
Attraction Marketing - Is There a Place For Hype-Based Selling Or Emotion-Based Selling?

When the principles of "attraction marketing" are applied to network marketing, what is the place of hype? Or what is the place of emotion? Or is there a place for them?If you have ever been a part of a network marketing company, you know the meaning of "hype". It is more something that you feel and experience than something that you can define.I can recall my first experience of a regional rally. There must have been 10,000 people at this rally. You had to stand in line to get a good seat. The music was blaring. There was a music group which whipped the crowd into an emotional frenzy. We sang a song about "No more job!" It was more like a circus than a business meeting.Speakers told their success stories and added, "If I can do it, so can you." There seemed to be little place for reflection and evaluation on what we were hearing. It was all just "Great!" It was designed to put us on an emotional high and motivate us to go out and conquer the world for our company.If you have had experience in multi-level marketing, you are probably familiar with these sights and sounds.In this article, I want to try and define the meaning of "hype" and the meaning of "emotion" and their place in marketing. How do the two compare or contrast? Which is good or not so good and why? What is the role of each in attraction marketing?Attraction Marketing and the Definition of Hype-based Selling and Emotion-based SellingLet me begin with "emotion". When you appeal to emotion in marketing, you are simply taking seriously the way we are made. We are emotional creatures. We usually buy with our emotions and then justify with our logic. It only makes sense to capitalize on emotion in marketing. This is why we need to know our customers and what moves them, their desires and needs and dreams and fears. It is not that you do not use logic, but you go beyond logic.Ann Sieg, a leader in attraction marketing as it applies to network marketing, says, "Understanding this is one of the biggest differences between great salespeople and regular salespeople. Striking the right emotional chord with someone can turn an otherwise run of the mill presentation into a gripping message that is impossible to ignore."She goes on to explain the difference between "emotional-based selling" and "hype-based selling". She points out that "emotions are simply how we humans work. There's no getting around them and there's absolutely no point in avoiding them. If you don't use them in your sales message you're simply denying reality."She then contrasts this with hype. "Hype on the other hand is completely different and should never be used. Hype is lying. Hype is making your product or opportunity out to be something it's not. Hype is making false or exaggerated claims. Hype is saying whatever you have to say to hook someone in."The Role of Hype-based Selling and Emotional-based Selling in Attraction MarketingThere are some who question the legitimacy of emotional-based selling. That it is below them or that it is taking advantage of people. Attraction marketing say, no, it is simply facing reality. In all of life we try to convince others of our way of seeing things. Part of persuasion is emotional.Think of when you were dating the girl you wanted to marry. How did you go about trying to convince her that you were he best choice. Probably not through a logical discourse. But by having fun together and by being romantic. Romance drips with emotion!On the other hand, attraction marketing rejects the use of hype-based selling, whether it is a product or a business opportunity. It is simply not legitimate to say, "If I can do it so can you!" Particularly when 98% of people getting into network marketing in reality do not make significant money. And how can each of the 1,000 or more MLM companies claim to be the best on the planet.Being honest with people and helping them find what opportunities would be best for them and would best suit their interests and abilities is much more in their interest than simply getting them to sign up.Read more about attraction marketing as it applies to network marketing. It is designed to attract scores of people who are highly qualified by leveraging the internet.

