Take Action Now in Your Legitimate Home Businesses
Here's a golden rule of network marketing that works 100% of the time. Success network marketers take action now and unsuccessful network marketers do not. It's simple but it's true.The unsuccessful marketer will come across a piece of life changing information but sit on it. Procrastination has killed millions of budding network marketing careers. Mr or Mrs. Successful will jump all over that same piece of information and get busy.What was Shakespeare's great line: To be or not to be? The choice to "be" successful is up to you. So with that in mind, here's an exercise to test your readiness for success. Set a goal to clean your home, your car and your work space within one week. I mean to give them a really good clean and remove all the clutter.When the week is up, sit back and take a look at how you completed the task. Did you get started immediately or did you keep putting it off till the deadline approached. Or worse, did you lose focus and not even complete the task.Put this thought in your mind: how you do one particular task is how you do every particular task. So take my challenge and see where it leads you. Keep a mental record of your progress on each cleaning job.Success is a choice not a right. So know that you and only you have full control of your level of success. You're the boss, you're in charge, you're steering the ship, whatever metaphor you want to apply. It doesn't matter as long as you get the message loud and clear. Success is up to you.So if, like me you have a tendency to drift off into the world of procrastination here's a suggestion to help you get past not taking action. Find a person in your network marketing business who'll agree to be your "running buddy." This is a person who you'll talk to virtually everyday. A person who can help you set your goals and will then "hold your feet to the fire" and keep you on track. It may sound a little simple but it's a proven, tried and tested system.Having someone keep you accountable for your goals will keep you motivated. But, it's still up to you to do the work. So get active and take action. For the life of me I can't see the downside to taking action. You'll be more successful and make more money. Doesn't that sound like a great situation? Until next time, take care and take action
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