What is the Big Deal About Attraction Marketing?
Attraction Marketing has been around for awhile now, but it is all the rage in today's network marketing/MLM industry. Not everyone is convinced though, especially your network marketing veterans, who have seen marketing fads come and go, and believe in the value of the hard work of face-to-face prospecting and sales. Attraction Marketing teaches you to position yourself to have people chase you, as Mike Dillard would say, "with credit card in hand, ready to buy". But before we get too far into Attraction Marketing, lets take a look at the alternative.We are all aware of what Seth Godin calls "Interruption Marketing". We encounter it all the time, pretty much everywhere we go. We are interrupted by a constant bombardment of television and radio ads, when trying to enjoy our favorite programs. You get on a bus or train, and there are generally advertisements alongside the outside of the vehicle, as well as all throughout the interior. You're pitched products in the urinals of public restrooms, along the sides of building, on your grocery carts, public benches, airports, everywhere you go there are advertisements of some sort competing for our time and attention. If we didn't learn to block most of it out, we'd go crazy from all of the sensory input.Interruption marketing takes the form of spam or cold-calling by today's network marketers, rudely ambushing you with claims of mega-money if you sign up today. Of course, there are those old friends or relatives that suddenly reappear in your life after long absences, and you're real flattered that they thought of you until they start trying to get you to come to a meeting to see this wonderful opportunity they came across. And in almost every case, they are pitching the idea of business ownership to people who have not expressed an interest in such.Attraction marketing is similar to yet another Seth Godin popularized term, "Permission-based marketing". According to Seth, this alternative to Interruption Marketing "offers the consumer an opportunity to volunteer to be marketed to", and by only talking to volunteers this "guarantees that consumers pay more attention to the marketing message".Mike Dillard, with his book "Magnetic Sponsoring" took the idea of Attraction Marketing to a whole new level and attracted tons of followers who grabbed these concepts and ran with them. I mean, who would you rather talk to about your business, someone who has not expressed an interest or somebody who is calling you because they are interested in your business or in something else you have to offer? The latter, I'm sure. Mike teaches you how to promote yourself as opposed to a business or a product, since people tend to join people instead of businesses. He teaches you how to position yourself as a leader with something of value to offer to people. He introduces the concept of the 'funded proposal', where instead of pitching your business on the front-end you, you offer an inexpensive generic product to the prospect to generate revenue to fund your advertising. He teaches you to first develop a relationship with the prospect, and THEN introduce your business after a relationship and TRUST is established. I highly recommend "Magnetic Sponsoring" to everyone who has a interest in marketing and/or sales, online and offline.The founders of MyLeadSystemPro (MLSP), aka MLMLeadSystemPro, inspired by the ideas of Mike Dillard, created the ideal automated Attraction Marketing system. MLSP is also the premier attraction marketing training system in the world. MLSP addresses the four major problems faced by network marketers, namely a lack of: leads, money, marketing training and duplication.They address the lack of leads by training you on a variety of ways to generate tons of traffic to your website(s), including social marketing strategies, article, video, and search engine marketing strategies, to name a few. They address the problem of cash-flow by adopting Mike Dillard's funded proposal idea, and using a sales funnel that contains almost 20 marketing tools and affiliate programs (including Mike Dillard's "Magnetic Sponsoring") that one can market on the front-end to create immediate multiple income streams. They address the lack of training by teaching the lead generation strategies mentioned above, prospecting, closing sales, personal branding, how to position yourself as a leader, etc. It is truly a world-class internet marketing education. And finally,they address the lack of duplication by giving you an automated duplicatable system that basically allows you to create a serious web presence that attracts prospects to you in droves.If you have any interest becoming a true marketing professional and attracting prospects to you, you owe it to yourself to checkout MLSP. As the great Jim Rohn once said, "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune." So you should really learn how to market. Learn how to work smart as well as hard, and I will see you at the top.
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