Attention Multi-Level Marketers!! The secret to success in your MLM business has finally been revealed! Are you ready?? Here it is...... (drum roll please).If you think you can - you're right and if you think you can't - you're right!!Okay, I'm sure that's not the secret you were looking for, but - bottom line - it's the truth and it's really all you need to know to be successful in your MLM or any other network marketing company.The SecretThe movie and subsequent book, The Secret, had a lot of impact when it came out a few years ago, but it seems the fervor has really dimmed over time. The movie left the viewer guessing as to what "The Secret" was throughout most of the film. However, philosopher, author & personal coach, Bob Proctor, reveals on page 4 of the book, "The Secret is the law of attraction!"Now, I suspect that there were many who "tried" putting together a vision board or writing out & saying affirmations for a few weeks or even a month or two. However, when the results they were hoping for didn't manifest right away the idea that "You create your life with your thoughts," probably went the way of the pet rock - that is, it was looked at as a fad that simply just faded away.So what does all this have to do with you? What does it have to do with your MLM business? And most importantly, what does it have to do with being successful in your MLM business?...... EVERYTHING!Posture You may have heard some of the online gurus talking about "posture" - and we're not talking about how straight your spine is. The definitions offered by Merriam-Webster are as follows;"1: the position or bearing of the body whether characteristic or assumed for a special purpose2: state or condition at a given time especially with respect to capability in particular circumstances .3: a conscious mental or outward behavioral attitude."Actually, when a person's mental attitude or position is one of strength, it is reflected in their physical appearance. Think about it, when you're having a "good" day - maybe you've just sponsored someone into your business who you think might be the next "superstar" - not only do you feel better emotionally, but you walk a little taller, smile a little more, and maybe your spine is a little straighter. When you're feeling positive about yourself, your company and your business, your posture reflects those positive thoughts & feelings.You may have even heard your sponsor tell you that the best time to sponsor a new person into the business is right after you've made a sale or just sponsored a new person into the business. This is because that is when your posture, your attitude and your belief are all at their optimum.The Law of AttractionThe Law of Attraction says, "That which is like unto itself is drawn." Those who have studied this phenomenon will tell you that we live in an "attraction based" universe. In other words, the most predominant thoughts that you have about your MLM business will reveal themselves.Let's say, you meet someone at a networking or social event who you believe has the potential to be very successful in your network marketing business. So you say, "Hey, John, you seem like a pretty sharp guy. Do you keep your income options open?"What happens after this question is asked can vary greatly depending on the thoughts, beliefs & attitudes supporting the question. If you are having doubts about your own chances for success are in question, it will come through. However, if you know that you're going to be successful in your MLM business - without a doubt, no matter what - the strength of your conviction will also come through to your prospect.Now, I'm not saying that just because you have a positive mental attitude that the prospect will join your business. But, I can guarantee that the chances of a successful outcome are dramatically increased when supported by strong conviction.So, how can you use this information to your advantage?First, understand & use your understanding of the power of your thoughts. Think about what you want from your network marketing business - not what you don't want.
Second, learn everything you can about and from the people who've had success in your MLM business. (And remember, if they can do it - you can do it.)
Third, when you're talking to a prospect in person or on the phone, make sure that you're in a positive frame of mind. We all have good days & not so good days. So, use the days where your thinking is at it's best to talk about your business to others. Then, on the less than wonderful days, take time to fill your mind with success stories from those who have blazed a trail for you to follow.And remember, it really doesn't make any difference.....If you think you can - you're right!AndIf you think you can't - you're right!