
iLearning Global Shuts Down MLM - What to Do Now?

For all of those who have used iLearning Global as their primary source of income, they are going to be stuck in quite a rut since the company has decided it just can't afford to keep up with its current structure. Down lines have been eliminated in what seems like an overnight change. However the company has given a 30 day notice of their decision to terminate their network marketing structure.This can be taken and used as a learning experience. For people who are experienced network marketers, they understand that their products and services, though often a phenomenal value, are not timeless and some have a shelf life similar to that of a loaf of bread. The fact that any company can be on the brink of extinction at any point is something we all need to come to terms with. Its time to come up with a plan of action that will keep you from being completely hung out to dry if your MLM fails.You need to start diversifying your efforts. This can be difficult with network marketing companies because a lot of time and effort goes into building your down line and promoting your products. It may prove difficult, but it is not impossible to balance multiple network marketing companies at the same time. You may want to search around for some companies that are related to each other and have products that work well together. Search for multiple companies that you can pitch to the same crowd all at once.Or if you are getting tired of the multi level marketing structure, then maybe you should try some new types such as affiliate marketing, direct sales, etc. Creating multiple streams of income from various sources can be an extremely lucrative move if you do so efficiently and effectively.

