Lifestyle comes 2nd!- There are many people in the network marketing profession that have time freedom and are living the life. The lifestyle did not come first. Lifestyle is secondary to working your face off!
Work your face off! - Those that are making 6 and 7 figure incomes did not become success waiting for things to happen. They worked their face off!
Success does not come over night! Success takes time! Your actions today take time to measure. The question is will you be hear a year from now? You could not expect to walk into any profession and create a $10,000 monthly income over night. For example, how long does it take a doctor, attorney, top sales professional in any profession to create a 6 figure income? Many times it takes 5 to 10 years. Network marketing is NO different.
One of the things you can do to work your face off is implement the "2-a-day" formula for exponential growth. If you make it a habit to share and expose you MLM opportunity to 2 people a day 5 days a week I promise you success. The other benefit is you will continue to grow and get better using the "2-a-day" formula.If the Formula for Financial Independence in Network Marketing is "Your ability to get a large group of people to do a few simple things over a consistent period of time" just what are those few simple things? Well it is the 3 things above: lifestyle comes 2nd, work your face off, and lastly you have to give it time.