I am really grateful for the Internet when it comes to my MLM business! The Internet was not even around when I went to school. In fact, I have an old dictionary from 1974 and "internet" is not even in there as a word! The network marketing industry began before the Internet and many people were successful without it. I've been told that Tom "Big Al" Schreiter built a downline of 100,000 people without computers! But I don't think I could do that.Why do I love the Internet? Let me count the ways!I can email people at times when it might be impolite to call them on the phone
I can send people written information (to avoid errors) instantly
Social media allows me to find people I would never have found without it
Social media allows me to get to know people before I ever talk to them in person
You can block specific annoying people from contacting you
You can attract people to you just by putting things out there
You can research any subject, at any time, without leaving home
You can let people see you only at your best
You can do some work even when you're not feeling your best
You can listen to conference calls later if you can't be on liveI could go on and on of course! Just think about it: how would your business be affected if you had no Internet access? I know that when our Internet access is down, I go crazy! You know that old saying, "you don't know what you've got til it's gone" is SO true!When we were on vacation and I was using my laptop and sharing the wireless network with everyone else at the hotel, I got really annoyed with how slow it was. So to think back to the days when I had no email, no websites to track information for me, no access to training that was recorded when I couldn't call in to listen...I cannot imagine doing business in that environment!Of course, there are some downsides as well:Sometimes we stay online too long and don't exercise or interact with people
My husband can't stop reading his email on his Blackberry even when we go out
My husband knows how to do more than I do so I often ask for his help
Sometimes we send email when talking to the person would be better
Your online identity can be "hacked"
You get lots of junk mail and even fraudulent informationI feel that the benefits far outweigh the detriments. What do you think? And what are you grateful for in MLM?