No More Rejections - Network Marketing Recruiting Without Phone Calls
If you're involved in network marketing chances are that you've experienced rejection when calling leads. Whether you've bought a hot list of supposedly highly targeted leads or generated them yourself, somehow they just aren't all that hot after few bad phone calls. Rejection is the one of the biggest reasons that people fail with mlm or direct sales companies because it leads to a fear of the most vital activities in the business - enrolling new distributors and getting new customers.No one likes to be rejected. The good news is that there are steps you can take to drastically lower the number of rejections you get during your network marketing recruiting.Step 1 is to stop calling lead lists or lists of potential business partners. It just doesn't work. Instead, start building a list of qualified entrepreneurs that are "mlm buyers" (people that already buy into the business model.) There are numerous ways to get your website in front of these people. Stop focusing on recruiting people directly for your business, and start offering training and business coaching of some sort to help them build whatever business they are a part of.Step 2 is to begin positioning yourself as a leader and a trusted source of information to that list through email. Send an email to that list EVERY day. People involved in mlm love anything that will help them get more leads for less money, so an easy topic would be anything having to do with that. Share current events, tell stories about your experience within the industry, or even share your personal philosophy. Above all, be entertaining. Entertaining your list is key because you want to build a relationship with them and create some reason for people to open your emails every day - giving you a captive audience.Step 3 is recruiting through that same email list. Once you have established yourself as a trusted source of information you will be surprised at how many people will be willing to join you in whatever opportunity you choose. Doing the work upfront and building that relationship initially will make network marketing recruiting almost rejection free and give you far more fulfillment in your business.
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