
Internet Network Marketing Tips

Building a successful and profitable internet network marketing business is not as easy as everyone makes it out to be. In order to build an online real estate empire that stands the test of time there are a few tips that you must follow.Internet Network Marketing Tips #1: Maintain a commitment to yourself.Although, starting an online business is exciting when you first get started, but building a network marketing organization that is going to give you financial and time freedom will not happen over night. It is going to take consistent action even when you don't feel like working the business anymore to become successful and to have tomorrow what other won't.There will be many peaks and valleys in the process of growing your internet network marketing business. It is easy to quit and give up when you hit one of those valleys. Those valleys are only temporary I have never been through one that lasted forever. Stay focused and become one of the top 5% who make it.Tip #2: Do what is duplicable.Duplication is what works not what somebody else says is duplicable. Keep in mind that network marketing businesses are built upon duplicable systems. If your downline will have a hard time building the business the way you are it's going to kill your business.Tip #3: Funded Proposal System.The reason most people fail at building their business online is because they either run out of money or leads. Having a funded proposal system takes care of both of these problems. What is a funded proposal? Anything that creates additional immediate revenue in your business that results in a direct increase in the value of your leads. It could be selling your prospects your own information products, affiliate products, or a pay per lead program.By never giving up, following a duplicable system, and having a funded proposal system you will eventually become an online success.If you want to learn more about internet network marketing tips and how to get free leads to make money online make sure you read and follow the instructions in the resource box below.

Exfuze - Why Review Another Juice Company?

Hello,My main goal is to give you an honest review of an MLM company called Exfuze. Giving value in this world by helping others is what it's all about. In my research with Exfuze, I've decided to write this article for anyone whose thinking about joining this company or just want to learn about Exfuze and what they're all about. To be upfront with you now, this Exfuze review as said earlier is based on my opinion, and many hours of research. With so many Network Marketing companies out there, I encourage you to do your own research, and form an educated opinion based on what you've found. This is critical, because you don't want to waste any time, money, or have any regrets about Exfuze or any other MLM-Network Marketing company you so choose. Alright, lets go ahead and talk about Exfuze.....Who is Exfuze?Exfuze is a MLM- Network Marketing company that in the last few months grabbed the attention of the masses in the Network Marketing Industry and across the Internet. Is this company the real deal? That's probably what going through your mind.... I know it was for me.For the remainder of our time together, I'm going to go over specific areas that are important when looking at a company, and just go into what exfuze really is. Come see....What is Exfuse anyway?The name Exfuze has many meaning According to the company is derived from extracts being fuzed together. This goes right into what their product is. The product Ezfuse Seven Plus is a juice or drink if you will. A multi-botanical juice that creates a synergistic combination of seven super foods combined with other ingredients by the use of the extracts rather than the concentrates, which they say has greater power. In addition to this, their approach is to treat each super-food and the extracts as if it were the sole supporting nutrition of the drink. Exfuze has combined the powerful nutrition of seven super-foods with several other potent ingredients known as the PLUS factor of Seven plus:Seven Super-foods:Acai, Noni, Gac, Fucoidan, Goji, Seabuckthorn, Mangosteen and the PLUS factor: Pomegranate, Wild Blueberries, Aloe Vera and Concord Grapes.Other Potent added Ingredients (the plus factor):Blue Agave Nectar, and Plant-based Minerals.I thought this was pretty amazing for the simple fact of knowing the benefits of many of the above ingredients. What I've found from my research of these benefits and what it helps with are... premature aging, enhanced immune system, cardiovascular health, free radical protection, and anti-inflammatory and detoxification capabilities. Also, one thing that sticks out in my mind as I'm writing this, is the power of the Noni super-food. It is said to to be considered a tonic by the west Indies and Polynesian culture to contain fever, treat eye, skin, gum, and throat problems, as well as stomach pain, constipation, and respiratory difficulties.There seems to be a significant market for this type of product as "baby boomers" are all about health and wellness, and anti-aging.LeadershipCEO Rick and Don Cotton... two men with one vision. Peter Hammer, investor Gary Gaglioti, and VP Paul Morris. They bring to the company many years of network marketing experience and a solid financial backing. One interesting tidbit that I found is that Peter Hammer was responsible for taking another network marketing company from small to big in a very short amount of time.There are also other notable leaders that are distributors. To name a couple, Master distributor Steve Campbell and Keith Halls. Steve Campbell has over 20 years of experience in the MLM- Network Marketing Industry. He's well respected, and by many considered a powerhouse in this Industry. Keith Halls is also know very well as he was the ex CFO of Nu-Skin. This blew me away, because he joined Exfuze as a distributor??Exfuze is a company that had $5 million in funding for the start up, and has a whole team of professional football players as investors.... Hall of Fame player Lawrence Taylor and Hall of Fame Coach Bill Parcels to name a couple. They look like a solid company!TimingIn April 2008, Exfuse had their pre-launch and then opened to public in September of 2008. With less than 60,000 distributors in the world, many think of this as a pre-momentum stage. During the stage of their first year,they were already opened in countries like Canada and Japan. Trends show Exfuze to be positioned to reach $1 billion within its first 3 years. Many looking at Network marketing believe that it's good time to enter a company with this type of potential in their early stages.Compensation PlanFrom what I saw about the compensation plan, people that choose to join Exfuze would have the ability to earn money in seven ways:1. Retail Sales2. Preferred Customer Sales3. Fast Start Bonuses4. Matching Fast Start Bonuses5. Team Commissions6. Plus Bonuses7. Director Matching ChecksWithout going into each detail of the seven ways to make money in Exfuse, I will say this.... In my time in this Industry and after evaluating over 20 companies, this compensation plan is the best. Now, If you're looking to get involved with this company, I encourage you to do your research so you can make an educated decision. View the compensation plan, and compare it to others as I have, then make a decision based on what you've found.So, what's next? Well, I have to tell you that in my research all the pieces seem to be in great favor for this company. However, I did see one minor flaw. I noticed that just like the majority of the MLM/ network marketing companies out there, Exfuze uses traditional methods of marketing. If you've been around the network marketing Industry for some time now, you know that traditional marketing consists of meetings, making a list of names of everybody you know, calling and checking their interest, going out and meeting as many people as you can collecting as many NOs to get a yes, then if you get tired of that, you buy leads. I will just tell you from experience that this does not work for the masses. This method does work for the 3 percenters if you find them. From my experience, you will find yourself in debt, frustrated, and wasting a lot of time on all the wrong people.If I were to give Exfuze a rating in comparison with other network marketing companies, I would have to give them 9 stars out of 10. If you noticed, in the above mentioned flaw from the marketing stand point, I said minor, because most MLM/ network marketing companies have this flaw. How to you take this 9 star company, and make it a 10 star? Check it out...

Numis Network MLM Review - Why Juice Does Not Retain Value Like Silver Coins

You have probably seen your share of health and wellness network marketing companies that promote vitamins, juices, weight loss products, skin care and the list goes on. Have you heard of the Numis Network? If you have not, Numis Network is the first MLM company to promote the sale of Numismatic gold and silver coins. There was a company that attempted a few years ago to peddle gold bullion coins through the same MLM distribution channel via mail order. Unfortunately they did not last long at all. The question you are probably wondering right now if spending $100 a month on the auto ship purchase of silver coins is better; or the same amount spent on bottles of health and wellness juice?Fact: Health and Wellness Juice Will Cost You $1,200 A Year Based On the Monthly Auto ship Costs of $100One thing you need to be aware in this Numis network review is that health and wellness juices do not retain any value once you consumed it. It goes into the garbage. So you are actually losing $100 a month. On the other hand, your $100 a month spent on the purchase of Silver Eagle Numismatic coins with the Numis Network will not only retain value of your hard earn money, but increase over time.Just think about it. In one year from now, you will have $1,200 dollars worth of Silver Eagle coins whose value could either remain the same or increase in value. And if you need cash at that moment, you can easily run to your local silver coin dealer and sell it for cash. So from a network marketing standpoint, your monthly auto ship costs is not really an expense. It is more like a way of sheltering your valuable dollars.It amazes me to this day why many people would rather call a company like the Numis Network a scam instead of the typical health and wellness MLM companies that are costing you money on products that are not designed for the purpose of preserving the value of your hard earn dollars.Another Important Fact: $100 dollars One Year From Now Will Be Worth Less Than $100 dollars You Have TodayDo you see why it is important to protect the value of your money during these tough economic times? Warren Buffet have made a fortune in not only stock investments but also in gold and silver investments too. Gold and silver have been proven to be traditional hedges against inflation and any kind of economic uncertainty that causes the stock market to be incredibly volatile and unpredictable. Hopefully your review of the Numis Network is an optimistic one.Mind Boggling Fact: Gold Was Trading At $400 An Ounce Back In 2005 - Now It Is At $1,200 An Ounce At The Time Of This WritingIf you own any gold coins, gold jewelry, even scrap gold (like broken gold chains), it is worth a lot of money now. There are coin dealers in your area that are buying scrap gold for the spot price of gold. I know someone who told me that he recently got $800 for a broken gold chain that he mistakenly thought was worthless. I had to talk him out of it because I know about gold investments very well because I myself personally trade the Gold Futures Options market.Am I Saying That I Prefer The Numis Network Over The Health and Wellness Opportunity?The answer to that is no. I am just saying that if you are tight on your money, worried about job security, and being a victim of economic uncertainty, then the Numis Network MLM opportunity would be for you. Why? Because the value of the money spent on the monthly auto ship purchases of Silver Eagle Numismatic coins will be protected in the long haul.

Earn Extra Money From the Comfort of Your Own Home

Many people have considered trying to make money from home. It means you can do the work you want to do, and when you want to. This is great for anyone; stay at home moms and dads, part time and full time works and students.There are many ways of making money from your own home, but you should note that it will take time to pay off. "Get rich quick" schemes and instant payouts simply do not work and should be avoided at all costs. Some people have tried online surveys and "watch ads while you surf" programs but the payouts are far too low for the time invested.If you become an affiliate, then this is an excellent start and can be very lucrative. If you are serious, then you will want to sign up to one of the many affiliate networks. These will allow you to promote many different products and online stores across almost any niche. If you refer someone successfully you will earn a percentage of the sale value.Of course, in order to do this, you will need your own website which is where you will put the link you are given. This is not the only thing that will be on your website - you will need some other content as well. It is easy and quick to do this in a blog and you can publish new content at the click of a button.It is a good idea to give an opinion on what product when you include it on your site. Why would you buy it? Is it a fair price tag? Does it beat other products in the same niche? Make sure you give an honest appraisal and if you cant give a review, look at customizing the product description into your own words. Be as accurate as possible, you are looking to become a trusted source.These are just a few tips on what it takes to have your own affiliate website. It isn't hard work, and can be done in your own time or whenever you are free. However, you need to think long term about your website as you are not likely to make much in the first month - how much you earn after that is entirely up to you.

If Network Marketing is So Good, Why Doesn't Everyone Join?

Now, this is one of the most common questions that you can get, if it is so good, then what doesn't everyone one get into network marketing. Now, first, I will start on the first type of person who does not get into network marketing. They are set in their ways, and they have been told, go to school get a good education and get a good job and put in 30-40 years and then you can retire with a home and a white picket fence. Now, in this economy and as the companies that have been downsizing, right sizing, optimizing or whatever terms companies will use to tell you they are purging the company of people that cost too much, are learning that this does not work.Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.Albert EinsteinI tell people, you have to adapt to change, in your job and in your life and in the world. If you don't, your future may be at risk. Technology changes and situations force us to change our playing hand often. How many times do you need to be let go out of a career to have to seek new employment before it is not working. I will say, some people in very influential positions in companies close to retirement, feel that they will be OK and they see the finish line. I applaud you if you make it. Another reason people do not get into network marketing is that people have all heard about that person that was unsuccessful in a networking plan and they feel that if that person did not make it, how could I. Well, you are a different person, with different motivations, educational experiences and job skills. If you look at traditional businesses, the majority fail in the first several years, yet more new businesses are opening up every year. They do not worry about the numbers, they know the desires in their hearts.Another reason people do not get started in network marketing is the fact that so many people are working 60-80 hours per week, and do not think they have the time. As I said in one of my other articles, sure you can not get rich quick, it takes time, but if it was an investment into future relief, would it be worth it or do you always want to work so many hours?Now, if you are buying into the "no one ever has been successful", "all network marketing businesses are scams", or "I do not have the time", are letting others persuade you and steal your chance of success based upon ignorant beliefs.

Wondering Whether Juice Plus is the Company For You?

People these days are looking for a solution to staying healthy and looking good. Workout facilities and health food stores have become quite popular over the years. In 1993, a company called Juice Plus came out onto the market and has flourished ever since. They've done an excellent job providing great health care products that people have shown to love. Juice Plus specializes in making dietary supplements that contain concentrated fruit and vegetable juice extracts prepared with added vitamins and nutrients. The supplements are advertised as "the next best thing to fruits and vegetables."The idea behind the product is that people will be able to use these fruit and vegetable supplements in place of eating fruits and vegetables. Juice Plus knows that there is no supplement for real fruits and vegetables, but they also know that the majority of people don't even come close to getting the recommended amount of nutrients in their day to day lives. These products can help you receive the nutrients that you are lacking at the end of the day.Juice Plus specializes in all sorts of health vitamins and supplements; they are produced in pill form, powder form, and liquid form. There most popular products are two different juice supplements that are made from fruits and vegetables. Juice Plus, as a lot of people know, is a multi level marketing company. What does multi level marketing mean? Multi level marketing is just a business structure that a lot of companies use to sell their products and services. Instead of selling products in a store, they use distributors to go out and sell their products for them. Distributors receive a commission of their personal sales and the sales of those people they've recruited into the company.The amount of money a distributor makes totally depends on his or her ability to sell and recruit. People that are comfortable talking to others and selling items do very well within Juice Plus. Before joining the company you just need to ask yourself whether or not you'll feel comfortable approaching your friends and family about buying products or joining the company, because if you're not comfortable doing that then I would suggest that you keep looking for another home business opportunity.


How to Spot a Genuine MLM Opportunity

What is MLM or multi level marketing?MLM marketing involves the retail of products or services by a team of people. Income is usually made by receiving bonuses from the sales of the individual plus a percentage of the sales made by the team members recruited by the Individual.How to spot a genuine MLM Opportunity.Below is a number of attributes to look out for when searching for a genuine marketing opportunity.Cash richA company which has no debts with a number of assets including real estate is sure to be a safe bet. Forever living products is totally cash rich and debt free. Forever living has debt free real estate in all 140 countries it trades in.Have been trading for a long timeA MLM company which has been trading for a number years is more likely to be genuine with a workable strategy for success. Forever Living Products have been trading for over 30 years.Have an actual genuine productMany MLM schemes have little more than an eBook or other worthless items for sale. These Schemes are little more than Pyramid schemes with little scope for a sustainable income. Forever Living Products Produce and distribute high quality Aloe Vera health drinks, supplements and skincare products which are used by countless people around the globe.Have a proven structureA company with a proven sales and distribution plan will easily be able to facilitate the retail structure. Forever Living Products Manufacture their own products and have an effective distribution methodology.Provide training and supportA good MLM company will have a good training plan and support structure to guide the entrepreneur to success using proven techniques. Forever Living Products offer face to face training seminars and online tutorials. Also the sponsor will always be on hand to offer advice and support.

Asea Review - Is Asea For Real? From a Network Marketer's View

Asea network marketing company is another claim to fame company, with products that claim to fight disease and slow down aging. They say that there products are so powerful it can build your immunity system and detox your body and flush out all the toxins and "bad" stuff your body takes in on a daily bases. Is this true or is it a scam?After going through their website, you can tell the management behind Asea are completely faithful to their product and are excited about sharing it with the world. A smart way for them to start on moving themselves to the top is try to grab other big network marketers from the industry and get them plugged in to their system and product line. They must market large to begin with to make it large.Asea promises 7 different ways to get paid. Seems nothing new on their ways of payment, commission, bonuses, match pay, the normal ways of payment for most MLM businesses. But when I was reading through the site and some reviews they do mention that you "sponsor" new advocates. This is a bug deal because legally the only way to say this is if there is a monthly fee of some sort, whether it be ordering their product or paying a fee to be a advocate for Asea.Asea founders are Verdis Norton and James G. Pack. I tried researching a bit on them but can't find much on them. What I did find was they were very humble people and they do have complete faith in their product line and business opportunity.This home bases business seems to be like all the others. They are offering a great product that no one can touch and have there compensation plan that is different than any one Else's. Some people will find that they will make money quick and easy, but like most they have to roll their sleeves up and start signing other advocates up to find their success. This is how most if not all MLM businesses work now.

Max International MLM Business Review - Is This Company Legit? Max International

Max International is another health and nutrition company. The company was created by a group of entrepreneurs that felt that their product would sell much better in a face to face situation rather than sitting on a shelf in a store. That's why the company was founded under the multilevel marketing structure, which means they use distributors to sell their products instead of selling them in a store.Max International has a lot of products that focus on health wellness. Their main product is called Max GXL which is designed to increase intracellular glutathione. Starting at the age of 20, a person's glutathione level lowers about 10% per decade. What is glutathione you might ask? It's the most prevalent antioxidant in our body at the cellular level. When your glutathione lowers you will experience lower energy levels and a weaker immune system. So basically what the product does is increase your energy and strengthens your immune system.As I mentioned before the company operates under the multilevel marketing business structure. Distributor can buy into the company and receive a commission from all of their sales and the sales of those people you recruit into the company. Max International uses a binary structure which means you find two people and then those two people find two people and so on.Your potential to make a large income within this company rest solely on your ability to recruit people. If you're confident that you can recruit a lot of people then you'll do well within this company. But, if you trying to get your friends to sit down and listen to someone talk about this business opportunity make you feel comfortable then you should probably keep looking for another opportunity.

Does One Bad Apple Spoil the Whole Bunch?

I will readily admit, there are lots of bad companies in MLM. Just today I got another message on Facebook about a reverse 2-up scheme, where you pay $25 to get in (and get nothing for your money!) and they promise to pay you $25 for every person who joins after you, to infinity, no matter who sponsors them. The person pays $25 to join and everyone above them gets $25? Right. You do the math!But not all MLM companies are unethical. And let's face it, there are plenty of other nasty schemes in life! Have you seen these?
Email from supposed attorneys overseas with unclaimed millions they want you to have
Email with your bank's logo asking you to verify information
Impersonators on Facebook trying to sell you something
Messages on Facebook that you know this friend didn't send
Fraudulent charges on your credit or debit card
Charges to your credit card for a product that is on backorder
Computer viruses
The first one is such an obvious scam I can't believe anyone falls for it. These people ask for some information they can use to steal your identity and of course you never get the millions of bucks! The second one is much scarier, because if someone uses a company log that you trust and it seems to come from their company's email address, you may think it is legitimate. One of my banks constantly warns us not to respond to such information requests but I have received them, supposedly from other companies, who never sent a warning to their customers. But my point is, do you stop using email because of these things?There was someone impersonating Robert Kiyosaki on Facebook in December, trying to get people to send checks made out to another name (supposedly his accountant) to a street address (no company name) in return for an ebook. And he sent several messages, as well as live chats, trying to get me to send money. One time it was 5 AM Eastern time and he was claiming to be in Hawaii! One of my friends also had her Facebook account hacked and the person was sending chat messages about some colon cleanse product which I knew she would never endorse. But I didn't stop using Facebook because of these incidents!I have had several fraudulent credit card charges over the years. The worst one however, was a charge to a debit card which my former MLM company used to pay commissions. The card issuer refused to reverse the charges for nearly two months until my company intervened. I will never join a company again that pays commissions to an ecard, but I still use my credit card daily.In some states it is illegal to charge a customer's credit card for merchandise that hasn't shipped, but apparently it is not illegal everywhere because it has happened to both me and my husband. It's unethical of course!And finally, who hasn't been affected by a computer virus? But we still use computers!There will always be criminals in the world. I wish it weren't true, but it is. And there will always be unethical behaviour that isn't technically illegal. But I truly wish people would stop claiming that all MLM companies are unethical. And I truly wish that video websites would recognize this as well (several have banned all information on MLM including information about free training that helps people avoid the bad companies!) Not only are there legitimate companies selling great products and making people wealthy, but in today's economy I truly believe MLM is going to save many people from going broke!

Business Opportunity? Ask Not What it Can Do For You, But What You Can Do With It!

I've spoken with a lot of people this week who are looking for a way to have a business of their own. Seems there is no shortage of people who are out of work, or are just looking to change their lives and secure something that they themselves can control the success of. Many of them are drawn to the fact that the business we offer is two-fold-it offers a valuable product that helps people eliminate debt and create wealth and provides information on investments, saving on taxes, etc, and it also offers a business opportunity at the same time. However, a large number of these people approach their inquiry in such a way that they are asking, "what can this business do for me?"Here is where I immediately need to interject, "Well, what can YOU do for this business?"No, it's not a runaround. It's simply bringing to them the message they need to hear no matter what business opportunity they are looking at. Yes, it's important to know what the opportunity offers in the way of product or service, compensation, hours required to make it a successful venture and even estimated marketing costs. But also, and equally important, is that the person seeking an opportunity needs to realize that the success of anything depends on them. Will they be consistent in their efforts? Will they approach it with a positive attitude and dedication? Will they believe in the product or service enough to promote it successfully? And will they adapt an attitude that tells any potential prospects "this is a great opportunity"?Those people out there, some of them desperate to find a solution that will end their financial woes, need to go into any endeavor with a positive attitude about themselves and what they are capable of. I have, over the years, taken a number of personal development courses. These courses guided me into realizing that I alone-no one else-determined my success at anything I attempted. Without ambition and confidence and the ability to stay positive and focused, only a rare few succeed.I peruse the classifieds a few days a week to see what opportunities are out there. There are a lot of them, to be sure. But what people need to do to determine a "fit" for them, is check out the product or service, see if it is of benefit to them, and society in general. By representing and selling/promoting a usable, valuable product or service, they can more easily reign in their confidence and enthusiasm to ensure they succeed. A little leg work that might just involve checking out a website or calling a number in an ad and asking about the product will save them a great deal of time and frustration.Take some time to discover what motivates you. Approach inquiries into advertised opportunities by asking yourself exactly what YOU can do with that opportunity and you will find it easy to make a decision and move forward. Because until you do that, chances are you will not succeed.

Jusuru - Another Juice Business Named Jusuru?

Jusuru was founded in Anahiem, California and officially launched in February of 2010. So as I have said in other reviews, track record, history and being transparent is a key. The good news, the public awareness of this company was strong out of the gates.The Good: It is not the same ole ACAI berry. it is a Bio-dell collagen mix, which is for joints and not another anti-oxidant mix. The good concept is that they give a bottle away. It is a combination of all the best of all the berries and juices, so it does deliver on the anti-oxidant front as well. They seem to have a good marketing team behind them,but as in most networking companies that only will go so far, and they will teach the same as all networking companies, because if they did not, why would they need you? The compensation plan is very appealing, because you can be paid 9 different ways. This has strong potential if you market it right. You need to profile your clients and get people to buy and count on the guarantees from the company.The Bad: I hate to say, but the claims or implied message is that it can help you medically. As we all know, with a company so new, there just are not the medical facts to back up the claims. I know I said the compensation plan is good, but that can be bad too. The Fast Start bonuses in the compensation plan imply people will buy mass amounts of products, and maybe you are one of them. You will be stocking your garage. They also want you to have juice tasting parties. This really means you will either be limited to who you can market to and you are giving away your money. I talk in the good about the profiling of the clients, but in order to do so, you have to have seen or know people you would stake your life on that they saw the benefits from the product. The company being so new, does not give the compelling story for you.In Conclusion: I feel this is a definite company to keep an eye on, but it is so new. If you want to see if it can help you with health concerns, then become a customer and gain the benefits. If they are truly seen, and you are not breaking the bank to get the benefits, then it may have potential. In the meantime, you really need to learn marketing strategies, to take this or any other company to the next level.


Selling Information Products Online - Establishing Demand For Greater Profitability

Having the best product in the world will not feed your family if there is no demand for it. While selling information products online can be a very lucrative way to make a living, this crucial fact cannot be overlooked.Often times someone will come up with what they think is a profitable idea for an information product, spend lots of time and money in the development of the product only to launch it to a silent audience.What happened? It seemed like the perfect solution for the market but now nobody is buying.The problem is that without conducting any market research the chances of hitting one out of the park or at least getting a base hit are between zero to none.The easiest way to avoid this is to do some keyword research in the market you're participating in to find out what exactly people are looking for. Once you've established where the demand is, that is when you can begin working on developing your idea for a profitable information product.Before you go sinking a whole lot of time and money in completing the project, it's a good idea to test the market with your idea so that you can gauge the response and proceed accordingly.Sometimes it's a good idea to allow a small number of individuals from within your target market to beta test it for you and give you the necessary feedback so that you can make any necessary adjustments prior to launch.It is also beneficial to take into account what your competitors are doing. If someone else is selling a similar product, what format is the market responding to? Audio? Video? Pdf? a combination of all of the above?In what way does your product differentiate itself from similar products on the market and what price point is the market willing to bear?As you can see selling information products online can be quite profitable once the demand has been establishment and the necessary research has been done. While it sounds like a lot of work, it really doesn't have to be if you know where to look to find the data that you need.

My Home Business - How I Started My Home Business in Internet Marketing

Hello everyone. My name is Captain Tim Riley, up until 2006 I was a full time Captain in the British Merchant Navy, sailing all over the world on cruise ships and latterly on a container ship.In late 2006 I was taken off ships to work on building a brand new ship in Germany. However, as the ship was due to sail I was approached by my superiors to set up an office near where I lived. I couldn't get home fast enough to tell the family.Since then I have held a 9-5 J.O.B same as millions of others for 2 years, but each evening when I came home, I could now access the internet and started looking around at what was available.There was a lot of information about Home businesses and internet marketing and so I spent several months digging into it, looking at options, spent many hundreds of dollars on crappy half built systems that although they may have worked, they would only work for the first 10 people in the system.I followed many people in internet marketing strategies, Mike Filsaime, Janet Legere and many more. It became very obvious to me that there was money there and that it would take some effort to access it, but once in, it's a bit like a club. Once they know you, they may get to like you and then hopefully trust you, then you can set up relationships with them, JV with them, and even assist in setting up new businesses.My Home business got it's first boost when I came across Autoresponders, I added that to my portfolio straight away and started to build the basics.I have now got 4 autoresponders, just in case any of them take a dive for any reason! My Home business is my lifestyle challenge and so in order to protect it, I have duplicated everything I am doing. Not just once, but several times over.You can easily see how a home business can fail as it definitely requires capital, either in the form of borrowed money, which I personally would NEVER suggest to someone online. It is not a good way to do business.Once you have built a small income, then leverage the income with loans. Don't start with loans and no income.My internet marketing strategy is to build many small businesses that can each use the others marketing techniques, such that with one very minor change anywhere in the system all the traffic can be diverted to any one of my sites or any group of sites I choose. This allows me flexibility in working on new sites, beta testing new pages on existing sites with specific traffic and allowing some sites to sit with no advertising at all to see what 'passing trade' I can pick up using Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) or just by having a good site.My first primary domain site was ranked around 16 millionth when I put it online, pretty bad, but having decided I wanted first page on Google, I set about changing that.Having discussed this with a good friend and colleague of mine he spent a few hours optimizing the landing page for me. POW! Straight to page 1 and for common search terms too. That page sadly has now been replaced, filed in the annals of history as I no longer advertise for that particular company.If you want your home business to succeed, pay attention to the SEO, spend time making the pages look good and don't expect your site to go straight in at number 1.Find a niche name or target market within a much bigger group and sit yourself on the top with a better URL (more appropriately named) and better keywords in your pages.You will succeed, you just have to go out there and do it.Here's to your success.Captain Tim Riley

Highlighting SaleHoo's Role in Promoting the Online Selling Industry!

The ongoing economic slowdown fails to quell the enthusiasm now being experienced by the online selling industry. Despite the parsimonious behavior of the traditional market, the online selling world is briskly active in consummating various sales transactions with a loyal and steady market. Indeed, this is a positive outlook and the industry is looking forward to a more vigorous and profitable undertaking. This positive outlook can be attributed in large part to drop shipping and SaleHoo.It is a known fact that a large portion of the online selling industry is engaged in drop shipping. Meaning, online sellers are now working with a host of suppliers that offer delivery services. In this business set-up, sellers no longer take custody and possession of the goods and products displayed in their respective online stores. These goods are retained and warehoused by the suppliers, known as drop shippers, and undertake to deliver the same directly to the online buyers upon the specific instruction of the online sellers. Evidently, this drop shipping arrangement is structured to relieve the online sellers from the hassles of having to maintain their inventory of goods and from the burdens of packaging and delivery. It also allows the sellers to save on the expenses that may be incurred in these activities, savings that will translate to additional profit.Due to its proven efficiency and indispensable contributions, there is currently a high demand for drop shipping suppliers. Online sellers scramble and flip through countless of online pages in search for dependable drop shippers. Recently however, the search has been made easy and convenient due to the emergence of SaleHoo and other online business resources.As an online business resource, SaleHoo offers a list of businesses engaged in wholesaling and drop shipping. This list is screed, selected and culled from a myriad of businesses inhabiting the online business world and published online to cater to the requirements of its registered members. In effect, online sellers who register with SaleHoo are now given unlimited access to a list of drop shippers with established credentials and qualifications. SaleHoo vets these businesses through a rigorous screening process and only those that satisfy its criteria will find their names included in SaleHoo's list.

Network Marketing Information Overload - How to Avoid MLM Information Overload and Keep Focused

If you've been introduced to network marketing as a means of earning extra income, you can expect to learn new ways of doing things. But if the MLM success rate is only 2 or 3%, are new distributors suffering from information overload when they get started, or is there some other dark force at work?You've probably seen it in your MLM business; new distributors who sign up one week, attend a training or two, then they're gone the next, never to be seen again.Why is this?First off, know what you want to achieve, then work out the most effective way of achieving it. Most don't do this.In this article we would like to help you recognise why information overload exists and how to focus on activities which lead to network marketing success.Enter the internet.The internet has been both a blessing and a hurdle to network marketers. On the one hand you have MLM companies restricted by what they could make available to their distributors to counter outrageous claims about their products, and the huge number of tools and resources available online to those conducting research on how to improve their prospecting and business building.I mean, have you ever sat in a training and listened to a trainer teach methods which don't work for you and don't sit right? No wonder savvy distributors like you are doing their own research on the internet. And so are your prospects.Now what if we could introduce our prospects' online research to our marketing pieces? Is this possible with the traditional network marketing model? Let's see:Traditional:- make names list of family, friends and co-workers- chase prospects and initiate contact- spend money on tools, resources, products and samples- get trained to overcome fear of rejection- attend goal-setting and 'keep looking at goal card' to keep focused- buy network marketing books and learn from gurus who succeeded with this old modelInternet:- web 2.0 (allows even the technically challenged to produce web content without learning complex code)- social marketing like Facebook and Twitter help you connect with YOUR like-minded audience- opportunity to create free/low-cost highly effective marketing campaigns- practically no technical skills required- if you can surf and send emails, you CAN do this!- ability to reach a global audience 24 hours a day, 7 days a week- opportunity to create a personalised marketing system which does all the pre-qualifying for you - once your content is out there on the web, it stays there unlike traditional one-time ads- and much more...So, on the one hand you have your network marketing company promoting their own brand of marketing/prospecting, and the internet offering a whole new world of conflicting possibilities. No wonder distributors are suffering with information overload.And as more and more distributors research new ways of building their MLM to reach a wider audience, they end up on countless mailing lists, buying numerous 'how to' guides and ebooks, resulting in more confusion than ever.So is this the real reason why so many distributors burn out so fast?To be free to use all the internet marketing tools above, you need to became a truly independent marketer. You could more or less say what you wanted or promote any program you wanted, right?But we're getting ahead of ourselves here.Consider this; the internet now makes it possible for MLM distributors to afford their own advertising and marketing campaigns which were never taught by MLM companies.As an independent marketer, you change from the hunter to the hunted. How? By putting your information out there on the web, using internet tools, your get to connect with people conducting research in a way never known before. By using affordable smart marketing tools and strategies, you attract your target market to you.So instead of you being the one who goes out there without any marketing at all, following the traditional MLM model of chasing people down, the situation is reversed so that the people you want to attract, are chasing YOU down.Does this sound like the kind of activity you should be focusing on?However, this equals more possibilities, more research, more information. The network marketing industry relies upon the average person being able to duplicate a process, but using the internet allows you to become a truly independent distributor for the first time. In fact, this is a golden time to be empowered. AND, this approach may be utilised to attract ANY target audience.

MLM Tips For Success

Top MLM tips are necessary more than ever with the financial and interpersonal domains are rumbling under the worries of a tumultuous and feeble economy. Friendships and relationships are suffering due to the monetary anxiety placed on the average person from faltering businesses. You'll find millions of people giving advice, telling you how to live, which business direction is the best for you, and how and where to make your next "big move."While your broke friends mean good when giving you tips on how to control your business and your money, it is necessary that we bear in mind to by no means take financial advice from somebody who makes less money than we do. Please remember the age-old saying: Accept no definition of life other than your own. Modeling yourself after someone else may sound like a great idea, but sometimes people get caught up in the particulars and forget their own strengths and weaknesses. The greatest tip one can obtain in the MLM industry is this: Encircle yourself with helpful people. The purpose of Multi-Level Marketing is to make a network. The objective of this network is to blend the power of like-minded individuals toward making a lasting and growing stream of income. If your business network is composed of lazy drunks or inexperienced kids, you will see the results in your bottom line. A group of lazy drunks might not stay in business for more than a few months, while a group of like-minded, serious, intelligent business owners may create a lasting place for success. It's all in the people you invite into your organization. I will say that again: It is all in the people you invite to become a part of your network.People will provide you with numerous MLM tips, and they will espouse the countless of ways you can "get rich" by working with such and such company. My advice is to keep it simple. Even if someone doesn't join your network, hold onto their information. In fact, you should keep everyone's contact information. A full Rolodex is one of the best ways to combat dry periods in business. Someone who may not have wanted to work with your organization several years ago may be in a different position now. There is nothing wrong with a quick phone call or a quick email inquiring about their status. These sorts of follow-ups and friendly connections are the replenishing waters network marketing. Friends, folks not involved in your business, can still attract new leads to your business.Face it: Not everyone you meet will join your network. It may not be that someone doesn't believe in your business, it may just be that your business is not right for them. For example, a 65-year-old man might not want to get involved with a business who sells a women's health supplement. The man probably doesn't know anything about it, probably doesn't care, and probably already has his finances worked out and is not interested in starting something new. Does this mean you should throw his card in the trash? Absolutely not! What about his wife? His kids? His other business associates? All of these people are potential additions to your network, and the fact that this gentleman now knows you and respects you is a huge step to acquiring a affiliate to your business based on his personal recommendation.No matter the streams of MLM tips you'll get from people you know, carry on your push toward excellence and improve your personal marketing and networking skills. Your success depends on your mindset, your ability to bring in leads and your capability to convert your leads into business builders. The best MLM tip I can give you is to learn how to market efficiently and make the internet your fishing pond.

How Does MLM Work?

If you are someone who has noticed the hype of earning money over the Internet and seen the overwhelming number of MLM companies present online, it is almost imperative that you now ask yourself this question:"How does MLM work?". What does one require in order to make the best decision in joining the right company? And does MLM work in the first place?MLM is, in fact, a legitimate industry and it does work. But it needs a great amount of dedication and time and effort from you, and the results that you will receive are typically a reflection of how much effort, dedication, and time that you put to it. The overall MLM industry transfers millions of dollars yearly between individuals for products and services, from nutritional products, to energy drinks, to Telecommunications, and even travel!The huge share of the pie of money in MLM comes from a few number of selected individuals. On the other hand, there are thousands of individuals who, through MLM, earn just hundreds and thousands of dollars per month. As I have said, your earnings can only be gauged by your professional and personal skill sets, also with your dedication to the business. So getting back to the main question, I'm going to just skim the surface on exactly how does MLM work, simply because it's not an easy process to elaborate on. let's take a look.Well, if you are willing to enter the world of MLM marketing, you first need to search for a good MLM company. Use Google search. But be careful and cautious in selecting the company that you are going to join. I recommend to visit their company site, or much better to call their company office for queries. A legitimate MLM company will be extending their arms to answer your questions.There has been a circulated story going around the MLM industry about duplication. This is a very easy concept: you sell products, and you are paid for selling it. Plus, you will earn more when the sales team that you built gets to sell. This is pretty much like how brokers earn commissions from real estate agents. But with the twist in MLM, you need to really get levels of people to join you. And this seems to be a major problem that many face.One of the factors that you need to make sure when joining an MLM company is that it should have a system for your success. If others who have utilized it have created success for their own, then you might be able to too! BUT focus on whether you are positioned at the right TIME and Place in the company to achieve the same goals that those before you have achieved.Finally, how does MLM work successfully? Or can is really? Well, if i had to pin point a single skill for MLM to work, i would say prospecting. It is the most important skill that you should have in order for you to achieve the success in the MLM industry. Now that you know how MLM basically works, it is imperative that you check out my report here to get a more indepth overview of the entire current MLM industry now.


The Secret's Out! Secret to MLM Success Revealed!

Attention Multi-Level Marketers!! The secret to success in your MLM business has finally been revealed! Are you ready?? Here it is...... (drum roll please).If you think you can - you're right and if you think you can't - you're right!!Okay, I'm sure that's not the secret you were looking for, but - bottom line - it's the truth and it's really all you need to know to be successful in your MLM or any other network marketing company.The SecretThe movie and subsequent book, The Secret, had a lot of impact when it came out a few years ago, but it seems the fervor has really dimmed over time. The movie left the viewer guessing as to what "The Secret" was throughout most of the film. However, philosopher, author & personal coach, Bob Proctor, reveals on page 4 of the book, "The Secret is the law of attraction!"Now, I suspect that there were many who "tried" putting together a vision board or writing out & saying affirmations for a few weeks or even a month or two. However, when the results they were hoping for didn't manifest right away the idea that "You create your life with your thoughts," probably went the way of the pet rock - that is, it was looked at as a fad that simply just faded away.So what does all this have to do with you? What does it have to do with your MLM business? And most importantly, what does it have to do with being successful in your MLM business?...... EVERYTHING!Posture You may have heard some of the online gurus talking about "posture" - and we're not talking about how straight your spine is. The definitions offered by Merriam-Webster are as follows;"1: the position or bearing of the body whether characteristic or assumed for a special purpose2: state or condition at a given time especially with respect to capability in particular circumstances .3: a conscious mental or outward behavioral attitude."Actually, when a person's mental attitude or position is one of strength, it is reflected in their physical appearance. Think about it, when you're having a "good" day - maybe you've just sponsored someone into your business who you think might be the next "superstar" - not only do you feel better emotionally, but you walk a little taller, smile a little more, and maybe your spine is a little straighter. When you're feeling positive about yourself, your company and your business, your posture reflects those positive thoughts & feelings.You may have even heard your sponsor tell you that the best time to sponsor a new person into the business is right after you've made a sale or just sponsored a new person into the business. This is because that is when your posture, your attitude and your belief are all at their optimum.The Law of AttractionThe Law of Attraction says, "That which is like unto itself is drawn." Those who have studied this phenomenon will tell you that we live in an "attraction based" universe. In other words, the most predominant thoughts that you have about your MLM business will reveal themselves.Let's say, you meet someone at a networking or social event who you believe has the potential to be very successful in your network marketing business. So you say, "Hey, John, you seem like a pretty sharp guy. Do you keep your income options open?"What happens after this question is asked can vary greatly depending on the thoughts, beliefs & attitudes supporting the question. If you are having doubts about your own chances for success are in question, it will come through. However, if you know that you're going to be successful in your MLM business - without a doubt, no matter what - the strength of your conviction will also come through to your prospect.Now, I'm not saying that just because you have a positive mental attitude that the prospect will join your business. But, I can guarantee that the chances of a successful outcome are dramatically increased when supported by strong conviction.So, how can you use this information to your advantage?First, understand & use your understanding of the power of your thoughts. Think about what you want from your network marketing business - not what you don't want.
Second, learn everything you can about and from the people who've had success in your MLM business. (And remember, if they can do it - you can do it.)
Third, when you're talking to a prospect in person or on the phone, make sure that you're in a positive frame of mind. We all have good days & not so good days. So, use the days where your thinking is at it's best to talk about your business to others. Then, on the less than wonderful days, take time to fill your mind with success stories from those who have blazed a trail for you to follow.And remember, it really doesn't make any difference.....If you think you can - you're right!AndIf you think you can't - you're right!

The Real Secret To Financial Freedom On the Internet

What do you think is the real 'secret' to financial freedom online? It may not be what you think... No matter what business opportunity you are trying to sell, or what you are trying to sell online, when you really fully grasp what the secret is, your financial future will be set. You will always have monetary freedom and you are guaranteed an asset that will always be yours.I have noticed that lots of people in the Network Marketing industry, or online marketing, or in the home business area, tend to spend an enormous amount of energy on their 'merchandise' or their 'business opportunity,' and the promoting of the product or business opportunity becomes more important than promoting themselves -- that the product or opportunity is the important selling point, when that is not the case at all... the most important thing is actually themselves. You might actually have an exceptional business opportunity, but if you have not really developed yourself into somebody that is worth following and that people are going to really take value from, you will not be the type of person that others are attracted to. If you have been around network marketing for a bit, you may already know this, and you may have an understanding of the concept... that it is about 'personal development' and 'branding yourself', but what I want to share with you today is how you can take that concept of 'you' and build an asset that you will be able to have forever - even if your main business opportunity crashes tomorrow, it simply will not impact you - and that all-important asset is the personal network you create based upon the branding of you. Again, it is your Personal Network!Building your own personal network is so important, and it is the key to ensuring your financial independence online. A quote from one of my favorite entrepreneurs, Robert Kiyosaki, sums it up nicely: "Wealthy people build networks... Everyone else looks for work." The lesson from that quote is that if you work on building your own personal network, you will then have the ability to access that network at any time and do anything that you want to do, thereby creating financial freedom for yourself.Great, you may be saying, but what do you mean by a 'network?' Essentially, your network is your 'list,' which is what you create when you make friends on any of the social networks, like Facebook, Twitter, a blog, MySpace, etc. Using these ideas you can build your very own personal network, but you have to realize that making contacts on the social networks is not the end, you must then cultivate the relationships you develop. The relationships you build are the true leverage for your success. It is all about building your network and building your relationships with other like-minded people. When you develop the relationship with your network, the product or business opportunity you are promoting becomes non-important. People will join you and follow you because of you. And in order to attract and keep these people, you must give them value. If you want to attract and keep your network, you must give in order to receive. It is inevitable that the more value and benefit you provide, the more your network will grow, and as a result your potential to create wealth will grow.So, do not be so focused on your network marketing business or just selling your product, but focus instead on how to develop yourself and how to create your network as a result. This is how you can really create long lasting success for yourself, because it is all about you. you are who the people will choose to follow, and that is the big 'secret' to creating a successful business online and becoming financially free.You want to make sure you keep the focus on developing you, and do not let yourself get lured into the 'next big thing' to come along. you will end up getting scattered and inefficient and you will not be able to truly create the most important thing, you. Do not get caught up in the whirlwind... keep your focus on developing yourself, keep your focus on developing your network and make sure to cultivate your relationships with the individuals in your network. The secret is you. If you can develop you, then you can create your network. Once you realize this and implement it, you will have financial freedom.

Health Equals Wealth? Maakoa Stakes Its Claim in the MLM Industry

Just when you think that the MLM industry has been saturated to the core with health and nutritional products, here comes Maakoa, another player in the health and wellness niche. With weight concerns becoming more prevalent in many countries, Maakoa's weight management product is a well-timed entry. But is this a real business opportunity or just a flash in the great big pan of the MLM industry?Health by MaakoaMaakoa is the brainchild of four individuals, all of whom have been involved in network marketing and business development for many years. The company officially began operations in early 2009 in Orem, Utah. Their product lines are plant-based, with some of the ingredients sourced from Brazil's Amazon Basin. Their headliner is the Koopuwa, a health drink containing high levels of antioxidants to help fight damage brought about by free radicals. It gets some boost from essential amino acids and other nutrients.Maakoa also promotes health beverage blends based on the famous Acai berry and are promoting MXp3, their own line of protein powders especially formulated to help reduce fat and build lean muscles.Maakoa offers its distributors a clear-cut compensation plan, so that's a point for them. Once you sign up for the company, you will have 7 ways to earn: through sales, bonuses and rebates.Can you sell Maakoa?For people concerned about Maakoa's legitimacy, there's good news - they aren't a scam. The company offers a legitimate opportunity for individuals who want to be involved in a networking business selling products that have a huge potential. But the real work is really from the distributor's end. The products have a ready market - all you have to do is to find this market before it gets snatched up by someone else.Is Maakoa for you?If Maakoa sounds like a terrific opportunity, make sure to determine whether or not you have the skills of a true marketer. This company will not make you rich - you will; they will not make you earn money - you will. No matter how fired up you are about the business, you simply will not be able to make it without the right knowledge, attitude and skills. There is good potential in Maakoa's products and with the right distributor, they can become some of the most popular health beverages in the market. Learn more innovative ways to market and attract people and you will be able to enjoy the unique opportunity that Maakoa offers you.

GDI Review - Is Global Domains International Legit?

If you have been looking at network marketing for a while now, then you must have come across GDI at some point. So, if you're researching about this company and want to know if GDI is the right MLM Company for you and if it could help you make money from your home, then you must go through this article.What Is GDI?GDI stands for Global Domains International. The company markets and promotes their ".ws" domain extension. They have been doing this successful for the past 8 years. The company began in 1990, and was started by Michael Reed and Alan Ezeir.What Is The Product?GDI sells the ".ws" domain extension. A ".ws" is like ".com" which are you're very familiar with, it's a top-level extension. Each country has been assigned with a domain extension, for example, the United Kingdom has been assigned with the ".uk" extension and the United States with the ".us" extension. The ".ws" domain extension was assigned to the country of Samoa. The founders of GDI thought that it would be a great idea to promote the ".ws" extension and make it a world-wide extension.When you get started in this opportunity, you'll be given a 7 day free trial, and after that you will be charged $10 which will be recurring every month. For your $10 dollars every month, you will get your own domain name with the ".ws" domain extension, you will also get a hosting plan for your domain on fully managed servers, email service with 10 free email accounts and a website builder for easy website designing and tuning.The Compensation PlanGDI offers you a compensation plan that is 5 levels deep. It pays you $1 for every person in your team for 5 levels. The company also gives you the chance to earn weekly and monthly bonuses to help you earn much more money, for each 5 people you refer within a week, from Sunday night to Monday morning, you will earn $100.ConclusionI think GDI is a great company to work with, and it gives you the opportunity to make a lot of money. But, like all the other MLM business opportunities out there, you need to work hard and put a lot of effort into it if you want to make it work. There is no such thing as "instant success" so do NOT expect to be rich overnight.

5 Ways to Inquire About What You Want

Believe YOU CanThis is difficult for the majority of us to inquire about support. Many of us anticipate our request pertaining to assistance might be denied and all of us expect that we all is going to be declined. In order to avoid the pain of this rejection many of us prefer not to inquire.Here are five ways to help make asking pertaining to assistance a lot less difficult. It will be worthwhile to help make a note of these ideas whenever needing to inquire about assistance. Becoming able to inquire about aid can help to make your life so much less difficult to get around.Suggestion 1. Inquire as though you expect to get your support. Having a positive thought may aid you request with increased assurance. You assume this assistance, you deserve to obtain aid and the particular person you are requesting is only too able to assistance. In fact they wish to help you.There is absolutely no difference between the particular two ways of asking since you could possess the particular identical final result in any event. You do not anticipate to be assisted or you perform. Nonetheless, this can help to make your own solution much friendlier, your spirits much lighter that you may deal with the particular whole process significantly better. In case you receive a no, you will not experience the particular rejection because a lot.Believe YOU CanSuggestion 2. Assume you are able to. Do not release negative opinions into the particular whole world. You can possess a greater prospects for obtaining a parking position if you believe you may find one, compared to if you believe you will not. Think you may get a admission to a show, a scholarship or grant, a increase or the particular job. Think the actual perfect regarding yourself and more often than not you may obtain this.Suggestion 3. Ask an individual who can provide this to you. Uncover who will be the correct individual by requesting for these details. Who is able to supply me together with the actual answer, who is the actual person in charge or who would I have to speak to in order to...? Do a bit of investigation to discover who the actual correct person or organization to supply you together with the support you have. Asking the correct individual can contribute hugely to your success.Suggestion 4. Be clear and specific. Whenever asking for aid identify first of all what you have aid with. Do you need aid together with money and if yes, how a lot exactly perform you have? Do you need advise? Then determine what the particular advice is pertaining to and what advice you need to answer your question.When you are asking for a increase, you need to be capable to state what that increase will be. How considerably will be this regarding, what benefits over and above the increase are you expecting and when is this raise due? When you are looking pertaining to a occupation, you need to decide exactly what you tend to be looking pertaining to so that you can apply to the actual relevant positions.Believe YOU CanWe all tend to find this easy to inquire about smaller things. If we all have a baby sitter we all know exactly pertaining to what date and time you need a individual to look after your own children. It's the particular bigger items that we all want to go regarding that all of us find tough to identify. It's probably because we don't experience that we all deserve the big house, or the particular large raise or the promotion. So all of us find it hard to inquire about these specifically.Suggestion 5. Request repeatedly. One of the particular most important principles of success is persistence. Really do not give up. Whenever you request people to aid you work on your goal, you will have some people that tend to be going to say no. They might have other priorities, commitments and other reasons why they cannot support you. It is not a reflection on you.Try and get used to the particular idea that you may have some rejections along the actual way. Not everybody will be the correct particular person to inquire or can possess the actual time to spend together with you. That does not mean that you tend to be not worthy of this aid. This just means it is not the actual correct individual pertaining to you at this moment in time. Carry on asking. You can find the help you want.

CiaAura - A Business Review

With CieAura, it is unmistakable that the contemporary world is growing towards applying technology deep in our daily lives. A phenomenon such as Holographic Chips would have seemed a possible product of the 21st century back in the 1960s. But the way that the world has advanced along in science has rendered the regular person skeptical to this type of wonder cure. This is a bit of a paradox, as there has not been an era where we were this infatuated with technology and science. Also paradoxically, these traits can be the origin for a good business, as the previously mentioned Chips indicate to keep the body in good health, but these statements are based more on Sci-Fi instead of proven scientific information.On the 24th of October 2009 CieAura had its quiet launch, while they are still organizing the proper launch, announced to take place around the end of March 2010. In the meanwhile they have working departments in three separate locations, i.e. Glendale, CA, Las Vegas, NV and Suwanee, GA. The official launch has potential to be a sound occasion to socialize, do some presentations and trainings, but does not guarantee any success yet.Their management team is composed of individuals highly praised for their vast public speaking qualities. Individual can't stop and contemplate if this fact can propel any subliminal message, the managers' rhetorical proficiency being a likely clue for what the company's intentions can be. Let us set that aside for the second, and drive attention on the team's personal history.CieAura's organizer and CEO is Ken Rasner. He is also the co-owner and President of Harmonic FM, LLC, a company intimately connected to CieAura, as the former produces the major objective of the latter's business, the Chips, that is. Aside from that, he has a pertinent know-how with network marketing companies, and has written a number of books on personal growth and MLM. Marie "Ia" Jimenez holds the position of Marketing Director. She has a good familiarity in the marketing discipline, as well as the media segment, as she has performed as a parenting talk-show host. She worked as International Consultant for some Asian modeling agencies, where she created and held workshops, and choreographed beauty shows.The company's president is Randy Mitchell, created two different MLM companies in his 22 years of corporate work. The representation wouldn't be finished without CieAura's Operation Officer, Al Leland. Accurate to his designation, he comes from a military environment, having as well worked as a R&D Vice President for an Atlanta based company.CieAura's products are the Transparent Holographic Chips™. These fittingly named devices are available in three different choices, each one with their respective areas effect. Pure Energy, Pure Relief and Rest Quiet are quite intuitively labeled to express the products' objectives. The first one theoretically offers added energy for any person being in need, the second one lessens the body from aches and the third one is beneficial for people in need of relaxing sleep.Along with the discussing of the company's products, another inquiry rises. Are these Chips really effective, or is this merely a money producing plan with no scientific origin? That is a difficult question to answer, as there is no set way of testing these claims, and it hasn't been tested. Considering what the company is saying about their product, the Chips' were designed with thorough familiarity of acupuncture, Asian understanding how the human body works, cutting-edge technology and other similarly futuristic techniques.An additional question, and one that is obviously easier to answer, is it possible to make money in this company? This product doesn't have competitors at present, based on this information only it can accomplish vast success. The company claims to have sought-after solutions for a varied assortment of problems with which the contemporary men is faced with each day, and this might be a further indicator that people will pay for this.CieAura offers a a little altered two-team (left and right leg) designed compensation plan. For each personally referred customer you recieve a bonus. You also obtain bonuses for the team directly under your front line, down to the 7th level. Bonuses can vary according to the team's accomplishments, supporting presentations, training courses and team work. As the right launch has not taken place, there are is no trainings found on the company's website, nevertheless there is a possibility that they will not overlook this part for long.


Why 25% of Network Marketers Fail, Not the 95% That Some Often Claim

Although network marketing companies avoid highlighting or even mentioning drop-out rates, often their top distributors exaggerate the rate to 95 or even 97%. They do so in their own personal branding in order to attract a greater number of prospects to themselves and away from those they may have themselves recruited. However, the more likely number of a 25% failure rate is easily explainable.The United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) provided a "Notice of Proposed Rulemaking" for business opportunities in April of 2006 (1). A significant amount of study and public comment resulted. The causes and number of participants leaving or canceling their enrollments were discussed at length within written comments and public workshops.A very simple explanation of the misleading math was provide by Jon Cook, identified as a leader with the Distributors Rights Association, at a public workshop held June 1, 2009."They come out with claims... (that) 95 percent of the people lose money in MLM, but an admitted thing within the industry is 70 percent of the people drop out. They're free choice. It's America. They find out they didn't want to do the work or they had something interrupt in their life. They had a new baby, something on that. So if we adjusted that fraudulent static 15 consumer awareness makes, it goes down to 25 percent which is pretty normal..."A good Network Marketing Company refunds the cost if the business kits and/or products/services are returned within 90 days. Some of them up to a year. Legitimate companies strictly observe the 72 hour right of rescission as required by law. The author gladly facilitates refund requests. Only happy, productive team members will produce the results they themselves are seeking.The remaining 25% in the equation are often those who make little effort. Additionally, many of these get wrapped up in the product and compensation knowledge. They don't "network" and certainly do not "market.So why the exaggeration? Top leaders in network marketing companies understand the importance of marketing themselves first and the opportunity second. Attraction marketing is what they are employing here. As new distributors, they would have never used or even discussed a high number. As a leader, using headlines such as "95% Of Distributors Fail. As A Leader In My Company, I Can Make Sure You Are In The Top 5%". You likely understand the appeal from their standpoint, although improper.So do 95% of network marketers fail? Of course not, most of them opted out. They changed their minds.(1) # 243; 16 C.F.R. Part 437; Matter No.: R511993 - Federal Trade Commission

How to Earn $250K+ Per Year Part Time on Your Laptop With Numis Network

Numis Network Review:You may be asking yourself what is Numis Network? Is it the right opportunity and how can I make money?Numis Network is a company that is on a mission to introduce, inspire and ignite 5 million new collections of graded numismatic coins throughout the world over the next 5 years. They are pioneering a new category in network marketing. In pursuit of their mission the representatives will have an unprecedented opportunity to create wealth and preserve wealth.First of all I'd like to say that I've been on the internet marketing products and systems for the last 7 years and I've had the opportunity to dissect many different business opportunities, but everyone once in a while you come across a polished diamond. There many companies out there marketing similar products, but Numis Network is the one and only network marketing company that has no competition in a 100 Billion dollar industry worldwide and 10 billion dollar industry in the US alone.With Numis Network you actually have the opportunity to offer a one of kind product that has no competition. Numis Network is a leader in a new category all together with a product that's in great demand. While all the financial advisers are pointing you toward precious metal investments this product is perfect for any smart entrepreneur and investor.I'm going to share with you why we choose Numis Network and why you should partner up with our marketing team to use our proven, tested automated online marketing system to build your network.The average person today is starting to wake up to the truthful reality that trading time for money will never allow them to reach their goals of financial independence and security. If you think that you have security in a job than think about all the layoffs that are happening right now with corporate America. The only security you have is investing in yourself and making yourself more valuable.Many average folks are taking action to secure their financial future by starting a solid part time home based business while they are still working and as they grow their business they eventually quit their daytime job. Once that happens you are officially a full time business owner and can work when you want and with whomever you want.In my opinion there is no better home based business than Numis Network right now out there. It is the only home based business that I have seen that has a product that everyone wants, everyone needs, and you can never have too much of it. This is one product that you want to have a garage full of. If you are going to sell something why not sell money? And if you are going to collect something why not collect MONEY? Real Money? Silver and Gold.Network marketing is a $31 billion dollar industry in the USA and a $114 billion dollar industry worldwide which creates the perfect combination for massive momentum and growth. To top it off Internet Marketing is exploding and Numis Network has created a streamlined, online marketing system that works flawlessly for any online marketer to tie into their current online strategies. You can capitalize on these powerful market trends with the fact that Numismatic coins are at an all time high and increasing every day in value.Movement to the Information AgeWe are undergoing the most significant change ever experienced in human history. We have moved from the agricultural age through the industrial age and into the information age in a span of just 100 to 200 years. We have lived most of our human history in the hunter/gatherer age. In that environment the person with the best way to kill an animal or select the correct items to eat was most successful; in the agriculture age, the person with the most land and best agricultural machinery was most successful; and in the industrial age the person with the best manufacturing process or the most capital was most successful.Who will be most successful in the information age? Toffler (1990) believes it will be the individual, group, community, society, or nation that has access to information and the ability to process it. He states that knowledge is the central aspect of today's society. I will discuss a few points about the process of this change and then provide some specifics regarding the implications of those changes. Many popular economist believe that during the information age there will be more millionaires created than during the industrial revolution.Numis Network is positioned to become that dominant company in a wide open market. Compound that with the Network Marketing, home based business and the information age trends and you got a golden opportunity.Why use our system to build your Numis Business?Let's talk about why you should use our Infinity leverage System live. If you want to build a successful network you want to be completely automated with you entire marketing system. The last thing you want to be doing is trying to build a network the old traditional way of writing a list of friends and having home parties.Our marketing team created the ILS live system which is a proven, tested automated online marketing system that has the capability of tracking all your advertising efforts and do all the selling, telling and explaining. Your prospect will enter the sales funnel and automatically will enroll on his own tuition when he comes out of the other side of the sales funnel. This system will do virtually 98% of all the work involved in the sales process.This system come complete with your own splash pages, tracking system, a complete back office with all the control panels, programmed auto responders, a complete online marketing training course with videos and scheduled trainings during the week to train your entire down line. All you have to do is manage your advertising to drive traffic to your automated online marketing system.The system will place everyone on an even playing field so that you can have massive duplication which creates massive momentum and volume of sales in your organization.Take control of your financial future by getting involved with Numis Network today.To YOUR Massive Success,

Choosing the Best MLM Training

Multi-level marketing or MLM is one of the most popular and exciting marketing techniques used by businessmen all over the world. Many people who are lucky enough profit greatly after using this marketing strategy in their business. It is very challenging but at the same time very rewarding. If you are also thinking of entering the world of MLM, you should know as much as you can about this marketing technique by taking advantage of an effective MLM training.It is not enough that you have the will and drive to start an MLM business. It is just as equally important to have the right knowledge that you can use to get ahead in your business. Choosing the right MLM training that will provide you with the right knowledge is essential if you want to be successful. It is important that you know your options when you are choosing the right MLM training for your needs. Here are some important information and facts that you should know.• If there is one available around your area, you should consider attending a live seminar, workshop, or training course. These seminars usually invite experts or professional MLM businessman as speakers. The have been successful in the business and they want to share with you how they did that. They can teach you MLM principles and strategies and they can also give you practical applications by providing you with real-life examples and by sharing with you some of their experiences as an MLM businessman. Although these training courses tend to more expensive than other trainings, you can at least have immediate answers to your questions related to MLM.• You can also choose an online MLM training. You will see a lot of these in the internet. It is good that you have a lot of options when it comes to online trainings but you have to make sure that you enrol in a reputable and credible online training course. Do not be fooled by those groups and people promising you millions of dollars in just a few months because this is impossible. Choose something that offers you believable result. One advantage of enrolling in an online training for MLM is that you will be provided with tools that you can use at home such as videos. You can watch these videos over and over again until you have fully understood what it is saying.• You can also choose to study MLM by yourself. You can buy books or e-books about MLM that offer valuable information about this marketing strategy. Make sure that the books are straight to the point and do not promise you anything impossible.

Mass Recruiting Strategies

The difference between "opportunity seekers" and the "Leaders" in network marketing is simple. Leaders recruit more people. So to answer that burning question that you have right now.How do I recruit more people?I mean isn't that the question most network marketers have? Isn't that the one thing that stands between you and that six figure dollar check that you consistently watch your upline walk across the stage and collect? And even more important is that's also whats keeping you from getting that much needed time freedom that you signed up for. Well I'll tell you the single most important difference between the people with big teams and the people who have small teams.Networks!This is very simple and its ashamed that some people are still out there recruiting individuals. Stop recruiting people and start recruiting networks. Lets say for example you have a team of 20 people, what if each person was a network? If each of those twenty people was a network that means you'd have between 10-100 people per Network!Now wouldn't say a thousand people plus change the pace of your business?Well for your next question: Where or how do you find and recruit networks? Simple, networks are everywhere from local churches to group meetings or social clubs So how do you recruit the entire network you ask:-) Simple enough as well, all you have to do is recruit the Leader! You see when you recruit the leader, you automatically get the network. So recruiting Leaders is whats going to grow your team fast and finally start generating cash for you.

MLM Or Top Tier Direct Network Marketing - Part 3 of 4

Looking to become an entrepreneur and interested in MLM or Top Tier Direct Network Marketing? Not sure what the difference is? Not sure which one is right for you?This is part 3 of a 4 part series on MLM or Top Tier Direct Network Marketing. If this is the first one you've read, I invite you to view the others as well to assist you in making your decision.Large CrowdMultilevel marketing appeals to a very large crowd as they usually have something we could all use and anyone can do it. We need skin care, vitamins, cleaning supplies and makeup, just to name a few. So when someone is approached about the opportunity, it is usually to buy the goods versus the opportunity in of itself.This is because if you really focus on the return on investment (ROI) in MLM, it takes a lot of people, to sell a lot of goods, to make a lot of money. So instead, they focus on how you need to buy/sell items that everyone would be buying anyway, just convince them to buy it from you versus a drug or department store. Plus when they become a consultant, they receive a discount for their products.Once this is achieved and they see how well their sponsor does financially, they may start building a down line which is the goal for every sponsor.Exclusive IndividualsTop Tier is a more, I guess you could say, exclusive group of individuals. It requires an application process to get started, then if accepted you are looking at a much larger investment than MLM. The people that get involved with Top Tier are usually serious about starting a very lucrative business.Once they get their business started, their focus in building their business is not so much on the product itself. It is more about the opportunity and the money that can be made. This is not because the product itself great, and with that said, every good opportunity has a product. It is about the great return on investment. If you are searching for a lucrative business, you have to focus heavily on the ROI. After all, we don't work for our health right?

The MLM Fallacy - Recruiting For Recruitment's Sake

When you start evaluating any business opportunity, such as a direct sales opportunity or an MLM, you've got to check for viability. That's just due diligence. If the business concept isn't something that works or is sustainable then you are highly unlikely to make money when you work that business, no matter how much hard work you put in. Your skills won't matter much either, nor will pumped up, hyped up enthusiasm brought to you by your local upline leader. It's like building a house on a crooked foundation. No carpenter can keep that house from eventually falling down.Have you ever noticed that many MLMs focus on selling products to members, who are then instructed to recruit other members? If you're ever told the real money is in recruiting, watch out. While it's absolutely great to have sales people who use and love their products, something is wrong when recruiting for the company becomes more important than selling the products for their own sake. No real business makes its money off of hiring employees-employees are part of the overhead, not part of the revenue.People often confuse direct sales companies with MLM, but a true direct sales company doesn't resemble this scheme at all. A true direct sales company basically pays you a commission on the sale of products to true consumers-people with their own jobs and lives who may have no interest in working for the company whatsoever. On this foundation, your ability to learn the systems of the business become much more vital to your success. While you might ultimately benefit from having a team working for and with you, getting a team isn't going to be your primary focus.In short, direct selling represents tried, true, and proven business techniques. You can apply actual sales skills to the process, rather than trying to rope everybody you know into the business. After all, if everyone in your neighborhood is suddenly in your MLM, then who is left to be a customer? Who is left to work other businesses in your neighborhood? Stick to selling high-demand products that stand on their own two feet.


The Buzz About Online Money Making!

How to Make Money On Line - Have You Heard How to Make Money on Line?Of course you've heard all the buzz! It's on the news and in the magazines. People are chatting about it at the water cooler at work or over coffee at the café. Everyone wants to know how to make money on line. Luckily, there's a great source to learn how, that everyone who's talking about it seems to be ignoring - right from the people who are already making money on line! Instead of guessing to what your coworker's cousin's friend did to make a million in three days, there are resources on line that will teach you, step by step, what you need to know.Don't be taken in by confidence scams, get-rich-quick schemes, or untested, foolish plots to make a million dollars with no effort. Learn how honest people like you and I turned their knowledge and passion about nearly anything in to a money-making business on line. It's not a gimmick or a fad to make money on line, and it's not tricky, either. Real people learn how to make money on line by putting their skills and abilities to use following tried and tested methods learned from people who are willing to share what they have learned.You could sell your knowledge about a hobby or a degree you've never used with people eager to learn what you know. Maybe you can sell products produced in your community or picked up when you travel to exotic locations on line. Maybe you have a passion for writing, crafts, or other creative skills that businesses and individuals will pay money to access. It's not a matter of whether you will be able to make money on line - it's a question of how to make money on line. With the right knowledge, you can earn money as an extra income, or maybe even earn enough that you can quit your job and work from home for yourself!Make the commitment to learn how to make money on line, and then choose your teachers wisely. Select a proven method to turn your know-how into money in your bank account. Make sure you learn exactly what has worked for other people, and repeat their success. By earning a legitimate, honest income on line, you can set an example for your friends and family. And you can explain and teach what you've accomplished to your friends and family, rather than making them guess what your coworker's cousin's friend did.

Five Reasons Why You Should Have a Home Based Business

Many Americans today are hurting financially. There is just too much month left at the end of the money. Here are five good reasons why you should consider starting your own home-based business:You will make more money - Sounds obvious. But the simple truth is that many of today's home based business opportunities could put an extra $500 to $1000 into your pocket by this time next month.It's easy - You don't have to go it alone. There are a number of network marketing companies that offer you a step-by-step program for generating an ongoing residual income just for introducing folks to their line of products or services.There is no up front investment or inventory to buy. Most companies allow you to become a distributor for them for as little as $30 or $40. That's usually the cost for them to provide you with the basic start-up tools you will need. Products you introduce to others are usually billed directly to the end consumer by the companies themselves, and the products are then shipped directly to them by the company. There is n inventory for you to buy. No delivery or book keeping for you to do. No delivery responsibilities to you whatsoever.The income you create typically grows every month - provided you continue to put some ongoing effort into your new business.You can't be fired. Job security is a big thing these days. People are losing their jobs every day. The more you grow your rapid cash income from your new home-based business the more rapid cash to financially secure you become.

How to Increase Your Sales in Your Network Marketing Business

Let me first say that we are only going to share the basics of how to increase your sales in network marketing. I could write a book, and it could take weeks to read and then you have to apply them into your business.What most network marketers go crazy because when they start a network marketing business it is driven by the desire to be rich, or financially secure, so the go nuts and vomit on everyone around in hopes people will throw money into their bank accounts. If this is you, stop. You are hurting yourself and the industry and you may be losing money.First of all, not everyone wants what you have, and not everyone needs to be doing what you are doing to make money. We are all not real estate agents or car salesmen. We all have a purpose in life. What is your purpose? If you can not answer that, I will say, take some time to really think about what that is. Write it down. Why did you get into the business that you are in? I will say that most network marketers start in the wrong place in their businesses. They generally start a business, but never have seen value in the products that the company has. Then they want to get everyone else in the business so that they do not feel that they were the only moron to get into the company and they want company.I will not apologize for being harsh here. I would rather you see this from a different light. Now, that you are in the company and you saw the product that got you excited, you should get familiar with the product. What benefits is it providing you. Did it fit in as a need, want and desire? If not, evaluate are you in the business for the right reason. If not, cut your loss now.Now, if you are seeing the benefits of the product and it is meeting your needs, wants and desires, then you know the benefit that the product is giving to you. I would start by selling that one product to people like you. No, I did not say sucker people into the business because they have that same need. What is the person qualifications that has the needs and what issue does it solve? Those are the people you want to sell to, and help them to get the benefits of the products. When you are in network marketing, you will only make money when products are coming off the shelves and delivered to someone to use it as a consumer. Now, that you know who to talk to, you need to take it up a notch. How can you find more people and show them that you can help them. In your business, what happens when a customer does not like the product, can they return it? If so, you need to get people on the product to try it risk free. When I say this, they buy the product and if they do not like it, they can return it and get their money back. This is HUGE. Often times, most people will not return the product. If you can save them money to become a regular customer, then do so at the same time. This is where you either have to have marketing background, or you need to learn to market from a marketing leader.Now, I know the saying would you rather have a million dollars or a penny that doubles every day. You want to gain leverage. Now, what happens when your customers are gaining the benefits from the products, you can approach your customer that you can show them how to get the product for free. If you show them how to get the customers like you do, then they will be getting money from the products and they would have their products for free. This is how you can start to build that leverage.This is truly how you can increase your sales. Profile your customers and sell to them.

Yoli Compensation Plan - How Much Money Can You Make Within Yoli's Pay Scale?

Yoli is one of the newest network marketing companies that have hit the market. The Company was founded a few months ago; their products are focused around nutrition and health. Due to the fact that company is so new there isn't a lot of information about their compensation plan and product. In this article I would like to share the information on their compensation plan that I've been able to find.Now, if you're getting involved with a MLM company it probably has little to do with their product and mostly with their compensation plan and your potential to make a lot of money within the company. Now like most MLM companies Yoli encourages their distributors to go out and recruit as many people as they possibly can. Everyone knows that the people with the biggest down line make the most money.The percentage of commission that you make from each person in your down line depends on your rank within the company. Your rank within the company depends on the number of people you've recruited into to the company. Basically from what I've seen a distributor can make anywhere from 5-20% off each person in their down line.The company offers a lot of bonuses when distributors reach certain goals. The Break Even Bonus is where you've gotten enough people in your down line that you don't have to pay the monthly fee of $240. Uni-Level Matching bonus is for some of top distributors in the company. They make 15% on personal enrollees and 5% on level ten enrollees. (Levels depend on the number of people that have been recruited) Along with paid bonuses the company also offers many travel bonuses for those people that are in their leadership program.The compensation plan found within Yoli is very good but quite difficult to understand. I would highly suggest that you fully understand the pay scale and bonuses before getting involved with the company. The bottom line is that just like any other MLM company, success comes from recruiting a large number of people.