iLearning Global Review - Distributors Are Left Holding the Bag
The company iLearning global isn't the first and it won't be the last network marketing company to drastically change their business model from network marketing to direct sales commissions. Yes, it happened and for those associates that built a business in iLearning Global in support of the company and their programs it's a sad day and it's a sad day for the network marketing industry as well.While network marketing is a business model that carries with it all the benefits that a true entrepreneur is looking for it also is an industry that carries with it some uncertainty. Frankly, personal development MLM's are prime candidates to grow quick and burn out or change their programs dramatically. Critical questions to ask before you join a program include: Will the company last? Is the leadership proven with integrity? Is it funded properly? Is it being operated profitably? Can it continue to grow and support growth as it matures?I know exactly what this feels like as I spent two years building a company and a large organization with many wonderful relationships made from 2006 to 2008. The company, the vision and the people were all in place for a fantastic ride into future. We spent a ton of time and energy teaching and training. I did training calls and opportunity calls for a year and a half. We put our heart and soul into everything we did. Then it all came crashing down.First, the company said they were changing the pay structure. We kept wanting to believe. Then, they said they needed to change the entire format of the program. We kept wanting to believe. Finally, they announced a restructuring that would take thirty more days. We kept wanting to believe for thirty more days. When the thirty days were up there was a corporate conference call... and the company didn't even resemble the company we were part of.The network marketing component was completely gone, the format of the program had completely changed and many of the products we represented were gone as well. It became apparent that they had major financial problems and our downlines were gone overnight.The emotions ran the spectrum for the next 90 days. Disbelief, sadness, depressed, anger and sadness again. If you've never gone through this, especially with people you were close to that were also achieving their dream, it's pretty darn devastating to say the least.That point in time was a breakthrough for me. I decided that I would never again depend on one company for my income. I would build multiple streams of income and learn to market online using lead generating systems so I was always in cash flow and always had more leads that I could possibly handle.In hindsight, had that not happened I wouldn't be where I am today and while it was really a tough lesson, it was a critical lesson on my journey to building residual income the right way. The only way. With my new found knowledge, a system that puts me in lead prosperity and multiple income streams paying me to whether I'm in a program or not, I'm in the position I always wanted to be as home business internet networker and I can build any networking company of choice because of it.
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