Is My Harvest America a Rip-Off Or Best Home Based Business Ever?
Far be it from most to think that a business created on a kitchen table would become a major player in the network marketing arena. Fred Weih's original concepts which was driven by catalogs shoppers, became My Harvest America the future of grocery shopping.My Harvest America offers twice the product of the original catalog concept and is driven by online shoppers. In today's hustle and bustle this is a very convenient avenue for consumers to purchase their middle aisle grocery items. Free nationwide shipping on over 10,000 name brand items is a big turn for all who look to My Harvest America as an alternative to their local grocery stores.Now I am not sure about you but if Walmart paid me to send costumers their way I would make it a habit to use my gift of gab to do just that. My Harvest America offers a Loyalty program which allows shoppers to be compensated for helping friends and family save money on grocery bills.The $29.95 per month membership subscription is easily recouped in the savings one receives and then some. They also offer a $49.95 per month option which then qualifies you to earn even more for your efforts. In my opinion, and considering the amount of money my family and I spend on groceries every month, one could actually run this business without any out of pocket expense due to your savings.I feel that My Harvest America is a win win situation for everyone involved, but please do not be fooled, this is not a rich quick scheme. It will take hard work and determination to build a substantial income with this program. Do not come in thinking that in a months time you will be making 10k per month selling online groceries. It is possible but for an average person to become successful in network marketing it takes a couple of years to see this type of income provided they have a great system, training and mentor.Network Marketing is the greatest industry in the world but many people leave this field frustrated and broke because they just do not have the right people pointing them in the right direction. Many people fail to count the cost or do any type of research before they jump in, they are caught up in the hype and have eyes filled with dollar signs. It is great to have big dreams and goals but if you are not willing to stay focused when all the adrenalin wears off you have set yourself up for failure.Before you join My Harvest America or any other company for that matter be honest with yourself. Make certain you are willing to stick through the thick and the thin this industry has to offer. Ask Questions! See to it that your sponsor is willing to help you learn the ropes and has a system in place that anyone can follow. Doing this industry right has rewards that most people only dream of so look at it as a business and not a hobby.
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