
You Must Have a Good Work Ethic in Network Marketing

Most people who enter network marketing believe that they will be able to be successful by other people doing the work for them.Even though that is true to a certain extent, you always have to work in your business. Your work ethic has to be above average.You have to work harder then you have ever worked before. The time that you put in your job just to get a check is over.In this business, your check literally reflects the amount of work you put in. In your traditional job, if you do not do anything for 2 weeks, you still get paid for showing up everyday.Network marketing is a different ball game, you can show up, but if you don't do anything, guess what? You don't get paid!Work ethic is one of many major reasons why people fail in network marketing. People who are new to network marketing believe they can apply the habits that they have on their jobs and think they can make money.When they discover that it does not apply, instead of changing themselves, they blame the industry and quit without looking at themselves as the problem.So, let's talk about how you change your work ethic. First you have to make a decision that you are going to work on your business everyday no matter what.As I stated earlier, you will have to sacrifice a lot to achieve maximum success in your opportunity.There is a saying that "No matter what is going on in your life, always focus on the golden goose because that will produce the golden egg". You have to be willing to sacrifice things in your life to achieve the level of success you want in your business.Next you need to organize your time. If you are still in a full time or part time job, try to schedule time to work on your business in the evenings after you have fulfilled all of your home duties.If you know you will be doing your business part time, don't set high expectations for yourself. Take it slow and make sure your up line knows what your expectations are.Lastly, find out what motivates you! We will go into depth in this in the next audio series on goals. You have to find out what will make you want to work.Money is not always the reason, sit and discover what will motivate you to work as hard as you can in your business and use that as your vehicle to take action everyday in your business. Learn what the system the top earners use.

