
Top MLM Leaders - Are You One of Them?

The world of MLM is full of wannabe leaders pretending to be top producers. These pretenders say that their business is the best business on the planet and that no other business compares. They supposedly offer the best product, backed by the best company, and the top MLM leaders. Then the next week these same so called "MLM leaders" are pitching you another business opportunity singing the same old song and dance. Does this story sound all to familiar?So what makes someone a top MLM leader? Do they need to be rich, drive fancy cars, live in a mansion, have the most expensive jewelry, and be the top producer in their company?Some of the top MLM leaders in the industry could answer yes to all of these questions. Some of these leaders may say that by answering yes to all of these questions that they are a leader, and if you achieve this status you'll become one too.Can a person that's been involved in the MLM industry for years, that's also dead broke, and never had success be an MLM Leader?True leaders command attention. What they say usually has value. There are some very rich MLM leaders that are full of hogwash, and yet there are also dead broke veterans of the MLM industry that command attention. What they say has more value than what the "rich leader" brings to the table. So in this scenario would the broke veteran of the industry be more of a leader than the rich one?The MLM industry has created a tug of war on the hearts of many people. Just bring up the word MLM in a conversation and you'll absolutely get a reaction. People will have a passionate answer one way or the another. The word MLM really stirs up a reaction in people.People may react negatively because they've been "burnt" in the past by a company or MLM leader? Someone may react positively because they may be one of the pretend leaders that bounces around the industry pitching you the latest and greatest opportunity. Or you may also get a positive reaction from someone who just may know what they are talking about. You never know what reaction you'll get, but you will get a reaction.If you want to find out who the top MLM leaders are, do some investigating and research on them. If you want to find out if someone is legitimate research them on the Internet. Check out their MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter profiles. Check and see if they have a personal blog. Read what they write and post and pay attention to what others have to say about them.A great place to network with the top MLM leaders in the industry is on Better Networker. This site is where the top leaders network. If you want to know who's legitimate in the MLM industry, this site is a great place to find out. Better Networker is dedicated to serious entrepreneurs only. The community votes on the material that's posted on this site and truly separates the contenders from the pretenders. There is a wealth of knowledge and great minds on this site.So are you still wondering if you're an MLM leader? Don't worry about the money in your pocket, the car you drive, or if you're the lowest producer in your company. That doesn't matter. What matters is if you believe in what you do, bring value to others around you, and act with integrity. "Remember that people don't care about how much you know, they just want to know that you care." If you believe in your heart that you're a leader, then you're a leader and others will follow you.

