7 Tips to Make More Money in Network Marketing
Have you hit the proverbial wall in your network marketing business? Are you finding it's not so easy to make money in your network marketing opportunity? Try these 7 simple tips to make more money in your network marketing business.1. People You KnowThis is probably the easiest step for you to follow and probably the one most abused by new network marketers. All of sudden your friends begin to look like walking piggy banks to you. Do not approach people you know with the intent of selling them.Approach them from the point of view that you have an opportunity to make their life better. When you're speaking to them don't pound them with the opportunity, speak them like you would normally.Then casually ask them if they're open to making more income each month or are they okay with what they're making. If they're good, let it go and move on to your next friend. If they want to earn more, present them with your opportunity CD or presentation material that introduces them to your opportunity. Let them know you'll follow up with them later in the day or the next day.Do not hound them...just follow up. If they want more information, get them on the phone with your upline or if you're comfortable with it, present the opportunity yourself.If they decide not to join you, great...ask them to be a customer. They may be more inclined to help you in this manner, rather then join your opportunity.2. ReferralsAfter you speak to your friend, if they do not join your business, ask them to refer people to you. Ask them to introduce people to you who they believe may be interested in a business opportunity. The best part of this strategy is if one or two of their friends is interested, you can ask your original friend again if they want to join.Your friend may just reconsider his earlier decision, and you potentially have three people in your down line.3. Using The InternetThe power of the internet allows you to have a global reach and exposure. A properly crafted message will attract people to you and create an endless supply of leads for your business.You can use the internet now to connect with people through social media sites, create your own landing page and newsletter. You can literally email hundreds and thousands of people with just one click of your send button.4. Partner With The Proper PeopleMost people get into the mindset of just recruiting a warm body in their down line. The opposite is true. Partner with the proper people into your organization so they can grow with you.Partner with the people who have similar goals or visions of what their future business looks like. Partner with the proper people who have the same positive outlook as you do.People that do not have the same or similar outlook as you will eventually just drop out.5. Make Money On People Who Don't Join Your Network Marketing OpportunityYour network marketing opportunity is only an arm of your business. Your overall business should include promoting tools and resources that can make prospects and partners life easier.When closing a sale or asking if they want to join your opportunity, don't force them. People become resistant and suspicious of people who force the issue. Ask their permission to put them on your email list so you can send them updates.Some people need more exposures to something before they make their ultimate decision.Secondly they may not be interested in your specific opportunity, but may still be looking for an opportunity they feel passionate about. You can still make money from people who don't join you by promoting affiliate products to them an earn a commission from their purchases.6. Believe in yourselfUsually the person who is most critical of your efforts is you. Network marketing is not a sprint or a race. It is a business, and as such, businesses take time to grow. You'll have good days and bad days.Even the top CEO's in the world have days they question why they do what they do. You are no different. Always keep your dream and vision of what you want in the forefront of your mind.Avoid the negative people in your life who criticize or trample on your dreams. You're in business for a reason. When they speak negatively about your business it's because they are misinformed and basically ignorant of what you're doing.7. GrowThe biggest asset in your business is you. Always be developing yourself in terms of your skill sets. Be it communication skills, presentation skills, lead generation, personal development, leadership skills etc. Never be satisfied thinking that your techniques at recruiting will always be effective. While basic principles will always stand true you can always test and improve your techniques.Always be on the look out for emerging trends so you can discover and learn how to capitalize on them. Grow yourself and your team will grow from your leadership.Model yourself after the top network marketers in the industry. Doing so will always provide you the advantage over your competition.
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