
What Attracts Your Prospects to You?

People join a network marketing company for one reason and one reason only. To make money! It's as simple as that. If anyone tells you they have other reasons for getting into the MLM industry then they probably don't need to be starting their own home based business in network marketing. But for those of us who are not afraid to admit that our main goal in MLM is to make money, what makes us decide to join one company rather than another? Is it the products that draws a prospect? Is it the compensation plan that brings someone in? Or could it be something else that draws a prospect to a particular company?Could that something else be you? Think about this for a moment. Most legitimate MLM companies have good products. And for the most part, all companies have compensation plans that certainly favor the company, but they are in business also to make money. So if a prospect is going to join your company, it will usually be the result of how the prospect perceives you. People join a networking company because of the people that introduce them to it. If they see you as someone who is honest and trustworthy, it will be a determining factor in their getting involved. Of course the product and pay plan are factors to be considered, but they are not as important as the role you play.People are looking for someone they can trust and that will help them build a business. They know that no matter how good the products are or how well the compensation plan is, to be successful they will need to partner with a leader. If you show leadership qualities it will attract prospects. Because of this you can see how important good communication plays in getting a prospect to join you in your network marketing company. If you are unable to convey the message that it will be a benefit for them to work with you, then you will have great difficulty in building an MLM business.It doesn't matter how good the company website is at explaining the products and the compensation plan, it will be how they perceive you that will determine if they join you. You have to know your product, know your compensation plan and know how to develop a business. If you are unable to show your prospects that you can help them build a business, they will move on to the next person. Then they will move on to the next, and the next, until they find the one that they feel will help them build a successful business.Remember that it is you that will determine if your prospects will join you in your network marketing company. Know your information and be able to communicate it effectively. Be a leader and you will attract prospects into your business.

