
Build Strong Alliances

Can you imagine a more appropriate topic for Network Marketing? Network Marketing is all about building relationships, Building Strong Alliances.Lincoln spent an enormous amount of time building alliances with everyone from his Cabinet, Generals to office staff workers. He saw every relationship as important. Lincoln wanted to know how everyone ticked. Would they meet the challenge under pressure or would they fold? What were their ethics and values? As an effective leader he needed to know whom he could count on and who would need extra support. He also wanted everyone to know him well so they knew what to expect from his leadership style. Lincoln left nothing to chance.Network Marketing Leaders build strong interpersonal relationships with their team and prospects which is the difference between succeeding and failing. Retention of your team is paramount to building your business. People join people, they do not join companies. Building relationships develops Know, Like and Trust with your team and prospects.Lincoln was a great listener. He was a master at dealing with conflict. His own "team" knew they could depend on him and could pretty well predict what his response would be in a given situation. He was firm, kind and resourceful, with a distinct mind of his own. He was able to overcome intense negative feelings directed toward him. Divisiveness can greatly weaken your team. Just spending time with your team, getting to know them, how they work, treating them with dignity and respect, will create great loyalty."Lincoln's Principles:Wage only one war at a time. Spend time letting your followers learn that you are firm, resolute, and committed in the daily performance of your duty. Doing so will gain their respect and trust. Etiquette and personal dignity are sometimes wisely set aside. Invest time and money in better understanding the ins and outs of human nature. Remember, human action can be modified to some extent, but human nature cannot be changed. Showing your compassionate and caring nature will aid you in forging successful relationships. When you extinguish hope, you create desperation." Lincoln on Leadership, Donald T. Phillips.

