
Work at Home? Success Without Distraction

Working at home is one of the favourite things that I love about the business model I have developed. Here are my valuable life lessons learned on how to avoid distractions while working at home:Tip #1 The Door Is Not Always OpenMany friends or family may not fully respect that fact that you have a business to run. The only way you will gain their respect, is to decide on your own boundaries when you work at home, and to stick to them yourself first. These boundaries should include decisions about your work and how much you work. I achieve the most when I follow a daily routine. That means I don't answer phone calls, turn on the computer or answer email until I've completed my personal, morning routine.In just the same way, at night I have an end of day routine that includes shutting down the computer, neatening my desk and checking over my to-do list for the following day. Routines like these give you a feeling of organization. This in turn means you are able to relax during your off hours so you can start up again the next day feeling refreshed and energized.Tip #2 Keep Your Home As Your Inner SanctumWhether you have a large home, or you are operating from a much smaller space, I recommend establishing a separate work area for your business. This might be a small room or area set aside for the sole purpose of operating your business, or if you need to share space, then I like the idea of purchasing an inexpensive screen or some other type of divider to separate your business from the rest of your life. Creating this kind of privacy will help you focus and feel professional.Tip #3 Batch Then Break 'Batch' tasks that are of a similar kind. For example - making all your phone calls on one block. I set a timer for a 50 minute block of solid focused work time, then when the time is up I'll get up and take a break for 10 minutes. I like to go outdoors for 10 minutes "break" or recharge time. Some business owners crave the company of others. Whichever your preference is, make sure you build that into your day. This type of schedule will keep you focused and energised about achieving steps within your business plan for the growth of your business.Tip #4 Let Your Family Know Your IntentionsIt is great to be close and handy to friends, hubby or the kids. However, these very things can be influential in creating massive distraction to your business focus. At home entrepreneurs are easily side-tracked with daily tasks such as laundry, making lunches, playing referee when your kids aren't playing nice, etc. To run your business efficiently takes creativity, concentration and focus. It is difficult to have these things if you are constantly interrupted with the demands of others, even if they're your family.It is important to let your family know up front that when you're working you're not available to handle their disputes or to "play mum." Share with them the reasons for growing your business, then ask for their support and help. Let them know EXACTLY what the rules are, such as no interruptions unless the house is on fire (think I'm kidding? I'm not!). Be sure to acknowledge their help in allowing you to grow your business. Above all, do NOT cave in and give up your priorities for the day.Successful businesses are built on creating strong boundaries so now is a great time to practice strengthening yours. Besides, when your family sees that "you really mean business" they'll respect you and what you're doing even more, in turn you will be an awesome role model for the people you care most about. Time you spend with them can then be quality time.Home is Where The Heart Is...It doesn't matter whether you're office is the dining room table or you have a private home office all to yourself, the more these simple tips are practiced the more focused and professional you'll feel. Remember that building a successful home based business is a dream that many aspire to and YOU can achieve! Think about it: no traffic, commuting or annoying coworkers. But without the right mix of people contact and structure you can easily fritter away your time without the things you need to show for it, such as new clients and lucrative opportunities.Whether your home office is a small table or a room to yourself, the more often you practice these simple lessons the more professional you will feel. If your business plan is to have a home based business, it is a dream YOU can achieve!

