Social media was not invented for marketing your business! This might be hard to believe when you watch how it is too often used these days! But there are respectful and proper ways to accomplish marketing on social media.First let's discuss the wrong way, which is what the majority of MLM people are doing these days. The wrong way is to blast your opportunity at everyone you can find, without knowing if they have any interest at all, and hope somebody bites. It is especially wrong to do this over and over after you've been told they are not interested! (why, oh WHY do people do this?)The right way is to build relationships. The reason people avoid this method, is because it is "too slow." However I personally believe that if you take the time to get to know people, you will have less rejection and more long-term loyalty. Here are some steps to consider:Find the ideal prospects
Introduce yourself briefly
Engage in conversation which is focused on THEM, NOT YOU
Assess their personality type
Appealing to their personality, find out if there is any interest
Allow them to make their own decision I will focus here on Facebook and Twitter since those are the platforms I use, but I am sure you can figure out how to apply the steps to any social media site.How do you find the ideal prospect? In Facebook, I look in groups focused on MLM. On Twitter, I set up keyword alerts in a service program (like Socialoomph) and go through the emails I receive looking for people I'd like to meet.To introduce yourself on Facebook, send a "friend request" with a short personal message explaining why you want to connect. I always mention that I am seeking people interested in MLM to avoid people who are biased against it. I still end up with people who are not in MLM, but many find my training helpful anyway (especially the personality typing.) On Twitter, follow them and you can send a direct message to introduce yourself if you want.On Facebook, I look for common interests besides MLM in their profile and ask them about these. Sometimes it's a state we've both lived in. Sometimes it's a love of animals. On Twitter, some people have a little information on their profile page but often there's not much to go on. In that case you need to follow their tweets for a while to see what they talk about. The most important point here, is to focus on the other person. Briefly answer questions they ask about you but try to get to know them.The personality types will help you know what motivates people so you can communicate in "their language" (contact me for more on this.)You can use the personality types to offer your opportunity in a way that is most likely to appeal to them. Some want to help others; some want to have fun; some want to learn constantly; some just want to make money.Finally, do NOT be attached to the outcome! You are communicating with adults and they have lots of things going on in their lives. Respect their decision. Perhaps this is just not the right time and they may come back to you later, if you have been respectful. They will NOT come back if you have been pushy, or tried to close them! Remember to always treat everyone with the respect you want for yourself!I hope this gives you some ideas about using social media as it was intended, to build relationships. I can offer more tips and training (all free) if you are interested.