Network Marketing - What We Can Learn From a Game
I've mentioned many times how fond I am of Facebook. It's truly my favorite social media network for a multitude of reasons.One of the things I like about Facebook is the opportunity to play their games. There are many developers that put their games on the network for the entire Facebook community to enjoy. There are a few games I'm especially fond of. One of the games is a treasure hunt type of game. You collect treasures trying to complete collections. Each collection completed earns you game dollars.Anyone who is your "friend" on Facebook is automatically your friend in this game. When I first began playing the game, I only had a handful of friends on the game as most of my friends were not playing. Within the game you are able to trade with other friends. I quickly learned I needed a larger team. I began taking part in discussions on the message boards and quickly grew my number of friends.There are so many lessons to be learned here:1. People are attracted to others who share a similar interest. By saying yes to being my friend, they know I might trade treasures with them. In network marketing, grow your circle of friends by letting people know how you can help them. People want to be with those who help them.2. Being known as someone who is helpful will help you grow your group. I talk daily on the discussion boards. I help anyone who asks. I give away treasures, asking nothing in return. You can do this in network marketing. Share your knowledge. Share your resources. Help other people and they will come to you.3. People help in many different ways. In the game, I give treasures to a particular man. He and I happen to play another game and he gives me puzzles for that game as he's at a much higher level than I am on the other game. In network marketing, give away your time and knowledge. You might find customers, you might find team members, you might find someone who can help you place an ad or you might find someone willing to let you guest write for them on their blog. Each of these things will help you grow your business.4. I check each day to see what items my friends need. Someone who didn't need an item yesterday, might very well need it today. The same is true in network marketing. Someone who wasn't interested in joining your team last year might now be interested. Life and situations change. Find a way to keep in touch with people so that if they want what you have, you'll know.These are just four lessons that can be learned from playing games. Think about the games you play and how you can relate the strategies back to your network marketing business.
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