Network Marketing Online - 5 Things You Need!
Network marketing online is an absolute must in this Internet age and it's easier to do (successfully) than you might think - even if you have zero technical skills and zero money to invest.Here's what you need to get started:# 1. You need a website.# 2. You need a free offer.# 3. You need an email autoresponder.# 4. You need an inexpensive retail product.# 5. You need a primary MLM business.Now that may seem complicated, but trust me - it's really not that bad.Very few network marketers have all 5 things in place and so they fail to achieve impressive results. Most only have their MLM business (#5) and maybe a website their company provided, which just won't do.Company replicated websites are basically useless. Very few people (at least the people you want to attract) care about your company and your product -- and the search engines hate replicated sites.Instead, your website must be fresh and original and put the spotlight on YOU (not your company).People join people, not companies.Now (of course) your company and your product are important, but they have very little to do with your overall success. If you have the greatest company and product on the planet, but if you have no buyers - you will fail.It's that simple.Helping people become successful (not selling lots of product) is what this business is really about. If you help enough people, product sales (and your bank account) will grow as a natural consequence.Try it - you will see.Ok, so back to that list of 5 things you need.# 1. Website - You need a simple website with a singular purpose - to get the name and email address of your visitor. You do that by presenting yourself as a leader; someone who can help your prospect become a success. Then, in exchange for a name and an email, provide them with something useful (FOR FREE) - information that will solve one or more of the many problems they face in their business.# 2. Free offer - Make sure your free offer is full of real value. Make it irresistible. Package it in a CD, MP3, video, PDF, etc. If you don't have the expertise or the know-how to create a free offer... yet, it's okay. I bet you know someone in your upline that does knows how. Ah, the beauty of Network Marketing. Just go to your super successful upline and interview them. Then package it in one of the formats I just suggested. Presto - you have a free offer.# 3. Autoresponder - Once your prospect enters their information, stay in touch with them. You now have their permission to do so. Deliver your free useful information via email. Keep providing valuable information, too. Your prospect will come to respect you and eventually (as you build a relationship with them) - buy from you. Some will buy sooner than others. Many will even join your primary MLM business.# 4. Inexpensive retail product - After you provide value to your prospect, offer them something to buy. Something inexpensive (under $50) that will bring them closer to their goal (i.e. more leads, bigger downline, more money). Again, an ebook, MP3, CD,... something that digs a bit deeper and solves more problems. Caution: Do not delivery junk. Only provide high quality information and products and your prospects will love you and (if your stuff is really great) tell their friends. This technique (selling an inexpensive retail product first) is called a "funded proposal" or a "self-liquidating lead," because the sale of your inexpensive retail product offsets the cost of your advertising - helping you to fund your business and reduce the stress on your pre-extraordinary bank account.# 5. Primary MLM business - Did you notice your MLM business came last in my list? Never lead with your MLM business! You need to build trust and respect before you can sell anything significant. Joining someone in their MLM business is a big commitment of time and money. Prove you have what it takes to be a leader first. Help them realize their dreams. Then (if you're able to do that) they'll come to you asking, "Can I join your team?" You do not need to go to them. They'll come to you.This concept is called Magnetic Marketing.The idea is that you position yourself as a leader and people are magnetically attracted to you - instead of you chasing them.Chasing is no fun.Having them chase you is.
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