Pearlcium Review - A Single Woman Corporation With a Multiple Purpose Product
Pearlcium International may well have big premises for becoming flourishing and lucrative. However what makes a network marketing company flourishing today? One can profess that the important factor is discovering a niche in the market where competition is not that tough, and outshine in that actual area. An alternative proficient technique would be coming up with a cutting-edge idea, hence having no competition from the beginning. Others might assume that even sharing the market with others could be good, as it only stimulate constant improvement, while presenting a good measure of the present quality standards. Despite of which of these opportunities is more likely to offer success, there is one factor which can only enhance any of the techniques used. And that's personality. Having a sound idea, little competition or any other plus means a great deal more when personality is added to it. Plus this is, deceptively, what Pearlcium International is about.Pearlcium International is a Hawaii based company, fairly young and promising. Started in September 2009, the company is the innovation of Dr Rulin Xiu, its organizer and CEO. Born in Xian, China, she has graduated from UC Berkeley in 1994, with a doctoral degree in the subject of physics. As for the balance of the management staff, information is lacking or there is none. Though, Dr Rulin Xiu sounds to have a stark personality and even more robust background, and this should be sufficient to counteract for the reality that she is representing Pearlcium International by herself. As previously confirmed, Dr Rulin Xiu has extensive familiarity within the entrepreneurial topic, having founded Pharm East, Inc, a company based in Washington DC, Pharm China, a further company managed by her relatives back in China, and Pharm East Hawaii, operating since 2002. This leaves little or no room for being skeptical that Pearlcium International is properly run. The only thing required for them in order to be a success would be an excellent product.The product sold by Pearlcium International is a calcium powder removed from pearls. This powder can be employed in a range of different ways. For instance, it can be swallowed, used as make-up or teeth whitener, or it can be added to skin creams. As an advantage of the specialized method of removing the powder from pearls devised by Dr Rulin, assimilation of the calcium in the human body is deeply expedited. This would be an tremendous motivation for buying the product, as calcium absorption by the human body is a universally occurring concern. Then again, the product is still waiting on an authorization from the FDA, so no one knows yet if these claims are founded by factual properties of the Pearlcium powder, or simply a crafty marketing technique. All in all, the company looks to have an innovative and valuable product, obviously designed by a woman and created for women, and the only thing still keeping it from daily use and purchase is FDA's awaiting a consent.Pearlcium makes use of an interesting 3x9 matrix based compensation plan. Large bonuses are to be paid to profitable clients, i.e. 6% for each level, and in addition a 60% matching bonus to it. Sponsorship is also paid, as a immediate effect of the Unilevel structure. There is a fast start bonus as well, up to 70% and down to the 4th level. With precisely organized training, the company can in fact have the probability to be lucrative. But let's see how Dr Rulin Xiu has taken care of this portion.The one thing remotely resembling training that one can find is a conference which Dr Rulin holds monthly, relating company news and issues and discussing about the Pearlcium powder. This is unfortunately not adequate training for someone new to internet marketing, or even for someone knowledgeable, as Pearlcium doesn't present a mainstream product to which one could utilize recognized and tested marketing techniques. As we see it, this can be a fundamental imperfection of the company, and if anyone is naive enough to rely on their training, he is more expected to flop. How can a possible network entrepreneur avoid disaster and still invest in this otherwise promising company?
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