
Numis Network Review - Find Out Why the Program is Unique

Numis Network Provides you with the chance to increase your networth even though you don't sponsor. The interesting area is you will mainly like sponsor more than before as the product it's actually something we all require more of, want more of, and can't get enough of these days....Numis Network is certainly bringing something more challenging to the table as an alternative to the next latest & greatest super juice that is claimed to be so different from the hundreds of other similar products. At this time I have become so used to everything just being another version of the thing before in network marketing like no one can come up with anything new! That is until Numis Network came along as the only network marketing company that helps people increase your riches just by being on autoship How is this possible you ask? Simple, Numis Network, a new network marketing company is groundbreaking a strong path in network marketing by having a product or service that is actually an asset and raises in value over time. It's not strange why entrepreneurs, smart network marketers, and especially internet marketers are joining up to this company as you read this. I mean, really, it's about time someone thought outside the box!!!We are going to break up this opportunity down into the main components that anyone must look into when looking at a new venture: Product, Timing, Ownership/Management, and Trends.The Numis Network's Product is a one of kind product in the network marketing industry with zero Competition in a $100 Billion dollar industry......need I say more? Think of all the companies professing to own a one of kind product when in reality they are coming into a market with hundreds of comparable products and services.With Numis Network you actually have the possibility to have a one of kind product that has no competition. This company is pioneering a new type of product and this product is in very high demand. In fact this product is already a 100 billion dollar industry world wide and a 10 billion dollar industry in the US alone. It's about to get a whole lot bigger. This is a wide open marketing with zero competition.The Product in Numis Network Is Money!Let me be clear here, the product is not paper money. It's far better than that! It's Silver and Gold Coins.The reports is full of stories about why you have to own Silver and Gold. But, there is one type of Silver and Gold that historically and persistently has outperformed the growth in value of special metal Bullion coins. That is Numismatic Silver and Gold Coins.That is exactly what the product in Numis Network is: the highest grade gold and silver Numismatic coins available. The word "Numis" is short for Numismatic which mean the collecting and studying of money, and numismatic coins are collectible coins. A collectible coin is one that has been reviewed by industry experts at one of 3 recognized independent grading companies, and is then noted as to its condition. A score of 70 is perfect. Numis network sells numismatic coins with a score of 70. It is exactly the essence of becoming a Numis network associate, to make real money and maximize riches by acquiring valuable coins at the same time. This is a win-win situation.Let's do a quick assessment here so you get the distinction between valuable coins vs non valuable coins. A plain old, uncirculated 2009 Silver American Eagle is worth $20. A Graded MS69 Coin would be worth 50% more: $30. But a coin, judged by experts to be a perfect coin and graded Mint State 70, is worth $125 at retail right now, and depending on where you look, is selling for much more than that.To make this even clearer, a 1997 Silver American Eagle that is graded a perfect MS70 has a retail value of $500. Remember, a bullion coin of that same year would worth a fraction of that amount. (About $20.) Just imagine if you had one of these coming to your house every month for the past 5 years! You would be very happy with how you sunk your money. To make the deal even sweeter you actually get to create massive residual income at the same time as you collect your coins with a one of kind business opportunity.Visionary Leadership with the Numis Network OwnershipThe founders of Numis Network, Jake Kevorkian, Ian Cordell and Chris Kent, have over 60 yrs of experience in network marketing. As far as Jake Kevorkian, he is recognized as a pioneer, visionary, and leading force in the network marketing industry. Ian Cordell and Chris Kent created a software company, International Direct Selling Technology Corporation, which has become a top provider of technology and software services for the direct selling industry with hundreds of large network marketing companies as clients throughout the world.They combined with Mike Mezack, the #1 numismatic coin salesman in the world. Mike has been seen on home shopping network for the last 8 yrs and has moved over $100 million a year in Numismatic coins sales and has done over $1 billion in sales of numismatic coins.The Numis Network's Lucrative Compensation PlanNumis has a hybrid compensation plan that allows everyone to win. It pays you in the following ways: (1) Your binary down line for cycle bonuses, (2) your enroller organization for matching bonuses, and (3) a powerful coded organization for coded collector bonuses. You also get Fast Track collector bonuses that enable you to generate income immediately. This is in addition to commissions you can earn on sales made to your customers.The Timing with Numis Network Couldn't be Any Sweeter...The fact that you are reading this right this moment makes you a very fortunate person with a significant advantage. You see, Numis Network started in August 2009 and is already seeing mind-blowing growth. If you get on the vision here you have the opportunity to get in front of the trends and by getting involved now you are setting yourself for a serious income opportunity.You have to remember we are conversing about a product with zero competition in an enormous market. The numismatic coins industry is already a $100 billion dollar enterprise world wide and $10 billion dollar industry just in the USA. There is no one else marketing this product in this wide open market.Currently there is no ruling player in the Coin Dealing industry. It's mostly 'mom & pop' size businesses. Numis Network is positioned to become that dominant company in a wide open market. They are pioneering the way in a wide open route that is in very high demand.Compound that with the Network Marketing and Internet Developments..Network marketing is a $31 billion dollar industry in the USA and a $114 billion dollar industry worldwide which forms the most perfect mixture for huge energy and growth. To top it off INTERNET MARKETING is overflowing and Numis Network has created a streamlined online marketing funnel system that works flawlessly for any online marketer to tie into their online marketing. You can capitalize on these powerful market trends and the fact that Numismatic coins are at an all time high and increasing every day.Let's sum it up by looking at what you get if you were to join the Numis Network today...You get to promote the one thing people require the most, money.You get a distinctive product with zero competition in the network marketing industryYou get a product that people want and comprehend (no explaining or convincing)You get to have an asset delivered on auto ship each monthYou get to increase your wealth just by purchasing the productYou get to be forward of the trends by getting involved in the beginning of an explosive companyYou get to associate with skilled, confirmed ownershipYou get a potent online marketing system & a company that understand the internetYou get to experience a cream of the crop compensation plan that pays strong upfront as well as long term residual income

