
Network Marketing Prospecting - 3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Get Better Results

The Internet has become a very crowded place these days. Not only do you have other business opportunities vying for your prospect's attention, but you have marketing systems, and list builders trying to steal their attention as well.What you are left with are prospects who don't know what to do, which way to turn, and whom to trust. Keep in mind that the average prospect out there has tried many different opportunities, programs and systems...only to be broker and more frustrated than when they first started.The last "guy" that told them they would help them, left them high and dry. So trust is a big issue for most prospects you run into. Your network marketing prospecting has probably taken a nose dive if you're not able to position yourself and your program in the right way...the way that says to your prospects "I'm different than everybody else and I can help you get what you want."Here are three simple things you can do right now that will help you get better results in your network marketing prospecting.1. Brand yourself. People like to form relationships with people...not systems or opportunities. Are you portraying yourself as someone who truly cares and wants to help people? Are you distinguishable from the other "noise" out there...or are you starting to blend in with everybody else?2. Offer a solution that helps your prospects. Presenting your program to your prospects is not a way to help them...if you can't show them how to use it to help them get what they want. Remember your average prospect has joined multiple programs, systems, and opportunities. What makes you and your program different? How can it help them? If you can't answer these simple questions, chances are you're having a difficult time trying to get sign ups.3. Build your list. Most people who see your offer will not join or buy from you. That's just how it is. This is why it is really important to capture your potential prospects' name and email address. Once you have them in your marketing funnel, you can build a relationship with them. As you get better with this, your network marketing prospecting ratio will get better as long as you know how to do this effectively.

