Network Marketing For Your Home Based Business With Postcards
Postcards are rapidly becoming the way to get your home based business information in front of as many people as possible for the lowest cost. Those savvy network marketing gurus are beginning to realize that sending post cards is both smart and frugal.Who has time to read a 5-6 page ad piece, especially when you get 4 or 5 of them on a daily basis like I do.With a post card all it takes is a catchy headline to grab the readers interest, and it's right there on the card without having to tear into a "junk mail" envelope. Once you have the readers attention a well written sentence or two and boom, they will be headed for their computer to get on your web site.Start by making a powerful offer and then compel the reader to take action. I like to offer something for free or at low cost to seal the deal. Send the prospect to a landing page where they can leave their name and e-mail address. Send a free report, informative DVD or other item of interest to. Make it fast and easy for people to get information and you will find your postcard generating a stream of interested prospects.Zero in on your target market by getting a mailing list of "opportunity buyers" who have purchased similar products in the last 30 days.I have used Mega Media Associates with great results.They can also be easily found simply by searching "mailing list brokers" online.If you don't want to send out your postcards, this can be done for you.Contemporary Communications does this very efficiently.Mailing houses can also be searched online.So, give post cards a try, you will protect your valuable advertising budget and enjoy the response from these colorful mailers. Remember be creative and have fun.
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