How to Become the Hunted Expert Instead of the Hunter When Building Your Home Based Business
In network marketing or any home based business the only really successful people are those who position themselves as a leader. The reason for this is people join leaders because they know a leader can help them get to where they want to be.There are two ways to position yourself as an expert. The first way is to promote solutions for the problems other marketers face while building their business or solutions for consumers that want to get in the industry and intelligently want guidance from someone who knows the ropes. The second way is to become a leader by raising your value to others through learning winning marketing skills and training and instructing others.These two ways are related to the reasons someone may want to join you in business. They think of you as a leader who can help them learn how to be successful in the industry or they believe your system will help them succeed without struggling or wasting time and money.When someone goes to a company replicated site of yours and opts in for information, it does two things. It puts them on your company's auto responder list and not your own where you can control what is sent. Also they start getting mind numbing and pointless emails telling how great the company and their products are.Most of the emails will be about upcoming events and will talk about features like how they are debt free, when they were founded, their great comp plan, product features, etc... People don't really care about this stuff, they just want to make money.Most companies will teach "old school" offline methods for building your business. These methods will take years to work but there is an alternative; attraction marketing using the Internet. Part of this strategy is using your own autoresponder to collect and manage your list of prospects. This is a service where you have complete control of the messages that are sent to your prospects.Every message will have your name and you can teach and promote tools and products to your list that helps them build their business. All the links can be affiliates of your so you can earn a commission from every purchase by those on your list. If you promote tools that help them and teach them to build their business you will be building a relationship with them. This will cause them to want your messages for the help you provide.If your messages do not help them they will unsubscribe and even delete your unopened emails. Teaching them strategies that work and giving them ideas will build trust and cause them to like you. People do business with those they like and trust. They could be in your marketing funnel for years.The real advantage is you will be perceived as a leader that helps others succeed and it will be building the brand of YOU. Using your own autoresponder service to share valuable information and promote your affiliate products will build lasting relationships.The most powerful messages are short, to the point, and tell a story or are in the form of an interview. There are two elements you need to use for best results. First, great content that helps them in their efforts, and second, emotion which can be brought out by using a story they can relate to because that will make it more memorable.Emotions come into play for many people's decisions and if your story brings that out it will help you. People remember stories better than facts and figures and they will make decisions based on emotions so it will be better to bring that out. It will help people to remember you and develop a following of people who are attracted to you.Attraction is not a decision it is a response and if you give them reasons to like you like being able to relate to your story and reasons to trust you like showing them solutions to their problems they will have no choice. You educated them and gave them a system that works and they will be attracted to you.
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