
Sharing Your Business With Your Network Marketing Leads Will Destroy Your Success

I see so many people enter this industry and attempt to prospect their network marketing leads by sharing their products with them. After all, that's what almost everyone who enters this industry is taught to do. In fact, it's just about the exclusive marketing method taught at those infamous hotel and home meetings put on by your opportunity.You're constantly told to "just get the products in the hands of your network marketing leads and they'll love it. It'll sell itself". Which, I have to admit, sounds pretty easy when you first hear it. After all, you simply share some products that you love with other people and you'll be paid to do it!But what happens?You start sharing the wonderful new juice, vitamin, or whatever else to your network marketing leads. But they don't listen. It's baffling. After all, you take the juice yourself and it makes you feel SO much better.So why don't other people want it?Well let's examine the psychology of sharing a little deeper, and once we do you'll see a startling reality that most network marketers never even realize exists. Which, as a result, effectively derails any hopes they had of success.Now let's say, for example, that I just starting using a gas additive in my car. I absolutely love this gas additive. In fact, my car has started getting an extra 15mpg, and my mechanic says he's never seen anything work so well.So I tell you about it. And I even tell you which store you can go buy it from. Would you try it? Probably. I know I would if someone I trusted personally had the kind of results I just described.Now what about if I told you that I'm a distributor for this new gas additive, and the only place you can order it is from me. On top of that, I make 30% off of each bottle I sell.Would you still be as willing to try it?I highly doubt it. You see, the minute you realize I have something to gain through my recommendation of the product is the minute you start discounting my opinion. Well, my friend, your network marketing leads are no different.They heavily discount your opinion when it comes to your products because they realize you have something to gain from their use of it - money. This now turns your supposed sharing into something completely different: selling.So when you approach your network marketing leads from the angle of sharing, when in reality you're selling them, it's no wonder you face constant rejection.

