How to Choose a MLM Company For Moms - Top Ten Qualities to Look For in a Network Marketing Company
So you've heard of multi-level marketing, or MLM, and you're interested. You definitely like the idea of developing a residual income - income you receive month after month for work you do once - so that you can take that special family vacation, buy healthier food or start a college fund for your kids.You've also heard a lot of conflicting information about various companies, and what makes a good one. As a mom who has wrestled with choosing the right network marketing company herself, allow me to give you what I believe the top ten things to consider when looking for that perfect company.1. The company shows solid promise. You may have been advised not to join any company under five years old, because most fold within their first two years. But the current longevity of a company does not necessarily prove future longevity. I once belonged to a company that bragged being fifteen years old when I first joined. Two years later, it went bankrupt. On the other hand, a young company that is steadily growing and is based on solid business ethics is likely to provide for you for years to come.2. The MLM has has a solid financial base. Some companies constantly rob Peter to pay Paul, because they get into debt creating a new product or launching a marketing plan. Do your legwork to ensure that the company you're looking at uses sound financial practices.3. The company offers an ever-green and high-demand product line or service. If you join a company whose sole product is something based on the current health fad, you may be able to initially find and sponsor people into your business based on the marketing hype. But when the fad passes, your business - and likely the company - will probably come to a standstill, profitwise. Find a company that provides something that is always in demand. A company whose products are consumable or whose service is often used repeatedly are even better.4. The company offers high-quality products that bring powerful results, or unique services that people want. There are innumerable MLMs out there selling semi-synthetic vitamins, for example. Such companies have a lot of competition - including health food stores - and finding people who will get enthusiastic about such products is next to impossible. Find a company whose products are transforming lives, or whose services make life more convenient.5. The MLM offers excellent training. The "training" of a lot companies consists of making you feel guilty for not being able to sponsor more people, more quickly into your business; or, they focus on making money, making you feel pressured to take actions that end up backfiring on you (many MLMers have lost friends trying to talk them into joining their business). Find a company whose training consists mainly of product or service information, and who train their leaders to be helpful and committed sponsors.6. The company is up-to-date with technology. You shouldn't have to need to keep track of your downline yourself or be responsible for stocking or shipping products to customers. Also, be wary of any company whose websites with videos or links that don't work.7. The company has a strong compensation plan. If your residual income in a particular company depends solely upon how many people you personally sponsor, keep looking. The best comp plans are based on levels. You fill out your first level, usually three to four people, and those people fill out your second level, etc. Then, you make commission based on the size of your group. Also, a good compensation plan should reward you well when you do personally sponsor people, and/or reach a certain level.8. You should believe in the product or service. If you're not excited about it, you will not get others excited about it, and you are unlikely to build a successful business.9. You should personally know some people who might be interested in the opportunity or products/services. Many network marketers are using the Internet to build their businesses, and that is making building an MLM business a lot easier these days. However, it helps if you know at least a handful of people who might be interested in either the product line or service, or the business opportunity itself. If nothing else, they can provide you with moral support while you get your business going.10. You should be able to work on the business in your spare time. If building a particular business will take time away from your family, move on until you find one you can work on for just an hour or two per day.How to choose an MLM company? Use the ten above qualifications, and you will soon find yourself in a home-based business that you enjoy and find growing success in.
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