Why Network Marketing is a Good Business
Donald Trump was quoted as saying that if he lost all of his money he would start an network marketing business. He obviously understood the power of duplication and leverage.Having your own network marketing business offers many benefits regardless of the size of business you build. In this article we will look at some of these benefits and how you can use many of them to save money and make money.1. Make money building a group.This is where the big money is if you can hang in there long enough to see it take off. A network marketing distributorship contains a group of people who are underneath you in your organization. This can be from personally recruiting new distributors or from distributors who join several levels deep.Depending on the compensation plan this can be a very large monthly income. The stories you hear about of people earning a 6 figure income working for themselves with a network marketing business are true because they have built a large downline of distributors.2, Make money selling products.Many people who have their own business make a very good living just selling products. The difference between what you pay for the products at wholesale and what you sell them for at retail is your profit.The internet is making this very easy to do. Nowadays you can refer people to your company provided website where they can place their order. The company processes the order, collects the money, and ships the product. When this is done you earn a commission on the sale.With auto ship programs you can get paid over and over month after month every time a product is shipped. This is big advantage as it allows you to concentrate on getting more customers.3. Save money and buy at wholesale.A network marketing business is no different than any other business in terms of the flow of products. Products are sold by the company to a distributor who turns around and either uses them for themselves or sells them.Keeping the products for personal use is a benefit because you are saving money over paying retail prices for them. If these are products that you would normally use this can be a nice savings.This should give you a few ideas on why network marketing is a good business. It takes a lot of work like any business, but the rewards can be very big for people who do it right!
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