
My Home Business - How I Started My Home Business in Internet Marketing

Hello everyone. My name is Captain Tim Riley, up until 2006 I was a full time Captain in the British Merchant Navy, sailing all over the world on cruise ships and latterly on a container ship.In late 2006 I was taken off ships to work on building a brand new ship in Germany. However, as the ship was due to sail I was approached by my superiors to set up an office near where I lived. I couldn't get home fast enough to tell the family.Since then I have held a 9-5 J.O.B same as millions of others for 2 years, but each evening when I came home, I could now access the internet and started looking around at what was available.There was a lot of information about Home businesses and internet marketing and so I spent several months digging into it, looking at options, spent many hundreds of dollars on crappy half built systems that although they may have worked, they would only work for the first 10 people in the system.I followed many people in internet marketing strategies, Mike Filsaime, Janet Legere and many more. It became very obvious to me that there was money there and that it would take some effort to access it, but once in, it's a bit like a club. Once they know you, they may get to like you and then hopefully trust you, then you can set up relationships with them, JV with them, and even assist in setting up new businesses.My Home business got it's first boost when I came across Autoresponders, I added that to my portfolio straight away and started to build the basics.I have now got 4 autoresponders, just in case any of them take a dive for any reason! My Home business is my lifestyle challenge and so in order to protect it, I have duplicated everything I am doing. Not just once, but several times over.You can easily see how a home business can fail as it definitely requires capital, either in the form of borrowed money, which I personally would NEVER suggest to someone online. It is not a good way to do business.Once you have built a small income, then leverage the income with loans. Don't start with loans and no income.My internet marketing strategy is to build many small businesses that can each use the others marketing techniques, such that with one very minor change anywhere in the system all the traffic can be diverted to any one of my sites or any group of sites I choose. This allows me flexibility in working on new sites, beta testing new pages on existing sites with specific traffic and allowing some sites to sit with no advertising at all to see what 'passing trade' I can pick up using Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) or just by having a good site.My first primary domain site was ranked around 16 millionth when I put it online, pretty bad, but having decided I wanted first page on Google, I set about changing that.Having discussed this with a good friend and colleague of mine he spent a few hours optimizing the landing page for me. POW! Straight to page 1 and for common search terms too. That page sadly has now been replaced, filed in the annals of history as I no longer advertise for that particular company.If you want your home business to succeed, pay attention to the SEO, spend time making the pages look good and don't expect your site to go straight in at number 1.Find a niche name or target market within a much bigger group and sit yourself on the top with a better URL (more appropriately named) and better keywords in your pages.You will succeed, you just have to go out there and do it.Here's to your success.Captain Tim Riley

