How to Use a New Way of Network Marketing and Be an Entrepreneur, Not a Follower, to Find Prosperity
Those who are in this situation can become a member of a team who values each and every member for themselves and any contribution that they can make to the team with any talents that they may have. As each individuals talents vary - some are born leaders and very quickly show the way and guide the inexperienced internet marketer to a degree of confidence that they thought was beyond their reach.The most significant change is the Pay It Forward approach where each team member helps out the others who because of their inexperience, lack of confidence in themselves and just not knowing where to start,or they just don't know what to do.As a lot of network marketing ventures of today work on a matrix system, you may possibly only need to have your business two to three wide and then work those legs down. To enable these legs to go deep faster you can pass your overflow down your line to the people who are struggling to find people to join them.This in turn will increase their confidence and they will do the same to send their down lines deeper and cycle round the matrix at a rapid rate and success is guaranteed. However sometimes business still slows down because of circumstances beyond your control. What do you do then?Some of your team decide to diversify into another business, but everyone does not agree. Your team becomes fragmented and the others who do not take up another business lose interest in the first.Now you find yourself building another team all over again, and again,and again, and again, every time you try to diversify and expand your business.Life all of a sudden can become very frustrating and you wonder if it is all worth the effort.WHY CAN'T YOU JUST FIND SOMEWHERE TO BUILD ONE TEAM WITH OTHERS WHO HAVE THE SAME IDEALS AS YOU?Do you know that this is possible - why yes, you can have your cake and eat it too!In other words you can own your channel, build just one team of like minded entrepreneurs and even be included in choosing the portfolio companies that are included for your team to invest in. Who is going to disagree if they choose these companies themselves.You have all the tools to build your team without the added expense of building a website, links to market your webpage and all the training and support that you need as well as a social site to read blogs, get questions answered in forums - the list just goes on and on. What more could you want and you only have to ever do it once.It Is Like a Dream Isn't It? Well it isn't - It Is FACT!!!This is a massive shift in Network Marketing and can only be successful, especially with the "Pay it Forward" mindset of helping everyone in your team to succeed. This is mentoring in its purest form and is helping many find the success that was so elusive beforeIf you have a desire to succeed you must give to receive - these are the fundamentals of the Law of Attraction.So if you want to be an entrepreneur and not a follower " Own Your Channel " and go on a journey to abundance with your team
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