Mike Dillard & Mark Weiser - Attraction Marketing - How to Be a Blackbelt Recruiter
If you have been in network marketing for more than a day, you have probably heard of Mike Dillard and Mark Weiser. They are two of the top network marketers in the business. Mike has figured out the secret to being a "BlackBelt Recruiter". The secret is attraction marketing. You want people coming to you; begging you to LET THEM join your business. The last thing you want is to be chasing leads and prospects. You want them chasing you.There are three fatal mistakes that network marketers make. If you can avoid these, you will be well on your way to success in this industry. First, don't underestimate the number of people you need to talk to. Statistically, approximately 97%-99% of the people you approach about your business, WILL SAY NO!!! This is a fact. Don't be afraid of it. You need to decide how many people you want to sponsor each month, and then be sure to talk to enough people to do it. (Side note: Check out Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz's "Go For No" training - set a "no" quota each month, and the "yes"'s will come). Second, take action. You see, too many people take too much time planning and not enough time doing. How do I know this? Well, I used to be one of those people. The most important thing you can do is DO! Are you going to make mistakes? Sure. But how else are you going to learn, but to make mistakes. Finally, don't try to "sell" your prospects. You should be interviewing your prospects. Determine if they are worth your time. I promise, if you project this confidence to your prospects, they will notice. They will wonder why you aren't selling them. You need to be more important to them, than they are to you.Now, let's discuss the philosophy of sponsoring. When interviewing your prospect, it is important to remember that YOU need to be convinced that they are someone you want to do business with. Take control of the conversation; ask questions. Lots of questions. Think about when you go for a job interview. Doesn't the interviewer ask you questions? Don't they control the conversation? This needs to be you. Remember, the statistic above? 97%-99% of the people will say no. You are looking for the 3%'ers. You want people that are driven, goal oriented, hungry to work this business. You should be looking for people that want to participate in your business. Below are some sample questions you can use when interviewing prospects.1) Why? What has driven you to this opportunity?...at this time in your life?2) What kind of income are you looking to make? Can you see yourself making that kind of income?3) Other than money, what do you look for in a business opportunity like this?In conclusion, if you want to sponsor 15-20 representatives/distributors per month commit to the following items. First, SET GOALS!!! I cannot stress enough how important this is. Write them down; refer to them often. Remember why you got into this business. Second, take action. Remember, massive action equals massive results. You should dedicate no less than 4-5 hours per day to building your business. Set aside time to call back prospects. Take the time to do the tasks that generate income. Third, believe in what you are doing. If you don't believe in it, how can you expect others to believe in it. Fourth, don't give yourself an out. Commit, commit, commit. Finally, be coachable. Give yourself room to grow. Follow these steps and you will be well on your way to network marketing success.If you want to learn how to sponsor more reps...the right way...come visit me at http://www.XtremeLeadGeneration.com. I look forward to your success!!!
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