
MLM Lead Generation Requires Focus and a Solid Network Marketing Foundation

The best MLM companies are ones that has been in business for 2 years old, have distributor friendly policies & procedures, have many quality products, and lastly have the right compensation plan. Once you have selected a network marketing company that provides the elements above and thereby creating a strong foundation for you and your downline it is time to consider lead generation.Lead generation is not a complex process if you focus on two or three methods. There are countless methods used by network marketers to generate leads. This fact make is difficult for new marketers to stick to any one method. Lead generation is like advertising, where you are always split testing your advertising message to continually improve on results.You always need to be working two or three lead generating methods to find the one that works best for you. Focus your efforts on two at a time until you master those methods. It could be social media marketing on Facebook or PPC advertising on Google. Either method will work but you need to focus on them to get the best results.This is especially true with paid advertising like PPC. You want to fine tune your message quickly so you can get your conversion rate low enough to continue. This will normally take you 60 to 90 days depending upon the time you spend on the process and your monthly advertising budget.Most people in network marketing prefer the free marketing methods but these do take a longer to master and the time you put into these methods daily in the first few months is substantial. Even if the marketing is FREE; focus is required to decrease the length of time to success.When doing lead generation you are advised not to directly promote your business opportunity because that is what every one else does. Provide valuable content to your potential lead to give them a reason to interact with you. Once you get them to interact with you, it is much easier to get them to listen to a message about your opportunity.Remember that most people do not like to be sold, so do not approach lead generation in the same way you would direct sales. Provide the potential lead with information and content that will show them the value of working with you before showing them the value of your business. In many cases these leads will end up selling themselves if left to their own devices. It will be much easier to show them the value of the business if the company you have selected is one built on a strong foundation.A quality MLM business should be designed to provide long term residue income for you and your family, so make sure you have that type of company before generating any leads.

