
How to Overcome Objections in Your MLM Business - Pain Free

First let's get your head straight...The first step to success for a new network marketer is getting over being rejected, it's easier said than done.I can speak from experience, and honestly say that being rejected is painful. The truth is that by choosing to be an entrepreneur you've signed up to hear more people say no to you than yes.If you let remain determined and focused a few no's wont get in your way.No one ever died from prospecting and dealing with objections!Guess what? Neither will you. But, what I've been able to turn painful prospecting into fun, non-threatening, conversation.If you follow these 5 strategies you're gonna love prospecting, you'll wake up every morning excited to listen to anyone who's willing to talk! Did you get that?Strategy 1:Always LISTENThis is not about YOU, move it!It's all about, who can be helped today!Helping is LISTENING. Therefore prospecting is LISTENING. Prospecting starts in your head, you have to change your mindset, and your own internal belief system before you can attempt to reach out and connect with people. Your intention should always be to see if there's a need and if you have a way to fill it. If on the other hand your objection is to sign someone up, right off the bat, you've lost. You've closed yourself off from truly having a meaningful conversation. We are in the business of solving problems, listen for one you can solve, then offer it as a solution... SIMPLE!Tip 2:Find Common GroundAsk important questions and keep the ball in your court. If you're asking questions, you're winning! Always have the ball in your court. Open with building RAPPORT.If you get stuck, I recommend using F.O.R.M.F - Family: "How are the kids, wife, grandma, dog... etc" (LISTEN and take notes if you have a bad memory)O stands for Occupation: "What are you doing to pay the bills?"R stands for Recreation: "What do you do in your spare time?"M - Motivation: "Besides money, what are you looking for in a home based business?" (My favorite question!)Strategy 3:Confront Objections Head OnThis tip helped me produce over $60,000 worth of sales in only 2 months! After building rapport you want to get right into the meat and potatoes. Start to qualify, by asking questions that will also have the prospect deciding to sign up all on his own.Here are four powerful questions that address: I have no Time or This isn't the right timing/I'm not ready to Commit/I don't have any Support/Can you really make Money doing this or I don't have any money.1. "If given the opportunity to collaborate with our team, how much TIME are you willing to commit?"2. "Commitment is very important to our teams structure, it's one of the reasons we've seen individual and collective success, how committed are you to your own dreams, and can you commit to a team?" "How long will you give yourself to work towards your dream?"3. "Do you have a support system?" "How do they feel?"4. "Do you have working capitol to get started with your network marketing business?"Strategy 4:RINSE and REPEATIf your prospect failed to qualify get off the phone! If they passed it's now your turn to offer a solution.Repeat back the answers your prospect had to your questions, in a positive way. This is called a U-turn.For example: "Mrs. Prospect you said that your husband is very excited for you, that's great to have such awesome support, your finances are in order, and your time commitment is awesome, I've been able to see amazing results with my company, my husband and I work together, and I'm just as committed to my team as I am to my own success, let me explain how our company can help you and your husband put your kids through college... Now you can explain what your business is, keep it simple and sexy.Tip 5:Show Your Prospect You're A Leader!Always give your prospect a task to complete. At this point Mr Prospect will be hanging on your every word. It's now or never. Give them two options, "I'd like to have you as my guest on a private webcast at 5pm Today or 5pm Tomorrow, which will work better for you?" Always try to send them to a live presentation first, if that's not available then use a scheduled webcast, and if you don't have either send them to your replicated website as a last resort.Then schedule your follow up. After a prospect has seen a presentation, always open with, "What was your favorite part?"Everyone has a little anxiety about getting started, sometimes a prospect just needs to be reminded about his answers to T/C/S/M to make a final decision, but never be pushy!Then confidently say, "Mr. Prospect, it seems like your ready to get started!" Then SHUT UP! The first person to talk is the loser!

