about. The most important point here, is to focus on the other person. Briefly answer questions they ask about you but try to get to know them.The personality types will help you know what motivates people so you can communicate in "their language" (contact me for more on this.)You can use the personality types to offer your opportunity in a way that is most likely to appeal to them. Some want to help others; some want to have fun; some want to learn constantly; some just want to make money.Finally, do NOT be attached to the outcome! You are communicating with adults and they have lots of things going on in their lives. Respect their decision. Perhaps this is just not the right time and they may come back to you later, if you have been respectful. They will NOT come back if you have been pushy, or tried to close them! Remember to always treat everyone with the respect you want for yourself!I hope this gives you some ideas about using social media as it was intended, to build relationships. I can offer more tips and training (all free) if you are interested.
Carbon Copy Pro Review - Can Carbon Copy Pro Deliver?
Carbon Copy Pro is not your basic MLM business. Founded by Jay Kubassek (formerly of Liberty League), Carbon Copy Pro is the arm that promotes Wealth Masters International or WMI. Wealth Masters provides information and assistance for businesses that require financial solutions and support. WMI, in turn is headed by Kip Herriage, a veteran financial adviser who masterminded the move of seven companies to go public.Herriage's experience in the finance industry exposed him to many opportunities and valuable information that were not made available to ordinary people but are easily accessed by his well-to-do clients. Herriage wanted to ensure that every businessman in the making had the same access to these opportunities and information, regardless of how much income he earns. This resulted to his founding of WMI.Carbon Copy Pro is the business that promotes what WMI offers - solutions and tools for people who run home-based businesses.How it works?A prequalification process is used by Carbon Copy Pro for people who wish to join them. An initial fee of $49 is charged and members will have to purchase a $2,000 financial course. Members will be able to take advantage of professional support to promote and market the system. Members that perform and successfully get others to join WMI will be rewarded with commissions of up to $8,000.This is a business that demands a lot from you. The price of the system is not for the fainthearted and only individuals with serious business intentions are invited to join. If you are unsure of what it's all about and how it works and are unwilling to do what it takes to ensure that you get a return on your investment, don't - I repeat - don't get involved. A business like Carbon Copy Pro demands your full attention and requires you to put in some work. Study the business well; if you like what you see and are willing to invest, go in early. The system is already set up but without any input from you, the Carbon Copy Pro may not realize its full potential.
How Online Networking Helps Online Marketers
Network marketing has long been a part of the business world. With the advancement of technology, network marketing has also taken a big leap. For example, the role of internet connection in helping network marketers expand their market and improve their social relationships is undeniable.Today, experienced network marketers know the importance of online networking in keeping the business alive and productive. In this article, let's take a closer look at online networking.What is online networking?To make it simple, establishing business relationships online is what online networking is all about. Just like with conventional network marketing methods, the goal of online networking is to win the trust of people, to encourage others to become part of the network, and to be recognized by the community.Online networking is also about building a support system for all members of the networking business. The only difference is that all interactions with online networking are done over the web or through the internet.Why is online networking effective?What is the greatest and most obvious advantage of online marketing over traditional networking strategies? The answer is, you can do it regardless of where you are. Network marketing is a type of a home based business that is primarily conducted from home. By being connected to the internet, a home based entrepreneur can freely reach out to his or her prospects as well as fellow members of the network.How can you gain more from online networking?A lot of people are interested in venturing into a new business, particularly if the business has an obvious potential or profitability. Nevertheless, not everyone is knowledgeable or has experience in running his own business. In fact, many aspiring entrepreneurs think that they don't have what it takes to become successful.As a network marketer seeking downlines or prospective team members, it is your responsibility to show potential clients not only how they can benefit from the business but that it can be done and that it doesn't have to be very complicated.You can use your website to teach prospective clients everything they need to know about the business. Try to share your own personal experiences, for instance when you were still starting your business until the present time. People who have read these might get inspired and eventually realize the potential of joining the business. More importantly, you can use your business website to provide assistance to those who are already members of your network. How?Discussing technical issues such as how to build a web site, how to design a web site more effective, how to attract more traffic, etc. are practical guides that would definitely enhance your team member's marketing performance. This would also build up their confidence about the technical aspects of the business.Encouraging camaraderie online will also make a big difference. Members of your network should feel free to express their thoughts, questions, suggestions, experiences and ideas to the group. If members of the network sees that there is a reliable online support whenever they need it, they would surely be more confident and productive members of your networking business.
2010 Wealthy Affiliate University Review
I will soon be completing my second year at Wealthy Affiliate University (May 29, 2010). I will be signing up for a third year.WAU is the Top-Rated Site to Learn Internet Marketing.WA recently added free hosting. I had a virtual server that was costing me quite a sum of money. I have eliminated that cost. Essentially, I get my annual Wealthy Affiliate membership free.I also sell enough WA products to more than pay my annual tuition or membership fee. I always pay for the whole year because it saves me $10/month. I recommend that all new members sign up for an annual membership if affordable. It not only saves you money, it keeps you committed and involved.There is monthly tuition fee of $39.00 at WAU. That is a lot of money. To cut the cost, like I said, I paid both times for a full year. That lowered the cost to $29.00 a month. How much did it actually cost me? Nothing at all! Zilch! Nada! Why, because I promote WAU programs and I get "Gold Coins" from the members. That has always paid for my annual membership. I sell and WAU puts the money in my PayPal account.I suggest that new members first sell WA memberships and products. The reason is that detailed instructions on how to sell these products helps the new member learn how to sell on the Internet and gets him or her earning money to pay for the membership.There are two main ways to make money on the Internet through affiliate marketing. They are:Article Writing: Writing articles that make you an expert in some area. Article sites will allow you to add a "commercial" and URL that leads to your site. Some article sites allow you to place affiliate URLs directly. This is the best way to start making money. You will have full instruction as how to do this.lPay-Per-Click: Is paying Google, Yahoo, or MSN to publish your ad on their sites. If a search leads to your ad and a person clicks on your ad, you will have to pay Google, Yahoo, or MSN for the click. The more clicks you get the more visitors you will have to your site. BUT, you must pay for those visits. This is a complicated business and you will need special training which is provided by WA. I say that a new person should probably stay away from PPC until enough money has been earned to pay for it. It can be very profitable but it also CAN BE RISKY.Wealthy Affiliate is a top-rated internet site promoting affiliate marketing. It goes beyond that but that is its prime purpose.Affiliate marketing is selling other peoples products. Many members sell ClickBank.com products because they are easy to process, requiring no work at all as far as product delivery to the customers goes. ClickBank.com processes the order, pays the affiliate and the vendor for a small fee paid by the vendor, not the affiliate.There are many affiliate networks online and it is no problem for an affiliate to find a suitable product for the niche he is working.A niche is like one of those kiosk in your local mall that sells sunglasses, telephones, and what have you. Shoppers on their way to their favorite mall store stop at the kiosk and grab what they need.In the case of the Internet, your kiosk is in the largest mall in the world, the Internet.I've talked with many WAU students over the last year. Their first impression of Wealthy Affiliate is that there is more material than you can swallow.Yes, new students, including me, are always overwhelmed.Those who can concentrate on one thing at a time and follow the program as given in the Action Plan will succeed. Those who get carried away will not. The average stay at WAU is 5-6 months so it does take time to learn. Those selling WAU products and memberships stay on because you can not sell WAU products if you are not a member of WAU.That is only one reason I stay. Tutoring is free at WAU from Kyle and Carson, but I have learned tons of information from other WAU members. I am being helped right now by two of the top marketers at WAU. One made $48k his first year while a full-time student. He graduated a while back (June 2009) and during the time he was in college and working affiliate marketing, he made one-half million dollars. He is now full-time and he says the first thing he is going to do is hire several employees in a full-time business.Some think that Internet Marketing is a get-rich-quick scheme. I should say, most think that way. If you think that way, go play the lottery.The Internet Marketing Business is a business. It requires intelligent management of time and resources. It requires knowledge. As one top member of WAU says, "It takes one heck of a lot of work."One thing about the Action Plan at Wealthy Affiliate is that the plan is fairly complicated. There are lots of things to learn and lots of things to do.Everyone is not like Ryan Moran (the student described above) or Kyle or Carson--the later two are millionaires and own Wealthy Affiliate University. Kyle and Carson used Internet Marketing to pay their way through college. All three of these guys are in their 20s.As I said, the average stay at WA is 5-6 months. When a person leaves, it can be for several reasons:1. The Individual did not learn what he needed to know.2. The person worked hard and succeeded but feels he has learned what he (or she) needs to know to continue to make money.3. The cost was too high for the time the member had to put into the tasks at hand.Some don't want to leave but they do not want to spend the money when they are not able to provide the time required.A lot of WA members are on their second tour meaning that they dropped out and then came back.Those who stay want to keep their associations.Nobody makes money on the Internet in the exact same way.Other members are a great source of information and know how. Members share information in the Share Zone and in the Forums. You can ask Kyle or Carson a question (tutoring is FREE) or you can ask the question in a forum. Either way you will get an intelligent answer.I like to make contact with top marketers and learn from them. They have all been very helpful to me.Besides a ton of tools, WA offers free site hosting and website creation software. At first, I did not host there as I had many sites on my designated server. WA changed their services and now I have all my sites at WA and it saves me hundreds of dollars each year.WA has site creation software. Many use this feature.The main methods taught at WA are Article Marketing and PPC.I'm a prolific writer and I did more writing than PPC. But PPC is the best way to make money on the net if you can master the techniques. I don't do anything with PPC unless Kyle or Carson (and now, Marcus) is looking over my shoulder.Article marketing is free and the best place in my opinion is right here at EzineArticles.com. You must follow their guidelines. I have written for many article sites and I have published many hundreds of articles.You must write many articles to make money. A good article should make at least one sell per month. If you have 100 good articles, you could make 100 sales each month! If you make $30 / sale, that is $3000.00. I've never been this successful so you just have to keep plugging away.You can learn a lot about Internet Marketing at WAU.Essentially you get:The Action Plan: It will take you 2-3 months to get through it but you can earn money along the way. The Plan will teach you the basics of affiliate marketing by article writing (a free method) and PPC (a more costly but often a more effective method). You will learn how to build web sites and how to find and promote products. There are 13 Lessons in the recently revived Action Plan to put you in Business.Tutorials: Which come at the beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. These tutorials are detailed and will help you to Learn to Earn. Most of the tutorials are written by members. Writers are rewarded with gold coins that can be converted to cash.Tools: You get a lot of tools helping you to move along on your money-making trail. These include keyword tools and ClickBank tools. These have recently been upgraded and they are terrific. You need keyword phrases to sell products and this is where you will find them.Web Site Building Tools: Most members use these tools effectively. I use the templates. You can have a site up and running in no time at all.Web Hosting: If you plan on a long-time stay at WAU like me, you should host there. But if you leave WAU, you will not be able to sell their products and you will not be allowed to host there. Think things over. Low-cost hosting is available at GoDaddy and other sites. I find that hosting is less expensive by far at WA and I save as much as the WA membership costs.Grabbing Email Addresses and Names: This is the big way to make money on the Internet. People seldom buy the first time they visit a site. If you get their email addresses, you can keep in contact, build confidences, and sell. (Use AWeber or GetResponse).Share Zone: This feature had been incorporated in the Training Center, placing member articles as references to the lessons. Here members share information using .pdf files and tutorials. If you like a tutorial, you can give the writer some of the 10 "Gold Coins" you get free every month.Forums: Ask a question, find how members are doing money-wise, send personal messages to your WA buddies, etc. This is the best place to get answers to your questions. You will get more comprehensive answers and more point of views. You will want to spend a lot of time in Forums because it will help you make friends and money.The Fact of the Mater is that WAU is similar to a University. If you need help, you will get it. If you want wealth, you can obtain it over time. Like I said, Internet Marketing is a business, not a get rich scheme.So make some friends at Wealthy Affiliate UniversityFly Old Glory!
Earn Extra Money Ideas
In this economy you sometimes need to get creative to earn extra income...I got tired of constantly looking for part time jobs (I felt like I was wasting my time)... so I created my own opportunities! I decided to offer specialized services and odd jobs in my area that could be advertised on Craigslist.It was quite a success. This method allows me to earn some much needed Extra Cash each month. And, the best part about it is that Monte (my piggy bank) gets fed all the time now.Then I started thinking... "practically anybody can do this as well." So I gathered up my bundle of Extra Money Ideas, packaged them together, and spun off a neat little website.I will be sharing with you 5 (five, cinco, Kevin Garnett's #) of those money making ideas here today.The short story I have a friend named Ed (he prefers Edward, but we bark at him to stop being so darn formal!) who was laid off from corporate America a while back. That situation left him with quite a dilemma.How to make ends meet while he was looking for a full time position?Well, for one thing he ended up working 3 mediocre part time jobs. After a month or two of really struggling, and on the verge of freaking out, I told him about my IDEA.The idea was to create your own part time job opportunities by offering specialized services and odd jobs that would be advertised on Craigslist.He said, "Hey that's a pretty good idea but I don't know anything about posting ads..." I sighed and replied, "you don't have to... I already wrote all the ads (with some html code) to post."Somewhat surprisingly, or maybe not, this method was quite successful for Ed. He was able to earn some much needed extra cash.The light bulb in my head I was quite pleased with the positive results for Eddie and I was already having my own success with this idea. Then the wheels in my head started to turn and I thought to myself - practically anybody could do what I am doing, this doesn't take any special talents.Then the light bulb lit up and I had my own IDEA.Over the last 12 months, through trial and error, I developed a precise little system of offering Services & Odd Jobs that are marketed through Craigslist. It can generate a few extra hundred dollars and really help you make ends meet every month.It worked for me, it worked for Ed, so it could easily work for you as well.Then my good friend Carol mentioned that I should share those ideas (the system) with others who are in the same situation. I agreed, but I was thinking how could I do that?She said, "you're creative... figure something out." So I did. I made a website that explains my idea and offers folks a chance to order the system.What I discoveredMany hours were spent writing and then editing these ads and I discovered something very important.It is not what you say... it's how you say it that really matters. That is why I include the ads to post. You simply copy and paste the advertisements, along with the HTML code, into the Craigslist posting.Anybody can place an ad on any media outlet and hope for a reply. The Key is to get folks to respond to your ads; you are getting ads that already work. You supply the manpower or brainpower as needed... and off you go. Soon you can be on your way to earning extra money.I can not emphasize enough the extent that these extra odd jobs have helped my friend Ed over the last year or so in making ends meet.Having enough money each month allowed him to get back on his feet (financially) and gave him - just a little - peace of mind (you have to know Ed!).Okay, I know what you are thinking. Just what are the Services and Odd Jobs that I provide?5 Ideas you can use today You can implement these Earn Extra Money Ideas today! Use Craigslist, which is absolutely free, to market the ideas.Extra Money Idea One - You need a ride to... You can offer a convenient and affordable Ride Service. There are tons of people who would prefer to find someone who can offer them a steady, reliable, friendly, and affordable ride to accomplish their errands, or get to work, or to the train station, or wherever they need to go. You are the Boss so you decide the pay rate.For example, I was driving "Miss Daisy", as my friend Carol would say, to and from the train station each day. It wasn't very far, just the next town over from where I lived, so we agreed on $25 a day. I did this Monday through Friday for several weeks. That was en extra $125 a week for me!The ad that I posted on Craigslist was simple and to the point and, most importantly, it worked. You can post the ad in the "general community" section.Extra Money Idea Two - Have camera... will travel You can offer what is basically an Errand Service for folks in the Real Estate business. This could work, obviously during the day, but also in the evening, or on your days off, or even on the weekend.Real Estate agents, in this economy, are often way too busy to get everything accomplished that they would like to. Once they are aware that there is a dependable, hard working gopher (you!) out there they will trust you with more and more work assignments.For example, I was usually driving around town, and I always carried my digital camera with me (because you just never know when you will see that perfect sunset... but anyway) and once I placed the ad a few times I started to get some replies.I found myself taking pictures of houses (sometime vacant) for agents that were doing CMAs (comparative market analysis), I was photocopying real estate records at various town halls, and other real estate related tasks. Since I was in the Real Estate world already I really didn't mind doing these things.It was a way to make some extra money ($30-$40 on average depending on the task) and it was also a good way to network with others in the business. You can post the ad in the "real estate services" section.Note: Don't worry about not knowing what to do at a Town Hall. Simply go to the clerk's office and tell them what you need. They will be very glad to help!Extra Money Idea Three - I search the ads for you The Service you are offering will save folks time, energy, and reduce their frustration. In a nutshell, you are Searching Craigslist for other people and emailing them the results you find.Think about it. It really is quite a time consuming task when someone does a search on Craigslist, an online newspaper, or an Internet search. I, for one, would cringe at the clock when I realized an hour and a half just flew by while I was on the Internet. So, if you have some extra time during the day, or in the evening, this service would be great for you to promote.Remember that you are the boss, so be sure and set a pay rate that works for you (and in your area). Once word gets out that you are offering this service you can really earn some good extra money! I found that I initially needed to place the ad every few days, so viewers would become familiar with it, before I got my first response. Keep at it though, it is well worth the effort.You may post this ad in the "general community", or "creative services" sections.Extra Money Idea Four - Hercules Ad This has been my most profitable ad. The service you are offering is basically a "Rent my Muscles" Service. Obviously you need to be in relatively good condition to do this. Even if you are not, perhaps you can post the ad for someone who is, and take a percentage of the profits. In other words, you can always partner up with somebody.There are tons of people (in this economy) who are moving and although they need some help, they do not want to hire a professional moving team. That would be entirely too expensive. They would be happy to pay you a fair hourly wage, or a pre-set rate, for you to help them with their move. On average I charged $12-$16 an hour depending on location and time involved.To date, this simple task has earned me several hundreds of dollars and when you are trying to make ends meet I can't tell you how helpful the extra money is. So if you don't mind getting a little dirty and getting a workout in the process, this extra money idea is a mini goldmine.Not to be overlooked is the fact that you will get some "word of mouth" advertising. Your clients will tell all their friends about you! You can post in the "labor / move services" section.Extra Money Idea Five - Auction Partner Needed This is a Specialized Service that you can offer. It takes a bit more work to set up, but the profits on the back end can be excellent.Here is how my idea was born.I read the "legal" section of the local newspaper everyday (come on now... doesn't everybody??). I started to notice that there were more and more Self Storage Auctions popping up all over my area. In other words, when folks do not (or cannot) pay their monthly storage fees, the storage company will eventually sell their merchandise (hold an auction) to recover the lost monthly rental dues.So, I thought that if I could find a partner with a van, we could buy the goods at the auction, then store them in my storage unit (I have maintained a storage unit for the last few years), then re-sell the goods, and split the profits. Guess what? It worked great!I was very pleased with the results of this idea.Once you place the ad on Craigslist (for a partner - preferably with a van) you should be prepared to jump into action because you most likely receive a reply right away. I received ten replies within the first night that I placed the ad.If this venture is a good fit for you there is a real potential to make some good money. This could also work for Car auctions, Estate sales, etc.Note: You could always send the Storage Companies an email that says something along the lines of "if you have late payments and are considering an auction - call us FIRST so we can make an offer."Place the ad in the Gigs-Labor section of Craigslist, then you would send an email reply with all the details to those who responded to your ad.
Profitable Business to Start at Home
A profitable business to start at home does not have to be difficult. Using proven internet marketing techniques will allow you to turn your business into a profit making machine in a short period of time.To start out you will need to determine what kind of product or service you will be promoting. There are basically three ways to sell the products of your choice for your business. First, you can develop your own product. Second, you can be an affiliate where you sell a product of someone else and share in the profits. Third, you can sell a product from a network marketing company.While the first option may require a little more effort on your part to develop it, the freedom in how you want to sell it and at what price are definite advantages. The second and third options are less time consuming in the development, but also put limits on the profit margin that can be made on each sale.There are many affiliate programs in the marketplace today. Click Bank comes to mind as probably the largest digital product site with over ten thousand products available for sale. This can be very lucrative, with most products paying out between twenty-five and seventy-five percent of the product price. If you are good at promoting products you can be making very good money.The last, but none the less viable option of selling products for a network marketing company can build your income in a hurry since they typically use a leveraged financial model. The idea is to build a team under you that also sells products. Typically the network marketing company will pay you a percentage of the sales from the people under you and this is where you can make a lot of money. There are currently over twenty-seven hundred network marketing companies, so choosing the right product to promote can be an easy choice.No matter which model you decide to use to build your business, you will need to be armed with knowing how to promote your product or service. Word of mouth is certainly an option and may have worked well forty years ago but is not the choice I would use. With the advent of the worldwide internet you can contact people from around the globe and have an unlimited supply of potential prospects. Using proven internet marketing methods can get you all the traffic you need to develop a profitable business. Find a company or mentor to teach you these methods and you will be on your way to having the business of your dreams and the time and financial freedom many people crave.
Global Resorts Network Complaints
As with most income opportunities, there are several people who have Global Resorts Network complaints. These complaints usually fall into two types: complaints about the outlying industry of marketing GRN and complaints about the cost of GRN.The first type of Global Resorts Network complaints are the hardest to refute, but the easiest to understand. These issues always revolve around a third-party (non-GRN) marketing plan that revolves around the GRN system. These go by many names, but are usually billed (loosely) as somehow being affiliated with the core GRN system, despite this not being the case.What makes this difficult to explain to people is the marketing that often accompanies these third-party marketing plans. The Global Resorts Network complaints revolving around these usually don't differentiate between the marketing plan being offered and the GRN system itself. It's hard to explain to people that GRN is not a marketing plan, it is a product to sell whereas these unaffiliated marketing systems are just that: unaffiliated.Looking around the Internet on a search for "Global Resorts Network complaints", you will find several examples of this. One is with the Reverse Funnel System by Ty Coughlin. Usually the complaint is that the promises made were not met, though this isn't even Coughlin's problem, it's a problem of expectations. This boils down to the way RFS is marketed: as a get-rich-quick scheme requiring little effort once put in place. Most of us realize that this is not true of any money making opportunity.The other type of complaint is about the cost of GRN. This Global Resorts Network complaint fails to see two basic things. It fails to note the payoff for GRN (three sales equals paying off the cost of your membership) and to fails to see what such a high price for enrollment accomplishes: it separates the chaff, leaving only the kernels.So those making this Global Resorts Network complaint are those who, more likely than not, are only interested in getting rich quickly and without any work on their part. The ones who do not see the high price as anything but a good thing are those who understand that the biggest problem with most business opportunities are the dead weights that join in hoping to cash in on other people's efforts. The GRN price tag for a lifetime membership takes care of most of this.After a lot of exhaustive research, I can tell you that the basis for most Global Resorts Network complaints are of the two types I've listed here. Of course, other complaints might come from the GRN competition or from those who are just generally negative towards anything they see as an opportunity that isn't marketed in traditional ways (television, print ads).Those last types of Global Resorts Network complaints can be written off as pure jealousy on the part of those who aren't willing to take note of the success that GRN affiliates are capable of achieving. They prefer to be pessimistic and talk down about the possibilities because doing so it much easier than actually participating and taking part in that success.
YourNetBiz Tips
YourNetBiz has without a doubt has been stirring up the world of Internet Marketing due to the serious amount of money its created for some of its members during this recession. With peoples requirements to earn additional income or even to replace a primary income, we ask the question 'Is YourNetBiz worth the $2,995 joining fee?'.YourNetBiz (Previously MyInternetBusiness) is a 'learn and earn' business opportunity which educates you in Internet marking and making money online through a video training series. In addition you are provided with over 1800 digital products which you can resell along with the 'high commission' memberships.There is no doubt that considering some members are claiming incomes exceeding £30,000 per month that the earnings are there to be made. however, just by doing your maths you will realise that top 15% probably account for about 70% of all the membership commissions. So the question is, if you want to be one of the 'high rollers' what do you need to do?The following are some of the key points to put you in pole position:Professional WebsiteI can not stress enough how important it is to have a good professional presence. I see more and more people working hard to drive traffic through to their website and when the visitors arrive they are greeted with a 'below par' website which doesn't convert to sales. YourNetBiz provides you with a number of capture page designs but as the members have increased globally they have lost their effectiveness.Some members offer a free website to get you started, but often they are generated through an online 'site builder' and are often hard to optimise for search engines and to customise the way you want them. If you can find a sponsor who has Web or Graphic design skills (and offering a free website) then it's worth its weight in gold towards your success.SEO - Getting your website found by GoogleOnce your website is online you need to gain as much exposure as possible which leads to traffic to your page. There are many ways to do this including social media (such Facebook, Twitter, Squidoo) and PPC advertising (which you could be paying upto £1.80 per click) but one of my favorite is SEO.SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is key as if its done right, you will benefit from traffic 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for free. As the principles behind Internet Marketing is based on a numbers game, getting consistent free traffic to your site is essential.It may take a little work and time to get to page 1 but finding a sponsor who can SEO efficiently is much more useful than finding a sponsor that drives a Ferrari;)Get motivated and set your GoalsThis may sound a little pointless to many, but getting motivated and setting some goals can really help your campaign! If you are able to set yourself goals and milestones you will find that you will push yourself to meet them. For many of you who are just starting to look at YourNetBiz you have probably seen that many existing members have the motivational video 'The Secret' and references to the 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' on their websites.My site, YourNetBiz Update, actually uses the exclusive services of Maxine Clancy, renowned motivational and wealth creation coach. Maxine produces a personalised action plan for each and every one of our new members and runs the 'wake up' motivational program to help you meet all of your goals; both business and personal.Regular contact with your ListYour mailing list is the foundations of your business. Every visitor to your site will be encouraged to 'opt in' to your site and accept emails from you with news and updates with anything that's happening in the business. Although its quite easy to grow a list of a few thousand over a few months, if you don't keep in regular contact with them then you are likely to lose your sales and your list will forget who your are.The content of the emails are also important... make sure that everything you send out is simple to read and interesting. DO NOT just keep on sending subscribers sales letters, but give them value (and some free gifts) to help them engage with you and they will start looking forward to the mails that you send out.There is a phrase in Internet Marketing 'look after your list and your list will look after you'. This can not be more true.Cross sell with different products at different values - make the most of your list!Not everyone will want or be able to afford your primary product (YourNetBiz) but considering they have opted in to your website that is centered around making money online, then provide a few alternatives. ClickBank provides a huge range of reasonable priced products with good commissions. Every now and then send a ClickBank product out to your list and not only will your followers enjoy being offered the occasional 'low cost' product but it also gives you another stream of income.Keep at it!This is one of the key points to any Internet Business; keep at it! Internet Marketing is a numbers game and larger you build your list, then more sales you will get from it... period! If you have got everything right (above) your list will be getting bigger and YOU WILL make sales.Even if you were only hitting a sales conversion rate of just 0.5%; for every 200 subscribers to your list you will be due a sale.... and at $2,000 commission on each sale, its worth sticking with it.In SummaryIf you are looking for a 'Get Rich Quick' scheme then your best bet is to put your credit card back in your pocket. If you approach YourNetBiz as a business and are willing to put a little time and effort in then the rewards are there to be had. But make sure that you do your homework before you join and if you find someone who has the time and skills to help you achieve your goals then a big slice of the YourNetBiz money pie is well within your grasps.If you do everything right then you're initial investment of $2,995 will seem insignificant when you are getting sales commissions in of $2,000 a time.. time and time again.
Positioning - The Most Important Concept in Network Marketing
Too often we think of positioning as creating an image in the mind of your prospect for the product or service your prospect wants. While this may be very important in the prospects conscience mind, the image you should be concentrating on is that image of YOU in his sub conscience prospects mind.Who's in charge?It is said the conscience mind is the size of a pea, where the sub conscience mind is the size of a house. So who is running the show, the pea or the house? Well, according to Gray's anatomy, this analogy in size may not be technically accurate; it certainly does demonstrate the concept of how large the sub consciences mind is perceived to be. When working with a prospect one must consider where to position one's self in the mind or the prospect, and you usually have a very short time to decide and complete the task.What should come first?You have a choice to make as you leave the sorting phase of you "interaction" the prospect. You can choose to position the product, or position yourself. You can create a virtual image of how good your product is vs. the competition. You may also embellish on some of the benefits of you products, and align them with other products you prospect uses and trusts. This is a pretty picture in the prospects conscience mind.You've found a correlation between you product and another product your prospect trusts, he may be comfortable with the products, but does he trust you? Will he buy form you, or join your company? That trust factor is controlled by the sub conscience mind. You may have the absolute best product, at the absolute lowest price, but if there is no trust, you couldn't give the product away. His sub conscience mind is definitely in control here, and all the logical thinking in the world goes out the door without trust.And forget about that business opportunity! If you don't have the prospects trust, do you really think you have any chance of him following you into your business?In Conclusion:Incorrect positioning is one of the greatest failure points in network marketing. What you need to understand is that history is filled with people, both good and evil, who have been positioned themselves as leaders and people blindly followed. The same applies in network marketing.You know about the products and how good they are. If you will first position yourself and gain the trust of your prospect, then his belief system will open the gates for you. Without that trust, you may as well try to gain entrance to Fork Knox
Home Based Business For Women?
I have great respect and admiration for women and the many roles they play, especially in this era. They have certainly come a long way since being content to stay home while their husbands worked hard for the money. While some women today still choose to do so, most have opted to venture beyond their roles of housewife and mother into the male-oriented world of business.The first sign of this revolution was on the silver screen when scriptwriters and directors began creating power-wielding roles for actresses. Then, Martha Stewart and Oprah Winfrey marched forth to carve a niche for women in the working world. Since then, women-oriented businesses have been mushrooming, some presenting serious competitors to their male counterparts.Women have found their voice and are using it to the fullest in boardrooms, forums and ministries. They have made it to the Fortune 500 list and are named among the movers and shakers of the 21st Century.However, the scenario has slightly altered in the past decade or so. Women are still passionate about creating a name for themselves in their variation fields, but lately the desire to return to their roots is tugging at their heartstrings. They want to settle down, have a family and enjoy motherhood. But at the same time they are unwilling to turn their back on a flourishing carer. So they've decided to blend the two, which has resulted in what we now know as the home based business.According to statistics:66 percent of home based businesses in the U.S. are owned by women.
73 percent of women-owned businesses are run from home.
Between 68 and 70 percent of women's home based businesses will survive over a three-year period.
Home based women business owners are technologically savvy. In fact, these businesses are just as technologically savvy as multinationals with 56 percent having one computer, 39 percent having more than one, 66 percent owning a fax/modem and 55 percent using a mobile phone.
Home based women-owned businesses in the U.S. number 3.5 million and provide full support or part-time employment for an estimated 14 million people.Other empirical observations show that:65 percent of networkers are women.
80 percent of nurses and sales promoters are women.
80 percent of teachers are women.Home based business might be a perfect option for women. They don't have to worry about long overseas business trips or late night functions that steal their time away from their families. It allows them to contribute financially to their families, without neglecting their wellbeing. Even for the professional, they can start a part-time business in her home from the Internet that would fit snugly into her schedule. With the help of the Internet, a woman can leverage her time, and time for all women is the most precious and scarce commodity!So, are there any differences in the way men and women approach network marketing? Yes. Is one way better than the other? Probably not. However, each can learn from the other.
73 percent of women-owned businesses are run from home.
Between 68 and 70 percent of women's home based businesses will survive over a three-year period.
Home based women business owners are technologically savvy. In fact, these businesses are just as technologically savvy as multinationals with 56 percent having one computer, 39 percent having more than one, 66 percent owning a fax/modem and 55 percent using a mobile phone.
Home based women-owned businesses in the U.S. number 3.5 million and provide full support or part-time employment for an estimated 14 million people.Other empirical observations show that:65 percent of networkers are women.
80 percent of nurses and sales promoters are women.
80 percent of teachers are women.Home based business might be a perfect option for women. They don't have to worry about long overseas business trips or late night functions that steal their time away from their families. It allows them to contribute financially to their families, without neglecting their wellbeing. Even for the professional, they can start a part-time business in her home from the Internet that would fit snugly into her schedule. With the help of the Internet, a woman can leverage her time, and time for all women is the most precious and scarce commodity!So, are there any differences in the way men and women approach network marketing? Yes. Is one way better than the other? Probably not. However, each can learn from the other.
Are Top Achievers Abandoning Shaklee?
Why would people resign from Shaklee?Shaklee has been flourishing in the multilevel marketing world. They continue to stay on top and to have a positive impact on the business. They have a proven success design. A lot of members have done all right with Shaklee.So, why would many leaders even think about the idea to quit?A lot of top people leave many multilevel marketing corporations because of numerous concerns. They may really like Shaklee however... they may not achieve enough cash in Shaklee. They may not be making fast enough advancement in Shaklee. They may well not be a top person in Shaklee. It is simple for the downline to believe a top upline is at a higher rank than they in fact are.They may have been persuaded to move on by another business. It oftentimes looks better on the outside. They may have decided to quit the industry. They may just want to lay on a beach and retire.They may just would like to create another additional cash flow at the same moment in time. They may just would like to have a total Internet organization.Nonetheless, every corporation has associates that leave. Shaklee is no more uncommon than many other tremendous networking corporations. It may not be Shaklee they are walking out of!What is the honest motive top achievers walk out of it?One significant reason is the Internet growth.The Internet growth has changed everything. The competition is larger nowadays than in the history of the business. New multilevel marketing models are springing up daily. Everyone is promising a better way to get ahead in their MLM business.New networking models are being structured monthly distinctively to work on the Internet world. The more mature networking plans are not designed to go as rapidly as many of the more advanced plans. There is even a linear networking corporation nowadays.It goes way beyond providing a replicated website. It goes beyond distributor Internet sites. It goes far ahead of allowing customers to order on the Internet. It even goes far ahead of having an online presence.Organizations like Shaklee will always continue to have increased rivalry for their distributors. They will have bigger rivalry for their products. They will have increased competition for their compensation plan. This will all come from the growth in the Internet world.
500 in 15 Live - A Course For the Internet Marketing Beginner
The 500 in 15 Live is a course designed specifically for the brand new Internet Marketer by Alex Malave. This domain was registered on July 13th 2009. His attempt with this video course he released is to teach people the common thread to online business and what all successful Internet Marketing and Entrepreneurs have in common. He believes that every successful Internet Marketer has their own product, a page that converts and lots of traffic.The objective of 500 in 15 Live is to teach you these dynamics via video is the simplest way possible. He proved in his video via Google Analytics that he was able to generate over 12,000 visitors per month to just one of his websites. This is the first video I've ever watched that had a long list of criteria weeding out people that weren't suited to become involved with Alex Malave's program.For example, if you have a list, website, can drive lots of traffic, like to reinvent the wheel or are in debt from purchasing lots of other IM products and are looking for a quick way out, he recommends you don't purchase his course. He recommends going through the courses you already bought, applying those principles and start seeing results so you won't end up suffering from Analysis Psoralysis.His goal is to teach you how to have your first website up within 10 minutes with 500 In 15 Live. He believes a website is required in order to have any chance of success online. He's also passionate about pointing out that once you learn the skills in this course, you will have a skill that will last you the rest of your life all by yourself by putting up a Wordpress Blog.Alex also believes that if you can drive targeted traffic to a webpage, that you will always be able to make sales online no matter how crappy your offer is. Lets say for example you drive 1000 visitors per month to a sales letter that converts at just 1% on a product you get paid $100.00 for. That's an extra grand per month in your bank account.He straight up says his plan is fail proof and newbie style, and that his videos will walk you through each step of the process, he was very clear on this too. He emphasizes the importance of following these steps closely when you are new. Being creative is not what this course is all about. It's about following predefined simple action steps.Alex Malave mentions that you can implement the steps in these videos inside of 20 minutes per day. He also mentions that there is software that will do all of the work for you instead of you doing it all yourself. You are really leveraging your time with the software so it's no problem doing this if you are a full time student or work and support a family. You can get started with this system for $10.00 per month.One of the other benefits of his program is he's already done the niche research for you, so this course includes your own product and converting sales letter so you don't have to worry about choosing your own niche market to get started in. His cost for getting started is only $10.00, and his current guarantee as of the time of this writing is that if you don't get your first sale within 10 days he will paypal you $10.00, which is double what you spent with him.
Should You Buy Network Marketing Leads?
All Network Marketing or Multi Level Marketing home based businesses need leads to succeed in this industry. (MLM, or Multi Level Marketing, is a term that means the same as Network Marketing.) If you are thinking about signing up with a Network Marketing company, you need to think about where you're going to get the leads you need before you sign on the dotted line.While all new Network Marketing or MLM sole proprietors start with a list of people they know - their relatives, friends, neighbors, and work associates - some of us don't have a whole lot of people to add to that initial list. What then? Suppose you just don't have that readily available source of free network marketing leads?In fact, a short contact list is sufficient reason for some prospective MLM home based business owners to just say no. But others who've done their homework know there are places you can go to buy MLM leads, so they give it a shot anyway and sign up. Well, what about paid leads? While not necessarily a source for the best MLM leads, are they good enough to justify their cost?To check this question out, put "buy MLM leads" into your favorite Internet Search Engine. If cost is a big concern for you, try entering "cheap MLM leads". You'll be amazed at how many results you get. Dig into the sites and you'll actually get some pretty good information, along with a healthy dose of hype. If you're the skeptical type, search further for reviews on using paid leads. You'll find they have a significant downside: some companies sell the same leads to anybody with the money to buy them. That lead you paid for may not be happy with you when you call, since he or she may have been called several times before.If you'd like a little help on other ways to get free Network Marketing leads, try searching "generating MLM or Network Marketing leads." You'll be pleasantly surprised to learn there are folks out there with some pretty good suggestions. Read them and then decide what's best for you.
Why MonaVie Juice is the Main Squeeze
For some time now, MonaVie has reigned as one of the premier fruit juices on the market. This is largely due to the fact that the juice consists of the ever-popular Acai Berry. The Acai Berry, known for its powerful antioxidants, has not only been labeled a "Super Fruit", but has also gained the attention of health-conscious consumers.As a consumer and not an affiliate of any MLM company, I can honestly attest to the fact that MonaVie(original blend) is one of the best juices I have ever had. I first fell in love with this product while visiting a friend whose refrigerator was packed with it. I loved both the flavor and also the way that I felt after drinking this beverage.Although I was disappointed that I could not continue to enjoy the original blend of MonaVie, I have since learned that there are many other flavors to suit my fancy. These have their own specific nutrients, all designed to promote good health. Each offers something different for consumers, providing them with a plethora of choices.One of my favorites is MonaVie Active, which supports joint health and has a number of tasty fruits, including the tropical lychee fruit, which I thoroughly enjoy. I first tried this fruit while in Maui, and I thought that I would never again taste anything so exquisite! However, there are other delicious and healthy fruits in MonaVie as well, such as cranberries and pomegranates.Another juice worth noting is MonaVie Pulse. This juice helps promote good cardiovascular health and therefore contains a number of key ingredients that are good for the heart, including antioxidants. In fact, four ounces of this juice have been shown to contain antioxidants equalivalent to 13 whole servings of fruits and vegetables!For Red Bull and other energy drink lovers, MonaVie offers a healthy alternative, which is called the MonaVie equivalent, or MonaVie E MV. This drink boosts energy without the dreadful "crash" that many consumers experience as the effects of an energy drink wear off. This should be a welcome change for those who could do without the negative side effects.MonaVie was wise to expand its product base by developing different juices that appeal to consumers. Although it is already a premier company in the Health and Wellness industry, MonaVie has broadened its customer base by appealing to a broader range of individuals with a variety of health concerns. This can only help the company continue to thrive in the years to come.As far as direct sales go, MonaVie is at the top of its game with its outstanding juice line. The key to continued success will be for distributors to target the products to the most appropriate markets. The good news is that virtually anyone who loves delicious-tasting juice and cares about their health is likely to enjoy this product.
3 Fundamental Principles About MLM Home-Based Business
Multilevel marketing or MLM home-based business is a very fast and effective way to generate income. Startup costs are low, ranging from around $50 to $2,000, and the investment costs are spread out in the form of monthly product purchase requirements.Delivery and customer service is usually managed by the company and the distributor only has to take care of the marketing aspect. For these reasons, MLM home-based businesses are sometimes called "micro-franchising."Many of the basic requirements for business success in an MLM home-based business are the same as in other home based businesses. Its principles are generic and they can be applied to any home business. This entails the use of office tools, book keeping, contact and time management, personal development and others. If these are not met, failure is the usual result.Here are three things that you should remember to avoid failure in your home-based business.1. You have to position yourself as an expert in your niche towards your targeted audience.This only means that you would have to identify the target market, the people who are specifically looking for the benefits and the solutions that your product or service provides. Within your market, you will then position yourself as a known expert. You can do this easily for product related advantages and you only have to be a bit ahead of your prospects.2. Deliver that compelling message to a huge number of prospects.Based on your position being an expert, you would have to make a compelling benefit message to your targeted market which will force your prospects to buy from you and not from someone else. Make use of as much communication media as you can. Example, with the use of the phone and the Internet, you can deliver your marketing message with minimal cost to thousands of prospects worldwide.3. Invite a direct response to your message and follow up on the people who are affirmative in their response.This is known as direct response marketing, the only affordable and highly effective marketing strategy for small businesses. Immediate follow-up with a proven sales process will ensure that a high percentage of your prospects will actually buy from you.To sum it up, every successful MLM program has to include 3 elements in positioning, message to the market and also direct response marketing. They are the tools you use for building a profitable marketing campaign for your products resulting into a successful MLM home based business. These will allow your business to be a guaranteed success.
ABCs For Network Marketing Success
Network Marketing Success can be as easy as ABC. By applying such principles consistently, you can find growth in your business. Below are the first five letters to success.A is for A-C-T-I-O-NIt is very important to continue to acquire new business skills and to personally grow. The application of the skills and personal development is vital to success. Action is required to begin the momentum shift. Without action, you are no different than a boat without water.B is for B-E-L-I-E-FThe power of the mind and its strength is truly underestimated by many. As you focus on the belief of success, your whole mindset shifts and there isn't anything you can't accomplish. Belief is your first step to achievement.C is for C-O-N-N-E-C-TNetwork marketing is a relationship business. You must connect, communicate and call people. The personal contact will make a significant impact.D is for D-O-N'-T Q-U-I-TThe cliche goes "Winners never quit and quitters never win" holds true in any industry. Frustration and failure is part of the learning process. Unfortunately, you may become so consumed with frustration that you succumb to quitting. Use each road block as a learning experience. Your dreams, goals, and future are too important to quit and give up on.E is for E-D-U-C-A-T-I-O-NEverything that you know in life you learned. Network marketing is no different. Your success is dependent on your ongoing education and your ability to share that knowledge with others. There are plenty of resources available e-books, courses, books, workshops, webinars, etc. Take the initiative to seek them out..Network marketing success can be as simple as ABC - Action, Belief, Connect, Don't Quit, and Education. You can have all the success you desire, just apply the ABC's!
Make Money, Be Rich
The world has never been with so much abundance than it has today. The one who talks of exhaustion of opportunities is a pessimist. The truth is that much awaits to be discovered than already has been.The lazy mind believes the negative news and resigns in defeat, the strong mind moves into action and creates wonders. Then the lazy mind awakens with an applause of a winner, tries to get into the race but again concludes that there is no use to continue running a won race and goes back to sleep. This cycle is repeated over and over again as long as the earth keeps rotating.Wake up! Start living!You want to be rich? Yes you can be. It is so simple.Think of this; How much money did you spend over the last week? Write it down on a piece of paper if possible. How easy was your spending? Basically it is just a matter of removing from your pocket and giving. This is done without much thought. I believe you were even smiling every time you gave.This was in exchange of a product or a service you got or needed and I guess you were satisfied with your spend. That is good.Take another perspective.Think seriously of how you had made the money that you finally spent. How much did you make last month? Are you able to improve on this? The answer is yes.A simple fact;The world is made up of more than 5 billion people.Imagine that someone had a very convincing simple product or service that pleases most of the population but only costing $1 (one dollar). With the same ease you spent money last week let it be so for everyone else. Everybody spends with ease. Imagine that it was you who had this product or service. If everyone used this service or product within one month from now, how long would it take you to be a billionaire?Another fact;By the time of print of this article, statistics showed that over 1.5billion people were already using the internet. If you had a product or service that would be associated in one way or the other to the internet, this shows that with a click of the mouse, your product or service can appear to such a huge audience each of them ready and willing to spend the first dollar on the next good thing that would please him or her, and you are just sitting there staring on the screen and doing nothing about it.Get into action. Think and act.Sometimes you never need to have a product of your own to sell. You can market other people's products. and make it big.
Winning in the Cash Flow Business Review
I wish I could say my review of Russ Dalbey's "Winning in the Cash Flow Business" came from investigating other people's experiences with the program. Unfortunately, I saw his infomercial in the middle of the night, I couldn't sleep, and, being in between jobs, thought "Wow! This sounds great! Russ is going to teach me the note business and I am going to get rich just like all the people in his infomercial!" I wish now I had just gone to bed.I grabbed my credit card and picked up the phone. When I called to order, suddenly the cost of program was more then double what the infomercial said (apparently that was just the first installment)- it was actually over 100$ including shipping! When I started to back off, I was told pay up front and save a whole payment-it ended up costing me 80+ odd dollars. I have heard people paying anywhere from just the first 39.95 payment- to 99.95 and all the way up to 300+ for the basic program. What you get are 3 thin paperback reports,and a couple CDs plus some "free fluff" that doesn't even begin to have enough information for you to truly learn note brokerage. That is because their "Gold Mine" is trying to "help" you figure out what the heck you are supposed to do, using their brief, yet confusing program.I quickly learned there is no limit on what you could spend trying to learn this program. I received so many emails and calls (up to 10 calls A DAY to my mobile phone!) asking me to upgrade to this, or join that to help me get note deals... I thought, "isn't that why I bought his course to begin with?!?" These "mentoring programs" ranged from hundreds of dollars to ten THOUSAND dollars. After about 10 days wasting my time trying to locate notes on my own, and not spending thousands on advertising and additional "helpful offers" from Russ I came to realize I had been hoodwinked by a proverbial "get rich quick" scam. The most promising offer I got was to PURCHASE a website from him to promote HIS cash flow business, and he said he'd pay 90$ each time I sent a referral that opted in to the program. Here is an actual quote from his email: "All I ask in return is that you tell your friends, family, neighbors-everyone you know, who you think can benefit from making extra money-to visit my Winning in the Cash Flow Business website."Wow. As if I would do that to my family and friends and neighbors! Try to get them to buy this awful program just to get 90$ from Russ. MY reputation, especially among those I care about, is worth more then that. The only person getting rich from this is Russ Dalbey. Please investigate this program if you are STILL interested- there's no end to the angry, hurt and disappointed comments from people who bought this course.In fact, some professional note brokers, have said that in many states you need special licensing to do what Russ says you can just do by getting his booklets. There is almost no truly usable material on free marketing included. The free ones are suggestions like contacting real estate agents, and hanging about in county courthouses searching for records of people who might have notes, then calling them out of the blue to ask questions about their possible need to sell. Big surprise, neither of these worked for me! Great time waster tho. If you want advice from Russ on how to do it, it's gonna cost you. From what I've seen from people who spent in some cases alarming amounts of money for training, it was a dubious investment. I didn't see ANY that said something like "After spending 3,000 dollars on that mentoring weekend, I came away richer, with a better grasp of what it takes to succeed in this business."In conclusion, I'd like to advise anyone looking for a legitimate home based business with a real chance to succeed and real quality mentoring, that also won't cost you an arm, a leg, and another arm (and maybe the other leg if they can get it from you) to look elsewhere. There ARE Home based businesses out there that can help you achieve your income dreams and goals.Some programs want you to succeed, because people around you succeed along with you, and because the people mentoring you have knowledge they are willing to just share with others.Russ Dalbey's program is not one of them.
How to Make a Profit-Pulling Capture Page Even If You're a Technically Challenged Newbie
True confession time. I am NOT a techie. But I love the advances in technology and all of the wonderful benefits that the internet and computers have to offer. I began learning internet marketing skills over three years ago so that I could expand and grow my offline business by giving it a strong online presence.Because I'm not a techie I needed to have something that I could use that was easy to understand and use that would help me create profit pulling capture pages and web sites for my offline and online businesses. If you are a budding internet marketer (or a struggling "old-timer") that still finds all of the 'techie' talk intimidating and confusing, then this is for you.How many times have you seen or read this:"Don't Use Your Company Replicated Capture Page or Web Site!" If you've been in internet marketing even for less than a week you've probably heard or seen that for what feels like the millionth time - and for good reason. Nothing screams "Inexperienced Newbie" like a replicated website. It can literally cost you hundreds and thousands by people not opting in. So what's a 'tech-challenged' soul to do?Thanks to the many advances in programing and software, there are a number of great simple-to-use and FREE tools you can use to build awesome profit pulling captures pages and websites without having to know HTML, JPEG, or LMNOP! Best of all, you won't have to download anything on to your computer!FREE Tool #1 - Website Builder. If you can type and send emails or use a word document, and use basic copy/paste commands then you will love these!A website builder is designed to look very much like a word document. It uses a concept called "What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get" or WYSIWYG for short. You simply type text in a text box or add images to a photo-like box. The website builder I use even makes loading video and audio super simple using the same concept.FREE Tool #2 - Copywriting and Headline Creator. Again, why knock yourself out trying to come up with captivating Headlines and copy about your service or product from scratch when awesome tools like this exist? And if you're a budget strapped internet marketing newbie, why spend hundreds on copywriting courses when these will suit your purposes for now? Save your money for...Tool #3 - Autoresponder & web form builder. This is where you should invest a small part of your budget, and by small, I mean small (like $10-20/month).Don't, I repeat DON'T skimp on this tool and opt for using a "free" autoresponder.** It is critical that you have an automated way to follow up with your hot new prospects and stay in touch with your valued customers that is reliable and offers live help if you encounter a problem.Those are three of the most important, and easiest to use, tools that I (and those that I train) work with to create our own custom profit pulling capture pages and web sites. I hope this encourages you to get started and leave those old replicated company sites behind for good.
Why Do Intelligent People Join MLM?
Many people join MLM, but why? Many times the MLM industry has received less than favourable perceptions, mostly due to unscrupulous people who don't play by the rules and are out to con people into joining illegal ponzi & pyramid schemes. Mention 'MLM' and a large percentage of folks will have a cloud of scepticism descend on their mind.I'd like to ask you, do you think that anyone should join the Network Marketing industry?Briefly lets have a look at some numbers The large majority of society is working for someone else, building their employers empire and probably will do so until the age of 60-65, it seems that the average wage per person each year is around $36,000. Of course there are many people who earn more than this but I am just comparing averages here. Mostly you will be working 35 - 40 hours a week, maybe more in order to keep getting this money from your employer.If we look quickly at the MLM business model. There are many folks who by selling products and developing a team have created an ever growing residual income for themselves. The MLM company that I have partnered with, sells a product that offers incredible value to people's lives. When I have someone join my team as a customer I will then earn commissions of $45 each month. Let's say in a year working myself to the ground I was only able to make 100 sales, that's already $4,500 a month which adds up to $54,000 each year, so already I've gone past the average wage.Naturally I am not going to be content with that I would try for 200, 300 and more sales during the course of a year. But suppose that I recruited 100 people on my front line as distributors who I would earn an average of $15 from every sale that they made, that's another $1,500 a month. Then after that I earn 3% of everything that their distributors sell and this goes on 7 levels deep (the width of my organization is limitless). Now assume that you had a product that transforms people's lives and that the company wide retention rate is 93%.Are you seeing the possibilities here?Also take into consideration that you can now use the internet to build your business, given the technology that is now available. Given the fact that the internet offers us the chance to bring in leads all day long to your business, the power to build a residual income should not be ignored.Now I don't know of any other business model which has the power to build a residual income like this. To avoid giving the impression that MLM is some kind of quick fix money maker I have been conservative in my figures. Massive incomes can be developed but its a long term game plan. Some MLM marketers however are earning in excess of $10K each and every week. As an example my personal sponsor has made over $28K in just two weeks (and he did this from his beach home in Costa Rica) Starting with just a budget of $250 he has gone on to build his own empire over the last 9 months!.
Business Networking Online 101
After attending an online business course, you need to get in the game. Networking is the fast lane of your career track. Social media is quickly replacing the face-to-face business card exchanges and networking conferences of yore. Use social media and network with the luminaries in your field from the comfort of your own office. You'll find out fast how much social networking can improve your relationships.Pay special attention to these tips if you want to polish your profile and jump into networking online.Build a powerful profileYou know the saying "image is everything?" Well, the same holds true for your social media profiles. Look at each one through the eyes of someone who might be interested in working with you. Post a professional-looking headshot. Avoid racy images, photos of you inebriated from the last big party, and other "incriminating" shots. If you're using a career-focused networking site - write a specific headline that appears beneath your photo. As for interests, don't put things like "beer drinking," or "your mom." Put real hobbies and add a few that apply to your industry.Make your profile more personalDeveloping your profile is like developing a brand. Make it personal- many social media sites have the option to add your own artistic design. If you have a blog, make sure your social media sites use the same colors, images, and avatar. You're networking online and people need to know how to find you - make sure your contact information is correct and prominently placed.Be a friendYou have to be a friend to make a friend. Help out people on your account! If they need recommendations and you believe in the person's abilities - give them a recommendation. And add people to your friends' list. Start talking to people using your account. Start following groups that have the similar interests. Be involved in discussions and you'll start to get to know people in your field.Don't be lazyOne of the biggest mistakes people make when they use networking tools is only keeping up with their contacts when they're desperate for a job. Keep up with your social media profiles on a regular basis. This not only helps you network. It also helps you appear more authentic and natural. You don't want to blast your community with a job request when you never mention or speak to them otherwise.
Is My Harvest America a Rip-Off Or Best Home Based Business Ever?
Far be it from most to think that a business created on a kitchen table would become a major player in the network marketing arena. Fred Weih's original concepts which was driven by catalogs shoppers, became My Harvest America the future of grocery shopping.My Harvest America offers twice the product of the original catalog concept and is driven by online shoppers. In today's hustle and bustle this is a very convenient avenue for consumers to purchase their middle aisle grocery items. Free nationwide shipping on over 10,000 name brand items is a big turn for all who look to My Harvest America as an alternative to their local grocery stores.Now I am not sure about you but if Walmart paid me to send costumers their way I would make it a habit to use my gift of gab to do just that. My Harvest America offers a Loyalty program which allows shoppers to be compensated for helping friends and family save money on grocery bills.The $29.95 per month membership subscription is easily recouped in the savings one receives and then some. They also offer a $49.95 per month option which then qualifies you to earn even more for your efforts. In my opinion, and considering the amount of money my family and I spend on groceries every month, one could actually run this business without any out of pocket expense due to your savings.I feel that My Harvest America is a win win situation for everyone involved, but please do not be fooled, this is not a rich quick scheme. It will take hard work and determination to build a substantial income with this program. Do not come in thinking that in a months time you will be making 10k per month selling online groceries. It is possible but for an average person to become successful in network marketing it takes a couple of years to see this type of income provided they have a great system, training and mentor.Network Marketing is the greatest industry in the world but many people leave this field frustrated and broke because they just do not have the right people pointing them in the right direction. Many people fail to count the cost or do any type of research before they jump in, they are caught up in the hype and have eyes filled with dollar signs. It is great to have big dreams and goals but if you are not willing to stay focused when all the adrenalin wears off you have set yourself up for failure.Before you join My Harvest America or any other company for that matter be honest with yourself. Make certain you are willing to stick through the thick and the thin this industry has to offer. Ask Questions! See to it that your sponsor is willing to help you learn the ropes and has a system in place that anyone can follow. Doing this industry right has rewards that most people only dream of so look at it as a business and not a hobby.
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