Generate Network Marketing Leads Online Like the Pros
No matter what network marketing company you work with, you absolutely are going to need leads. It doesn't matter if you are brand new or have been in the industry for years, you need leads. Leads are the oil that keeps your network marketing engine operating. The only time you will not be required to have leads for your business is when it is able to sustain itself. This occurs when you have great leadership in your team, duplication and streamlined marketing systems that keep generating you the highly coveted residual income.In the meantime though, while you are still building your organization, you will need to constantly generate network marketing leads. NEVER BUY LEADS! Buying opportunity decreases the quality of your leads and you will more than likely be dealing with whiners, complainers and headaches. By learning how to generate your own leads you increase the quality of the leads and can attract people who are business-oriented, entrepreneurial-minded and great candidates for your business. You can accomplish this either on or offline, but you must have systems set up to make it happen. For this article we'll focus on using the internet, a high leveraged tool that can allow you to generate 50 or more leads every single day for your business!You must first:1. Determine Your Target Market - This step is crucial. You must figure out exactly who your best prospects are and develop your marketing and advertising around this. For example, you want to focus on people who are already in network marketing, considering joining or just generally looking at the industry.2. Determine Your Advertising Budget - I'm not going to sugar coat anything here. If you want to start generating leads fast you need to advertise. If you don't have an ad budget and you do have a lot of time, you can build your business using free strategies that I teach here.3. Determine How Much Time You Can Allot - You can either build your business part time or full time. Success is simply a matter of consistent action. So whatever time you do have, just make sure you are using it to make progress in your business.Once you determine who your audience is, your budget and how much time you can allot to the business, it's time to take a look at some important components you will need:1. Landing Page - This is the website where you will send your traffic to. The entire purpose of a landing page is to get the contact information of your visitor, such as their name, email and phone number. How to create a landing page2. Auto Responder - This is the service that manages all of your contacts and leads. You can set up emails to be sent out at predetermined intervals for your leads. This is a great leveraging tool and is used by all top internet marketers.3. Follow Up - You need to build and sustain a relationship with your leads. If you ask for their phone number and they give it to you, be sure to give them a call. Otherwise, if you just ask for their email be sure to use your auto responder to send out messages. Below you will find two important messages to include.4. Promote Useful Information/ Products/ Resources - 90% of your leads are not going to be interested in your primary company. You will need to promote useful information they can use such as articles, affiliate products and other resources you find helpful. Remember, it has to benefit your leads.5. Promote Your Primary Business - On the back end of your sales funnel you will be promoting your business. You do this only after you have built a relationship with your leads and promoted useful information. Your leads will only consider working with you if they know like and trust you.When It Comes To AdvertisingDuring my entire career in the network marketing industry I have never came across another more powerful advertising tool than pay-per-click (PPC). With PPC you can literally put your ads in front of your perfect prospects and the exact audience you want to see your ad. You only pay when your ad is clicked. The top online money earners all use PPC. Websites that offers this advertising medium include Google, Yahoo, MSN and some other smaller companies. There are network marketers today who generate in excess of 500 leads every single day. This is the power of PPC and why you need to be using it.But be warned though. Like any new advertising or marketing technique there is specific learning curve you must first overcome before you start using PPC. My recommended course to shorten this learning curve is PPC Domination. From the formula taught in this course you can generate as many free leads as you want per day with PPC all while crafting ads that sell, attract new customers and sponsor more distributors.In conclusion I would just like to say that there are numerous ways to generate network marketing leads online. These include producing videos, writing articles, blogs, participating in forums, social network websites, free classifieds and writing press releases. But none of these even come close to PPC and the amount of leads you can generate from it. So if you have an advertising budget pick up PPC domination and start advertising on Google or Yahoo. The smart marketers who use this strategy correctly are the ones reaping the benefits.
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