I want to first start off and ask the question, on a day where temperatures reach 100 degrees, is it ethical to give someone walking down the road a ice cold glass of water? This is the question that will work on someone's psychology that can hold them back. Now, everyone will say their is a difference between the glass of water and network marketing, but really there is no difference. Here is where I will say that you could be making it unethical, and many networking companies teach the approach where I believe it boarders on the ethical and unethical lines. You need to decide what path you walk and it will be a difference between being ethical and not.The line you need to walk is who is your "IDEAL Customer". If you believe your company, EVERYONE is your customer, which is a lie and you will border on the side that is unethical. If that is true, for a gynecologist, if everyone is their customer, why are they not making appointments for men? So if your company is selling a product that meets the needs for women, why are you recruiting all your male family members? They tell you tell all your friends and family. Not all your friends and family qualify. So if you are pushing a square peg into a round hole, your not doing yourself justice.Now, let me break down a couple things about Conventional Businesses compared to Network Marketing.Leadership positions:In a conventional business, you have one or two top positions, a board of directors. On a tv show called Undercover Boss, they had on the show the president of Churchill Downs. He was talking to an employee that wanted to be the president. Of course he could not answer her, and he needed to reflect on it, but she did not have a clear action plan to become the president. And I bet if you asked everyone in any company, they would love the top seed, yet very few could obtain it.
Now, in Network marketing, anyone can get to any level and it is based upon your accomplishments and not others. It does not matter where or when you start, it depends on what you do when you have started.Promotions
In a conventional business, it is limited and it is determined by your boss or supervisor. In most cases, the boss needs to move up to make the void for you.
In network marketing, it is purely based upon what you do and your merit and decided upon you.SupportIn traditional businesses, your boss will not help you succeed, because it will be taking their position when it comes to rising up the ranks.
In network marketing, as you help others achieve more, this helps you grow. If you are all about me, and not do things to help others, your business will be all show, and no dough, or it will be a magical team, it will disappear. Where I talk to people, picture yourself taking a 5 year old child fishing, where do you go? Yes you can catch real big fish in an ocean, but they are few and far between on bites. Now if you take them to a small pond over populated with little fish, you catch lots of them. The child keeps interest and you have enough fish for a fish fry. If you have no activity on a ocean, the child will lose interest and not want to ever go fishing. Do this in your networking business and catch a lot of small fish.Advertising
In conventional advertising, it is about manipulating people to a decision. Look at the Marlboro Man, it portrays a man that women would die to be with and want you to believe you will be that man if you smoke that brand.
In Network marketing, you want to advertise to the people that you can help. Again, this is not everyone. If your product helps you, you want to tell people about what it has done for you and that there is no guarantee, but it could help them. Advertising is more focused on the client, not making the client someone they are not.BonusesConventional businesses, the sales offer one-off commissions, little personal recognition.
Network Marketing you are paid forever on what you do today. It is the ongoing commissions. They promote a lot of
personal recognition and team recognitions.Starting PositionIn conventional businesses, starting point is an entry level position, but sometimes it is based upon who you know. This can be focused on favoritism of family, background, financial position and education.
In network marketing, everyone starts in the same place, and is why anyone can succeed if they want. It is based on what that person wants, not what they have.Now, I hope this gave you a good feeling on how ethical network marketing really is. You can succeed if you have drive, and if you need help and leadership to achieve your dreams, you should plan to invest in education that will grow your business. Other marketers like myself are available to assist you.