
Not Tonight, Honey, I Have a Headache!

Do you ever have "those days" when you just don't feel like being productive? I sure do! These are days when the last thing I want to do is:Exercise
Call someone
Write an article or blog post
Make a video
Search for new contacts
Read or listen to self development materialAnd yet, I know I need to keep doing these things! You might wonder what exercise has to do with MLM? Well, no matter what my occupation, I have always found that starting the day with exercise puts me in a good mood and gives me energy. It also stimulates thought!I have been reading "Go Givers Sell More" by Bob Burg and John David Mann (great book!) In the chapter on maturity, they mention that being a professional means you work even when you don't feel like it. In a traditional job, you may be able to call in sick and still make money. But if you play hooky too often you'll get fired, and with good reason since you are letting other people down and making them do your work. In MLM, you normally don't get fired for lack of results (although it can happen so read your policies and procedures!) You might let some people down, you won't earn money, but probably nobody will complain. But we are doing this to make money, right?The analogy used in the book which I truly love, is that if your foot falls asleep you have not lost the foot. It's still there, you just need to get it moving. The funny thing is, once the feeling is back you will forget all about that foot being asleep. And that is usually the case if you will just get started doing what you know you need to do.I always find this to be true with exercise. Once I pop in the DVD and hit "play" I always finish the workout. Once I pick up the phone and dial, if the person answers, I must talk! Once I start writing about an idea, I get in "the flow" and the words just keep coming. When I start searching for new friends, I see interesting faces and get excited about getting to know them.Reading or listening to self development material is probably the easiest thing for me to do when I don't feel motivated. And guess what happens? It helps me see why I am stuck and helps me find my motivation again. Perfect.Read any good books lately?

