If you have been involved for some time in MLM, network marketing, direct sales, or whatever else you want to call you it, you most likely heard it all.Did you ever think "oh man, they drink the kool-aid" or "this is just like a cult?"Raise your hand if you ever heard of these terms in your network marketing, MLM, direct sales career:Stick and stay to get your pay
Winners never quit and quitters never win
Some will, some won't, so what...next
Fake it till you make it
This is NetWORK marketing
It's not about selling, it's about building relationships.
If you continue to think the way you have always thought, you will continue to get what you have always got.
You are in the right place at the right time
You are in business for yourself but not by yourself
Follow the "3-Foot Rule"
If your "Why" isn't big enough to make you cry you need to get a new "Why"
Your why must make you cry
All you have to do is get 3 who get 3 and teach them to do the same
You gotta be in it to win it
If this was easy, everyone would be doing it
EVERYONE Is Your Prospect...
We're Not Selling, We're Sharing
Once Your 'Want-To' And Your Attitude Are In The Right Place, You'll Succeed
The only way to fail is to quit
Your attitude determines your altitude
New pre launch, join now (or anything else related to "pre launch")
Work through your warm market
Failure to plan is planning to fail
Balance out your learning opportunities from your earning opportunities
J.O.B. - just over broke
Fire your boss
Let's get you paid and promoted
You have to work through the "nos" to get to the "yeses"
For every 100 nos, a yes is right around the cornerHow many times have YOU said any of the above to your new prospects? Go ahead and raise your hand, it's ok. They are memorable and they make us think. We tend to learn by acronyms.Don't let the terms make or break your decision. Always do your research. Decide if and when the right opportunity is for you and the upline is going to be there to help you.I share this list to make you laugh, make you cry, and make you realize that you should only say it if you mean it and mean what you say.If you did not see something on the list that should be there, please let me know.