
Monavie Business Review - Are Their Proceeds Really Going to Charity?

Right now there seems to be a trend of network marketing business start ups that are latching onto the principle that for every dollar that you spend on their products, a percentage of it goes to charity. Do you find this tactic very ethical for the sake of increasing sales of their products? The answer is yes if they are truly committed to the causes they are representing for the long term like Monavie has in the M.O.R.E. project. Let me remind you that there are few companies that teach their distributors to mention their charity donations as part of their sale pitch to get skeptical prospects to buy into their business opportunity because of the sympathetic mindset that we naturally born with.What Makes The Monavie Charity Contributions Different And Unique?The management team of the Monavie organization has created the M.O.R.E. Project where a sizable percentages of their sales revenues will be going back to the people of the Amazon where the richest nutritious assets known to man-kind are grown: acai berries. The Amazon rain forest of Brazil is being preserved by the Monavie organization because the company founder Dallin Larsen places a lot of emphasis on the quality of production of their Monavie juice products.Unlike most companies that only donate a percentage of their proceeds to charities, very few actually participate actively in the projects that they spend money on. Does that mean that their heart is not really into it? Or is it that they are doing it in the name of good public relations and good media presence?Fact: Dallin Larsen And His Executive Team Have Invested A Lot of Time And Money In The Poverty Stricken Areas of BrazilDallin Larsen founded Monavie on the sound principles of putting his distributors ahead of him. And that also goes with the M.O.R.E. project that he created for the sole purpose of redistributing the wealth from the sale of acai berries through Monavie juice products back into the country where he acquired it from.The rain forests of Brazil have had struggles of their own. The Brazilian farmers were unable to capitalize on the wealth potential of the Amazon's acai berries due to lack of production and manufacturing facilities and resources beyond their technological means. Without the financial support of Monavie, the rain forests would have deteriorated to the point that is similar to the way commercial logging companies destroy the U.S. rain forests in the name of profit.Interesting Fact: Monavie Co-Founder Randy Larsin Bought 10,000 Bracelets From A Single Mom Who Used The Seeds Of Acai Berries To Make ThemDuring his trip to Brazil, Randy Larsin encountered a single mom who had a unique talent of taking the seeds from Acai berries and turning them into personalized bracelets to sell in the streets. He was moved by her amazing skill that he purchased 10,000 pieces from her and in the process created 20 employees for her in the process. He then turned around to sell the bracelets back to the Monavie distributors and reinvested that money back into the M.O.R.E. project. This kind of commitment coming from high level executives is rare.Monavie's M.O.R.E. Project Have Dramatically Improved The Lives of Brazilians Who Once Lived On $2 A DayBesides creating jobs for the Brazilian farmers for their important role of acai berry crop production, the Monavie team has contributed tremendous amounts of financial resources that touched over a thousand children's lives a day where they are constantly fed a nutritious meal twice a day and, as they grew up, attended educational classes that were now available to them ranging from jewelry making, mechanics, sewing, sales, language courses, and more.The housing in poverty stricken areas of Brazil, according to US housing standards were inhabitable. The M.O.R.E. project also dedicated their financial resources in revitalizing the uninhabitable homes burdened with leaky roofs, dirty floors, and no toilets. Thanks to their efforts, the Brazilian communities are able to live their lives with dignity.Important News: 250 Black Diamond Monavie Distributors Have Personally Contributed A Combined Total of $250,000 Dollars Back To The M.O.R.E. ProjectMoved by the extreme generosity of Dallin Larsen and his executive team's effort in improving the lives of the indigenous people of Brazil, 250 Black Diamond University Monavie distributors got together to reinvest $250,000 dollars in more Brazilian land for the purpose of redeveloping it as their way of redistributing their wealth back into the communities that have made their financial dreams a reality.

