
Do You Provide Product Reviews For Your Customers?

Network marketing companies have one or two "flag-ship" products that the company is built around. These are the products that receive the bulk of the advertising. People identify an MLM company with its main products. But what about the other products that are available in your product line?Of course it is impossible to use every product that you have in your MLM company, but you do have customers that use different products. These are the people that can write a product review for you. Most people are more than willing to write about a product that they have been using if it has given them the results they wanted.It would be a suggestion to offer any of your customers some incentive to provide a product review for you. It is just a nice gesture to offer something for their time. It could be a discount, a free product or some other incentive, but it has to be something of value for them.Why would you want to provide product reviews? To provide relevant information to your customers. After reading a product review some of your customers may see another product that may solve a problem for them. If your network marketing company has a large number of products, providing reviews is the best way to let your customers know about them.Of course it is important for those providing any product review to explain the benefits of the particular product and give a personal testimony. There is no stronger sales tool than a testimony from average people who use a product and are willing to share how it has changed their lives.Of course most MLM companies have product information on their web sites, but remember many people will not surf through a site. They want the information jumping out at them. And what better way than to send your customers product reviews? Remember, a product review will most likely generate new sales with old customers.As a network marketer you have to be continuously providing your customers with relevant information. You have to keep in touch with them to help build customer loyalty. Product reviews is one of the best ways to do this. This simple marketing tool is one that is seldom used by networkers.Building a successful home based business in the network marketing industry take time. And at times it also requires you to be unique so you can set yourself apart from the rest of the networkers. Think about the number of people in the MLM industry. They are all looking for the same consumer dollars as you.So to give yourself a little advantage over the rest, start supplying some product reviews for your customers. You will increase your sales and solidify loyalty with your customer base.

