I love the first signs of spring! I get so excited when I see these things:Chipmunks
Bulbs peeking through the ground
The reddish cast of tree budsWhen I joined my MLM company, I needed to find some hope and develop some faith. In "Think And Grow Rich," Napoleon Hill teaches that we can develop faith using repeated affirmations mixed with positive emotions. If you develop a statement describing the success you intend to achieve, and repeat this statement many times during the day with positive feelings and visualizations, you are programming your subconscious mind to believe that your success is inevitable. My mentor, Michael Dlouhy, repeated his affirmation hundreds of times per day while building his business.Where else can we turn for hope and faith in our business?Successful people in your company
Company conference calls
Company events
Self development books
Blogs, videos, and articles on the InternetThe most important thing to remember, is that it takes time to build any business. When people start a traditional business, it is generally accepted that it may take as long as 5 years to see a profit. When people start a new career, they don't usually expect to be an expert over night. But for some reason, many people expect to sign people up immediately and make big money in their first few months of an MLM business. While this happens for some people, it doesn't happen for most.Some people honestly want nothing to do with having their own business. Some people you approach will not be ready at this time, but they might come back to you months or even years later. What is important is to find methods that produce some positive results, change tactics when things are not working, and persist in developing your faith. Don't give up! There will be tough times and obstacles, for sure.Think about how winter passes into spring. You get some warm days and get excited, then it gets cold again and maybe even snows! Gradually, the warm days exceed the cold until finally you know you won't see freezing weather again for several months. Spring passes into summer the same way. You get some hot days, and then some cool ones again. But finally you know you probably won't need a jacket again for a couple of months.The good news with your MLM business is, once you reach that "summer weather" it can stay summer for ever, in more ways than one! Not only can your business stay "hot" from then on if you've built it right, but you will have the time and the money to travel to wherever they're getting the weather you want!