
The Club Sea Breeze Compensation Plan - What You Must See and What You Have to Know

The Club Sea Breeze Compensation PlanWhat You Must See and What You Have to KnowThis is easy. The Club Sea Breeze Compensation Plan is a simple 2x2 Cycling matrix, right?No, in fact 2x2 matrix is a complete misrepresentation as you will learn and come to appreciate by the end of this article.First, this article was originally written while Club Sea Breeze, CSB was in "pre-enrollment" and during the last week in March the compensation plan progressed its metamorphosis into a linear model.Club Sea Breeze went "LIVE" April 5th, 2010 and at the time of this revision, 2 weeks after going "LIVE", another important enhancement was added to further progress the compensation plan.And to be clear, the primary reason this article is even relevant is the incredible market appeal, acceptance and value of the CSB Product Suite. Which in and of itself is a breath of fresh air in the network marketing industry when the product isn't just the excuse for an income opportunity, but I digress.There's a huge "buzz" surrounding the Panel Revolution, the patent pending CSB linear compensation model, that could inadequately be described as a follow-me, completely sponsor directed, sponsor specified, but sponsorship retained, independent placements and qualifiers, multiple earned Additional Profit Centers, cycler, but that is getting ahead of ourselves.Actually, the Club Sea Breeze Compensation Plan has 5 components, of which the Panel Revolution is but a part thereof.So to begin, the Club Sea Breeze Compensation Plan has these five (5) component parts:
Personal Retail Sales Commission $60 on the $397 one time, lifetime membership
Personal Revolution Panel Cycling Bonus of $250 or $500 depending upon 1 or 2 qualifiers
Sponsor Over Ride, Revolution Panel Cycling Bonus $250/cycled position
Leadership Bonus Pool
Residual, Money Manager commissionsBecause all components of the CSB Compensation Plan are inter-related and inter-dependent, in the discussion and description of each, some definitions will be offered when they arise.Initially we need to address two of these definitions:Club Sea Breeze Member and Membership, CSB-MHas purchased a CSB membership from a CSB-Associate (CSB-A) and desires the benefits of membership only and elects not to become an associate.Every retail sale has a profit center linked to it and when a member opts for membership only, the profit center linked to their retail sale then becomes an Additional Profit Center (APC) for the CSB-A who sold it.Making retail sales is also the process of earning additional profit centers. You can not buy additional positions/profit centers, they have to be earned via retail sales.Club Sea Breeze Associate, CSB-AA CSB-A is someone who wants to work and share Club Sea Breeze as a business opportunity. This person becomes a CSB-A by paying the annual fee of $29.97 for the replicated web sites, hosting of those sites, marketing tools, etc afforded to every CSB-A.And to be placed onto the Revolution Panel, the CSB-A either purchases a CSB membership at the associate price of $337 or goes out and makes a retail sale at $397 and activates the APC that specific retail sale generated.It is critical to understanding the compensation plan to understand that each and every retail sale in CSB is linked to a profit center (PC) and only at purchase can a PC be separated from the membership.And at first it may be confusing that there are members and member-associates and just associates and two separate web-sites, one to support retail sales and customers and another to support associates and their businesses, but these address critical compliance issues separating product from opportunity and create an environment wherein members can buy and avail themselves of the product without automatically being thrown into the opportunity also as associates.It is refreshing to have a company looking so far ahead, proactively structuring itself for long term compliance, stability, sustainability and viability.Personal Retail Sales CommissionMake a retail sale at $397. As the selling associate you earn a $60 sales commission, plus an Additional Profit Center, APCAn APC is earned when a CSB associate makes a retail sale and the PC is separated from the membership and immediately activated onto a Revolution Panel as directed by the CSB Associate that earned the APC per his/her RP settings at the time of placement.Again, this is getting ahead of ourselves, but this is part of the incredible built-in flexibility Associates have within the Revolution Panel.The Club Sea Breeze Revolution PanelThe Club Sea Breeze Revolution Panel is not the traditional 2x2 top down cycling matrix employed by competing companies like LGN-Prosperity and Pyxism, it is more similar to the inverted 2x2 cycling matrix, which some other companies are employing like TVI-Express, Diamond Holiday Travel, and Royal Cruise Matrix, however all three of these companies employ multiple 2x3 matrices, while CSB uses a single cycler.In the traditional 2x2 top down matrix you will find yourself at the top and you are charged with finding 2 who find 2 (each). In a brand new matrix there is only one person, you. In a completely filled matrix, there are 7. And by various means, passive and active, you or your up-line is responsible for filling all 6 positions to create a cycle.In the CSB Revolution Panel there are 7 total positions, arranged in order of entry to the panel, left to right. When you enter a panel it is always into positions 4, 5, 6 or 7 into the first available position.If it is a brand new panel, then you are the first to enter and you will enter into the left most open position, which is position #4. On EVERY panel, Positions 1, 2 & 3 are always filled, always. These other CSB-A's are likely associated to you or your sponsor, and your mutual goal with these other associates is to fill the positions, 4, 5, 6, & 7.So, if you are first on, there are a total of 4 positions filled out of a possible 7 and at that time, all 4 associates are actively working to fill the 3 remaining positions. When an associate fills the next available spot, there will then be 5 working to fill 2, 6 to fill 1 and when the 7th and final position is filled, the panel will re-order itself so that the most qualified associate moves to position #1, cycles off for either $250 or $500 and the remaining 6 associates, also re-ordered based upon number of qualifiers and prior position and are split into two new panels, 3 associates to each panel, the associates in (re-ordered) positions #2, #4 & #6 to one new panel and the associates in (re-ordered) positions #3, #5 & #7 to the other new panel and 4 new empty positions #4, 5, 6 & 7 added to each to form two new Revolution Panels.The exciting point that should not be missed here is that every new Panel you enter already has 4 positions filled and only 3 need to be filled before the Panel is completed, reordered and a cycle is generated and someone gets paid! Think about that. Especially if you are or have been involved in an opportunity with a matrix based comp plan, 3 positions filled and other associates and you working to fill three positions creates a cycle and someone gets paid.Something else that should not be missed, once you enter a CSB Panel the maximum number of positions that have to fill before you cycle out and get paid is 11 and the minimum is 2.So next let's talk about how that happens. As discussed, on a brand new Revolution Panel there are 4 open positions and when you enter the panel in this case you are the first onto the panel, placed into Position #4 and consequently, there are only three positions left to fill on the Panel. And this is where it starts to get exciting because there are five (5) ways to fill those three positions.5 Ways to Fill 3 Positions
You can Personally Sponsor someone to fill a position
Someone on your Panel can personally sponsor someone to fill a position
Someone in your up-line or an up-line of someone on your Panel can place a "Spill-Over" associate or APC into a position on your Panel.
An Associate who cycles their own Panel always follows their sponsor to their sponsors current Panel to fill the first available position, and in fact the same person can "Follow-Me" multiple times to your same Panel b/c they will always follow their sponsor, whether that be you or one of the other associates on the Panel and their personally sponsored associates.
You or one of the associates on the Panel can earn and place an APC onto the Panel.Once on your CSB Panel you do need at least one qualifier to cycle off for $250, however cycling is not guaranteed with one qualifier. Two qualifiers insures cycling and a $500 personal cycling bonus. It is impossible to cycle the Revolution Panel with no qualifiers. So how do you get qualifiers?5 Ways to Get Qualified
When you Personally Sponsor someone and they are placed onto your current Panel, they can also become a qualifier for you for that Panel
When your down-line directly under your position on the Panel already have 2 qualifiers, the system starts to look up in a direct line for the next position that needs a qualifier and in this way, qualifiers can Spill-Up to your position on the Panel. Please note, that no actual position is filled in this instance, but a qualifier will appear under your username as spill-over or spill-up.
Spill-Over Placement does fill a position on your Panel and can also provide you with a qualifier and this occurs whenever your up-line sponsors a new associate they have the option of placing that associate onto any Panel in their down-line. This has the great benefit of helping down-line with qualifier(s) and placements, while at the same time not relinquishing sponsorship, which is very important because of the next way to gain a qualifier, "Follow-me".
"Follow-me" is a powerful feature of the compensation plan. When your primary PC cycles the Panel you will always follow your sponsor to their current Panel into the first available position. So then will every associate you personally sponsor and every APC you earn, follow you to your current Panel and occupy the first available position. Additionally these associates and APCs can act as qualifiers whenever they follow to your Panel.
APC's can qualify your position on the Panel through "Follow Me" as just described and can also qualify your position when/if you place them onto your Panel, where they can both fill an available position and qualify your position currently on that Panel.By now three (3) very important points are probably becoming very clear.
First, there is only ONE (1) Club Sea Breeze Panel.
Secondly, each new CSB Revolution Panel begins with only 3 positions left to fill and all associates on the Panel working towards filling those 3 spots via any one of 5 different ways.
Third, not only are there 5 ways to fill 3 spots, there are 5 ways to qualify your own position to maximize your personal cycling bonus and to help you jump those with less qualifiers and prevent your position from being jumped.Final question to address with regard to the Revolution Panel is what happens when Position #7 fills?When #7 fills, the computer automatically and immediately reorders the Panel based upon a very simple priority metric for qualification.Panel Qualification and Splitting Priority
2 Qualifiers>1 Qualifier>No Qualifiers
Left to RightFor example, when the 7th position fills, the computer first looks for which associate(s) have 2 qualifiers and reorders them left to right, starting with position #1. If there is more than one associate with 2 qualifiers, then the computer places the higher priority to the associate with 2 qualifiers left to right. For example, when position #7 fills, the associates in positions #2 and #5 have two qualifiers, the computer will reorder these two positions and #2 will go to #1 and #5 will go to #2.The computer will then reorder those associates with one qualifier, left to right and then reorder those with no qualifiers, left to right.Now there is a re-ordered Panel, positions #1 through #7 filled.This is accomplished by the computer immediately and instantly the associate in position #1 cycles the Panel earning a Personal Panel Over Ride Cycling Bonus of $250 (1 qualifier) or $500 (2 qualifiers) and follows to and occupy the first available position (#4, 5, 6, or 7) on their sponsor's current Panel.Then, also instantly, the computer will create 2 new Panels and place the remaining 6 associates as follows, #2, 4, & 6 to a new Panel and #3, 5 & 7 to a new Panel, occupying positions #1, 2 & 3 on each new Panel, to which the computer adds 4 empty positions as #4, 5, 6, & 7 to each Panel, thereby creating 2 new Panels.Personal Cycling BonusWhen a CSB-A or APC cycles the Revolution Panel with one (1) qualifier the associate earns $250.When a CSB-A or APC cycles the Revolution Panel with two (2) qualifiers the associate earns $500.Sponsor Over Ride, Cycling BonusWhenever a CSB-A cycles a Revolution Panel, earning $250 (1 qualifier) or $500 (2 qualifiers), their sponsor earns $250.Please note another important feature of the comp plan that favors "builders" is the fact that APCs are linked (for purposes of awarding the sponsor cycling bonus) to the primary position of the associate who earned them and when an APC cycles the Panel the sponsor over ride cycling bonus of $250 is paid to the sponsor of the primary position.For example Liza has sponsored Joe who has earned 4 APCs. Whenever Joe or any of his 4 APCs cycles the Panel, Liza earns the $250 sponsor over ride bonus per each cycle.Leadership Bonus PoolIn keeping with the nautical theme of Club Sea Breeze, associates earn leadership ranks and points from One Star Navigator up through Five Star Navigator.Once earned, the rank is permanent and the points cumulative.One powerful enhancement that was recently added was making the cycling activity of an Associates primary PC and all of their APCs cumulative, meaning that once the combined total of cycles of your Primary PC and your APCs totals 10, you become a 1* Navigator. And it follows then that when two of your personally sponsored people and their APCs cumulatively cycle 10 times, they become 1* Navigators and you become a 2* Navigator and so on up to 5* Navigator. The Leadership Ranks are attained and identified as follows:One Star Navigator: 10 Revolution Panel cycles and earns 5 points, 5 totalTwo Star Navigator: A One Star Navigator down-line in two separate legs 10 points, 15 totalThree Star Navigator: A Two Star Navigator down-line in two separate legs 20 points, 35 totalFour Star Navigator: A Three Star Navigator down-line in two separate legs 40 points, 75 totalFive Star Navigator: A Four Star Navigator down-line in two separate legs 80 points, 155 totalHow is the pool developed?
$5 from Each CSB Membership sold in a given month goes into the Leadership Pool
$5 from Each CSB Panel cycle in a given month goes into the Leadership Pool
When an associate cycles the Panel with 1 qualifier and gets paid $250, the remaining $250 goes into the monthly Leadership PoolSo for example, a monthly leadership bonus pool calculation could be:2500 Memberships x $5 = $12,500600 Panel Cycles x $5 = $ 3,000100 1 Qualifier Cycles X $250 = $25,000Total Funding of Monthly Leadership Pool $40,500400 Points Earned, $40,500 divided by 400 points = $101.25 per point3-Star Navigator earns 35 points35 points x $101.25 per point = $2,531.25Based upon these figures, the Leadership Bonus for a 3-Star Navigator in this month is $2,531.25Money Manager Commissions, Residual Income ComponentThe fifth and final component of the CSB compensation plan is based upon the optional Money Manager product, which is $19.97 per month.As your down-line opt-in or you sell this product you are paid 12.5% per associate infinitely wide and down 5 levels, monthly.For example for each associate that opts in or sale of the money manager you make 12.5% of each $19.97 or $2.50/each/month is paid to you, 5 levels deep.Now, $2.50 per person per month may not seem like a lot, but remember, it is residual, it is passive, you are not doing anything additional to earn that income and it comes each month, like clockwork, simple.Obviously, there is a lot more to the Club Sea Breeze Compensation Plan than the Revolution Panel, but of course that is where the bulk of the activity and attention will be centered.Cycling compensation plans are hugely popular right now in the network marketing industry, some of the highlights discussed in this article were:
There are 5 components to the Club Sea Breeze Compensation Plan, interrelated and interdependent, but only 2 components directly relate to the Revolution Panel.
The CSB Revolution Panel is a single cycler
Your new CSB Revolution Panel starts with 4 of 7 positions filled (includes you)
Your new CSB Revolution Panel has only 3 positions to fill to create a cycle
5 ways to fill the 3 positions
5 ways to qualify your position
Requires you to sponsor a maximum of 11 new associates for you to cycle
You can cycle personally sponsoring as few as 2
You are allowed to place your new associates and APCs anywhere in your down-line WITHOUT giving up sponsorship
You can split placement to one panel and qualifier to another
When your personally sponsored associates and APCs cycle they follow to your current Panel, or the one you designate.
When you cycle your Panel you earn $250 (1 qualifier) or $500 (2 qualifiers)
When your personally sponsored associates and their APCs cycle you earn $250This linear follow-me cycler with the kind of flexibility of placements and qualifiers has never before been programmed, and in fact, the company programming the CSB compensation plan is a 12 year veteran programming comp plans for the network marketing industry and the owner got so excited he secured a position in CSB after reviewing the plan his company was being asked to program and this comp plan is so unique that a patent is being sought.Club Sea Breeze with its incredible Product Suite and Revolution Panel went "LIVE" April 5th, 2010 and the company leadership feels they will rock the industry and change the landscape of network marketing. Time will tell if Club Sea Breeze truly is bringing ... the winds of change.

