Remember, this is a relationship. The prospect is asking you questions about your business and about you. However, I have not seen very successful marriages, where one spouse is required to do everything from now to eternity, and the other spouse does anything. Now, this type of marriage would fail, but so will a business relationship if it is onesided too. Remember, it is an interview. Do you want to really invest in the prospect and help them make money? How do you know the person you should be working with and who is wasting your time and energy and will never go anywhere?For those in network marketing, we all know it is work. It is not a get rich quick plan. If you do zero, I will be a psychic and predict what your check will be every month..... It would be zero! Now, what will happen with your checks if you have all zeros? They will be zero too. We know that the fact to be successful is getting the company product to move. So, how do you know the people who are serious as a heart attack or not worth already chewed bubblegum.Now, when your a business owner, you interview your employees, and you may have been on each side of the process. Now, you have to be interviewing your prospects. If you are puking all over them with why your opportunity is the best for them, stop and go into the bathroom and puke all you want and get it out of your system. Come back and interview your business partners.In the interview, it is not about you talking, it is about you getting answers. Let the prospect talk to you. Here are key questions that I ask.Have you owned a business before? How long have you been in the industry? What company were you with? Now, this will be for someone that was in a networking business before. Listen to the answers, because this is where people will tell you what you want to hear.
What made you want to start a home based business? Why did you start a business?
How are you currently building your business? What methods have you used to find people to build your business? What has challenged you? Why did it challenge you? How did you get past the challenge?
How many people are you sponsoring in your business each week? What is the size of your team?
How much are you able to invest in your business each month? How much are you making? Are you in profit?
What is your biggest goal? (Get them to spill their guts and their Why)
Find out about family, hobbies, married life! This can be the reason most people get out of a business. You need to know what drives them!
How do you see yourself building this business?Get them to talk! See where their focus is at. Is it on customers or getting rich in the next 30 days? You will have to work with these people, and you want to work with serious people and not job hoppers. When I wind down the interview process, I like to see who their mentors and where they got the education from. This is important and you need to have someone that you like the training style and the in your face training, and have someone to refer them to. You want the person to grow and not waste your time.